Bach Zhaa
Peacekeeper 47
Iao Moonshadow
Good Person
Doctor PHD
(...And the stealthy - parked under the LZ - recorder:)
Zephyr Fox
(...And not to forget the undetected, other parked, non chatty, lurking, or stealthy citizens)
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:48 AM *
» Immigration Officer:
It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
Bukka: testing
Bukka: Looking for a PARTY ??? The TGIF Party will be at Highwayman's Club in Alphaworld - 11:59 pm vrt.. August 21,2015
Bukka: Join the AW community for some Fun, Music and Dance plus you can win 1000 MyAW ptz playing the Acronyms Game!,..
Bukka: TGIF's coming soon to various locations around AlphaWorld... stay tuned for more info
TaLon56: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Bach Zhaa: The Activeworlds Community Meeting will begin in about 1 hour from 6-8PM VRT in AWExpo / Alpha world Landing zone Bring your events and questions. Everyone is invited.
TenYearsGone: Thanks Bach
TaLon56: Wasn't there just a Community meeting like uh sometime before :P
TaLon56: :D
Bach Zhaa: every two weeks about for over 5 years now :)
TaLon56 Prepares my Vast list of questions :P
TaLon56: Oh and the answer to all of them are yes :)
Bach Zhaa: prob should brew some coffee then :o
TaLon56: Except the no ones
TaLon56: I got coffee
TenYearsGone: move over caffeine, this is a job for alcohol
TaLon56: Uh they put caffeine in alcohol now :O
TaLon56: and cola
TaLon56: and energy drinks
TaLon56: gotta keep the people working somehow :P
Bukka: Looking for a PARTY ??? The TGIF Party will be at Highwayman's Club in Alphaworld - 11:59 pm vrt.. August 21,2015
TaLon56: Gremots Teleporlator Pano is Coolio
TenYearsGone: Yay Highwayman !
Bukka: Looking for a PARTY ??? The TGIF Party will be at Highwayman's Club in Alphaworld - 11:59 pm vrt.. August 21,2015
Bukka: Join the AW community for some Fun, Music and Dance plus you can win 1000 MyAW ptz playing the Acronyms Game!,..
Bukka: TGIF's coming soon to various locations around AlphaWorld... stay tuned for more info
TaLon56: I believe I have a Dinner engagement Friday :(
Bukka: it goes on for hours and hours
TaLon56: Yeah it does :P
Toxor: party at HWM's!
Bukka: woo hoo !!
TenYearsGone: Yep, last one was a barnburner
TaLon56: Well, let me call my Friend and just cancel Dinner :O
TaLon56: I am sure they will understand
Bukka: there ya go...priorities
Bukka: lol
TenYearsGone: Derpy was there, bump warping everyone to Domfords.... I basked in the glow of the floodlights and watched the dancing going on.... well attended.... good times
Bukka: I hear one of the next ones will be at Ten's place
Toxor: sounds like good times, sorry I missed that one
TenYearsGone: Plappo's Mint Tea Bits, at the Happy Valley Yacht Club
Bukka: nice
TaLon56: My Doctor said to stop going to ParTay's all night so I got a New doctor :D
Bukka: my doctor throws the best parties
Toxor: nice fishing in Happy Valley too
TenYearsGone: He does?
TenYearsGone: Don't forget the hunting
Toxor: oh yeah
TenYearsGone: I just rebuilt the Nougat House.... Now with 80% more ug.
Bukka: yep...big bowls full of good kush and clothing optional swimming
Bukka: Be Right Back. =o)
TenYearsGone: Merry actually went inside the nougat house, and shortly after wished that she hadn't
Merry.: lol @@
Merry.: i have fond memories of eating nougat :)
TenYearsGone: Have you recovered from your tramatic experience
TenYearsGone: ?
TenYearsGone: Well, in an SW City context, "nougat" is not exactly a confection made from corn syrup
Merry.: no i wish i could eat more ... but it is very addictive lol
Merry.: the nougat house just needs a bit of paint :-)
Merry.: pink and white lol
TenYearsGone: looks delish
Merry.: yep it is absolutely
TenYearsGone: and the mold cleaned out of it. Bit of bleach to clean up the grime and slime
Merry.: yep ... and a few flower pots outside :-)
Merry.: add a fire and a cooker
Merry.: and voila .... a nice nougat house lol
TenYearsGone: Nougats are actually those slug-like creatures that you saw inside
Merry.: oh yuk
Merry.: i wouldn't fancy one of those :(
TenYearsGone: They steal whatever is not nailed down, hoard garbage, and destroy everything nice
Mouxi: Hello!
Merry.: hello Mouxi :-)
Mouxi: I make a little expo for my Titanic
TenYearsGone: I believe in Englandshire, you refer to them as "nutters"
Mouxi: 1 part in AW and 1 part in AW-Europe
Mouxi: soon because is not finish....
Merry.: Hello Father, forgive me for I have sinned :-)
Mouxi: just my titanic is build, not completed...
Mouxi: I have not finished..
Merry.: i look forward to seeing the finished thing :)
TenYearsGone: "Hail Merry, full of grace, lift up your.... oh never mind"
Merry.: lol
Merry.: voice?
TenYearsGone: I woundn't know, I am not Catholic ;)
Merry.: me neither lol
Mouxi: I am sorry, I go to Freebie because I am busy in my Titanic. Thank for the visit, byebye! :-)
Merry.: ok Mouxi :)
TenYearsGone: Now, wait a minute,,,, finished thing? You "finish" the Nougat House by stealing a bomb from Syncorp, and blowing the abomination to hell where it belongs
Dovestar: +O.o
Dovestar: o.O
Merry.: hello Dove :-)
Dovestar: Greetings :D
Dovestar cranks up the speakers and chills until the meeting is started
Bach Zhaa: derp
Bach Zhaa: :o
Bach Zhaa: :D
Merry.: ((((Bach))))
Dovestar: Ahh the Agents of Derp are present
Bach Zhaa: hey Merry heya everyone :)
Merry.: *waves*
Dovestar: Now Playing: Howard Jones - New Song on RJB Radio
Merry.: oooh another nice song
Merry.: 'pul off those mental chains' doo doo doo
Merry.: l
Dovestar: yeah got stuff from 1960's up till now even some stuff older than my mom lol but they play rarely
Dovestar: lol
Father.: How long til meeting?
Dovestar: 16 mins
Dovestar: and counting
Bach Zhaa: its from 6-8 PM
Father.: Gotcha
Merry.: Father it starteth at 18.00 hours
Father.: What are we covering here?
Bach Zhaa: not sure.. what you bring?
Bach Zhaa: ;)
Dovestar: that would be BZ;s Territory lol
Dovestar: lol
TenYearsGone: Nougats
Merry.: lol
Dovestar: im just a not so innocent bi-stander
Merry.: as long as they are pink and whites and full of nuts :)
Chumana: no comment :)
Dovestar: lol Chumana
Dovestar: lol
Merry.: lol (((Chumana)))
Chumana: howdies folks :)
Dovestar: Howdie high
Merry.: howdy doo dee
Dovestar: Howdie doodie time
Dovestar: lol
Father.: Good evening Stayjit
Dovestar: Ah hi there Stayjit
Stayjit: evening?
Dovestar: Now Playing: The Animals - Bring It On Home To Me on RJB Radio
Bach Zhaa: hey Stayjit
Dovestar: Hi Kenneth
Kenneth: Hi Dovestar
Dovestar: Todays Topic, The Agents of Derp, how can we deal with such a organization. lol
Peacekeeper 47: hello everyone :)
Merry.: lol
Merry.: Hello PK :_)
Dovestar: Ji Pk47
Dovestar: hi even
CosmicTruth: ttwakie wakie, hands off snakie
Merry.: :-O
Peacekeeper 47: ;)
Merry.: hello CT :-)
CosmicTruth: oops hi pk
Kenneth: Dove, what exactly does Derp mean? A page off of Google says it is someone in both political parties.
GSK: Derp is like a lapse in judgment
Dovestar: Lol
Kenneth: I see
CosmicTruth: its a reference to a stupid cartoon horse
Kenneth: oh lol
Peacekeeper 47: bachs favorite saying in aw lol
Kenneth: PK, I know....
Dovestar: It was introduced to me by The Great Zhaa of Bach
Dovestar: lol
Kenneth: I just didn't know if there was any hidden agenda with it
Peacekeeper 47: dont think so
Kenneth: ok thanks
Bach Zhaa: derp for me was just a way to announce myself.. like I tripped thru the door or something.. but techically it means a mistake and derp is the moment you relize it was a mistake.
Kenneth: ok thanks Bach :)
Dovestar: They are the Government within the Goverment thats Within The Goverment
Dovestar: lol
Merry.: like 'Doh' then :)
TenYearsGone: Which actually explains a lot about government
Bach Zhaa: yeah exactly
Dovestar: But Classier
Dovestar: lol
Merry.: lol @ classier
TenYearsGone: or derpier
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: getting moar coffee brb
Merry.: lol
Merry.: derpier looks french :)
Dovestar: Derp is like a Royal version od Doh
CosmicTruth: how is the AW-re-mapper project coming?
TenYearsGone: That almost sounds french..... I tripped over the dog, and landed right on my derpierre
Peacekeeper 47: lol
Merry.: lol
TenYearsGone: The dog was not happy
Merry.: lol
Merry.: at least you didn't land on the dog :)
TaLon56: I moved the Derpierre into the Living room and Everyone Loved it :)
Merry.: lol
Dovestar: Now Playing: 3 Derps Down - Away from the Sun on RJB Radio
TenYearsGone: Is the beating about to start?
Kenneth: I've been up since 5:30 so I'll be pretty quiet in the meeting I think.. I do what to announce 1 thing though.
Bach Zhaa: lol
Kenneth: what = want
Bach Zhaa pulls out big stick
Merry.: ok Kenneth :-)
Kenneth: :)
Merry.: you getting married?
TenYearsGone: sorry... meeting.... I derp words like that when my sinuses act up
Kenneth: LOL I wish
Merry.: :-D
Dovestar pulls out bigger stick and throws it aside to grab his coffee
TaLon56: If what means want what does want mean?
TaLon56: :)
Merry.: what lol
Kenneth: double rainbow!
Merry.: oh double rainbow? double good luck then
Kenneth: lol
Kenneth: "What does it mean???" video
Merry.: ohhhhhhhhhhh that one lol
Kenneth: LOL
Merry.: the sapced out hippy :)
Bach Zhaa: heya Max :)
MaXPoly: hi all
Kenneth: lol
Merry.: and spaced out lol
Kenneth: Hi Max :)
TenYearsGone: hmmm, my "meeting" stick says "Louisville Slugger" on it
Merry.: hello Max :-)
Dovestar sips coffee and enjoys the derpy mayhem happening before him
MaXPoly: hows all the campers today, dont feed the animals remember
Merry.: we are eating nougat lol
TenYearsGone: but I am hungry, Max.
Dovestar: not crack candy
Kenneth: I need to figure out shear... haven't tried it yet
Dovestar: that was a miss advertisement
TaLon56: Speaking of that , is the first order of business Dinner?
Bach Zhaa: still a couple minutes left so get comfortable.. grab a beverage of choice. /bz sips coffee
Father. adds Ice Tea to his RPG Bot
CosmicTruth: BEER
Merry. genteely sips cider
Merry.: sluuuuuuuuuuuuuurp
TenYearsGone: I am with CT on this one
Merry.: slurp 'n burp lol
TenYearsGone: That was possibly the most ladylike slurp I have heard since MeL did that
Merry.: lol
MeL: o_o
Bach Zhaa: I suppose we can begin.. Welcome everyone :D
Dovestar pulls out cold keg and bottles of wine along with a jug or two of moonshine
Dovestar: Ok im ready
MeL: when I burp it rocks the house
Merry.: hello Bach :-)
SnOwKuPP: hello
Merry.: lol Mel
TenYearsGone: You did drink cider in the past, haven't you MeL?
SnOwKuPP: everyone loves it
Dovestar: ahd lays stash out on the table
Dovestar: :P
Bach Zhaa: and welcome to those that may be here for the first time.. :) I think there are a few of you.. :D
MeL: cider?.. not that I can remember.. <-- thats probably when I did
Bach Zhaa: we already have 51 in alpha so off to a good start :)
Karten: Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening where ever in the world you are
Dovestar is number 49.5
TenYearsGone: *nods* goes down just like apple juice
SnOwKuPP burps
MeL: come out like apple juice too
Merry.: @@
Dovestar gets serious. so he will be quiet for a long time
Merry.: lol
Bach Zhaa: I usually start with where we are, but you all have seen this place. there has been an addition tho, so whats everyone think of the new MyAW building in the corner?
Dovestar: nice
SnOwKuPP: works
Kenneth: cool
TenYearsGone: look at them fly over !
Bach Zhaa: GSK was into stretching his wings a bit so he got relocated to a new spot off the main concourse
CosmicTruth: kinda bright
Kenneth: bright attracts people
SnOwKuPP: tickle your fancy
Bach Zhaa: let him know what you think. I know he is always open for constructive advice
CosmicTruth: bright hurts my eye.rwx
Kenneth: lol
TenYearsGone: Oh no... GSK is going to click things!
GSK: Yep, always open to advice but it is designed to be bright and welcoming ^_^
Father.: GSK
GSK: Father
Father.: I'll whisper to you.
GSK: o_o
Dovestar: hmm too much whispering means secrets
Dovestar: O.o
Dovestar: o.O
Dovestar: -.-
SnOwKuPP: tatle
Father. tells GSK that he loves him in whispers
Bach Zhaa: Since we already kinda segued into MyAW.. you want to fill us in on recent updates, GSK?
Dovestar: Now playing: Civilwar - Every Day on RJB Radio
GSK: Sure thing.
Dovestar wears blue socks
Dovestar: hey that was a secret darn it
Dovestar: :P
GSK: So, I spent the last few days working on a few new features, which you can learn more about here:
SnOwKuPP: thought
Bach Zhaa: remember to hold ctrl and click links to have them open in the external browser
GSK: You can now transfer your PTZ to others, you can sort events by category, and you can quickly view the different ways to earn and lose PTZ.
Kenneth: lose or spend?
GSK: lose
Kenneth: lol
GSK: You can actually lose PTZ :P
SnOwKuPP: lost the lose
Kenneth: How is that?
MeL: yeah, how?
TenYearsGone: For example, if you bet on a Toronto sports team,you lose PTZ, not just money
GSK: well, there's not many ways to lose PTZ, but for example, if you unlike a post on MyAW, you'll lose the 1 PTZ you earned by liking it.
MeL: aahh
Bach Zhaa: it goes below 0 and we has to give up our firstborn :o
Bach Zhaa: lol
Kenneth: ah
MeL: haha
Dovestar: good deal since i have no kids
Kenneth: lol
Dovestar: lol
TenYearsGone: Yes, Bach, my son, this might be it for you.
Kenneth: I better not get on your bad side ;-)
MaXPoly: no returns
Bach Zhaa: :(
GSK: Smart TV also got a huge update recently that adds panoramics, teleports, and downloads so be sure to check it out in the new MyAW building ^_^
Dovestar: will do GSK
Kenneth: cool
GSK: I think that's all I have for today. More stuff is coming to MyAW in the future ^_^
Bach Zhaa: nice work GSK :) Thanks
Dovestar: Now playing: Uriah Heep - Do You Know on RJB Radio
GSK: sure
TenYearsGone: You will also find that SmartTV is always the first yellow button on Happy Valley TV remote controls
TaLon56: Uh , what is the point of PTZ?
Bach Zhaa: any questions on MyAW or the new pavillion?
Dovestar: can you get free Pete Zhaas?
GSK: PTZ is like a currency that you can use on MyAW and in AW itself. Eventually you'll be able to spend PTZ you earn on privileges, special access, possibly even prizes.
MaXPoly: with xtra cheese?
TenYearsGone: NO ! pony up like everyone else, ya bum !
GSK: The more you use MyAW, the more PTZ you earn.
TaLon56: Ah so it is just starting
GSK: yep, we only launched two months ago.
Dovestar: jeesh, i guess its time to get paid commercials on the station
Kenneth: PTZ is like AW dollars... spend them with each other for stuff.
Dovestar: NOT
TenYearsGone: MaX, this is AW.... there is always extra cheese
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly: lol
CosmicTruth: free PTZ for everyone using this code for the next 30 seconds VJ5WR
MaXPoly: and lots of sause , just add cits
Merry.: what does PTZ mean?
GSK: I am happy to share though that in two months time, we're up to nearly 70 users so that's pretty cool ^_^
Dovestar: Pay the Zhaa
GSK: PTZ means "points"
Dovestar: lol
Merry.: lol
Merry.: ok GSK , merci
TaLon56: It is a points system I am sure
Dovestar: its like credits
Kenneth: Give them spend them, wrap them as a gift lol
Merry.: ok :)
GSK: and yeah, if you redeem the VJ5WR code, you can get 500 bonus PTZ. If you've already redeemed it, it won't work a second time though :P
Merry.: blimey
Dovestar: lol
TaLon56: Sounds like a Pyramid scheme :P
TaLon56: LOL
SnOwKuPP: hehe
Dovestar: Now playing: Big Jay McNeely - Nervous, Man, Nervous on RJB Radio
Bach Zhaa: its a nice system. Like Ive said over and over.. if I came in, Id almost expect that AW would have its own social media site so this catches AW up, in my eyes
TenYearsGone gets out the English/Englandshire translation dictionary.... You want God to blind you, Merry?
GSK: So yeah. If there's some of you who don't have an account yet, I'd like to encourage you to grab one. It's free, after all ;)
Merry.: lol Ten
Merry.: it is just a figure of speech :)
TaLon56: Blimey
MeL: Plus,.. you can win 1000 myaw ptz at the TGIF Partys =)
Merry.: @@
GSK: Yep, and for a full list of ways to get PTZ, check out
Bach Zhaa: MeL: Plus,.. you can win 1000 myaw ptz at the TGIF Partys =)
Merry.: can we beg for PTZ? :-D
Kenneth: GSK, can you give yourself PTZ at any time or are you in the same as all of us?
Bach Zhaa: woot
TenYearsGone: oh, like when I say "oh bollocks", I am not actually cursing my testicles
Merry.: LOL
Bach Zhaa: lol
Merry.: Ten! do behave! lol
GSK: I can give anyone PTZ at any time, but I don't give myself anything extra. I earn it the same way you guys do ;)
TaLon56: Please Sir , can I have some PTZ?
Kenneth: ok :)
Merry.: can we have PTZ for Christmas? :-D
GSK: Maybe :P
Merry.: lol thankyou
Dovestar hordes all the ptz Gsk dropped
TaLon56 walks with a limp
SnOwKuPP: can I have ptz just for being me?
Merry.: lol
Bach Zhaa: and we are to believe he "earned" the million and half PTZ he has.. riiight...
Merry.: lol Snowk
Bach Zhaa: lol
GSK: haha
Chumana: lol @ Talon
GSK: I actually have just over 2,000 :P
Merry.: :-O
Kenneth: lol
TaLon56: Uh where does the PTZ come from?
Dovestar: The Million was hush money
Dovestar: or Hush ptzs
GSK: Doesn't come from anywhere specifically
SnOwKuPP: lol
Merry.: there mus be a PTZ tree
Peacekeeper 47: ;)
Merry.: t
TaLon56: there has to be a PTZ tree
SnOwKuPP: t
Dovestar: its printed at the Agents of Derp Headquarters in Happy Valley
Merry.: yes where is it?
GSK: lol
TenYearsGone: Well, TaLOn, first the GSK govenment sells bonds to banks, and issues PTS based on what the banks pay for those bonds
GSK: <_< >_> <_<
Kenneth: lol
SnOwKuPP: thats the truth
TaLon56: Ah that seems ligit
Dovestar: Dont forget about the the Stock market of GSK
GSK: lol
Kenneth: lol
SnOwKuPP: hackle
Bach Zhaa: cool.. its a way to see accomplishment and earn something for using the system.
TaLon56: so the PTS gets coverted to PTZ?
Kenneth: shhhh he will start issuing taxes soon
GSK: ;)
SnOwKuPP: gulp
TenYearsGone: When the government sells few bonds, the intrest rate is high, but when they sell a lot, the interest rate is low.... fiscal policy in AW
Kenneth: :)
Dovestar: Bond, Ptz Bond
SnOwKuPP: inses is high
TaLon56: Yes but my main question is Can you convert PTZ to Pizza?
Merry.: lol
Dovestar: yes add an a and text it to petezhaa hut
Merry.: buy one get one free even
TenYearsGone: That would be up to Pete Zhaa
SnOwKuPP: just call me James
Merry.: lol Dove
Bach Zhaa: moving on then, there has been a change up in the way the TGIF party is going to be run.. Mel, you want to fill us in on the details?
CosmicTruth: yes but not with extra cheese
Kenneth: mmmm
Dovestar: that costs extra Ptzs
Merry.: anchovies?
Dovestar: proceed grand poobah
Dovestar zipps lips and listens
SnOwKuPP burps
Merry.: lol
MeL: TGIF will be making its rounds thru Alpha to different people's builds.. this coming Friday, August 21, the TGIF will be at Highwayman Club here in Alpha.. same time. still playing the Acronyms Game.
TaLon56: Did Dovestar just call MeL PooBear?
MeL: week after will be at a Build TenyearsGone did...If, you have a Build in alpha you want the AW Community - TGIF Party to be at.. then Gram me inworld and get it on Schedule
TenYearsGone: A very ladylike burp indeed
Peacekeeper 47: very cool
Bach Zhaa: sweet :D taking the party on the road :D
SnOwKuPP: tanks
Dovestar 's lips are zipped so he can not comment
Kenneth: MeL, how about people's worlds?
MeL: TGIF will go bouncing around Alpha partying at Different People's builds and bring the aW community with it =)
MeL: exactly bach, haha
SnOwKuPP: yah I need someone to make fun of mine
Merry.: blimey
Merry.: can I gate crash?
MeL: We can do the Adult Game in dpeople's world? :D
Bach Zhaa: we have to consider the 50 user limit when moving it to other worlds
Kenneth: :)
Merry.: Adult Game? :-O
Kenneth: true Bach
Kenneth: but when has 50 people been to one of those?
SnOwKuPP: no clothes allow
Dovestar: yeah shutes n ladders with whiskey
Merry.: :-O
Dovestar: chutes lol
Merry.: i can't do nude lol
MeL: so if you want the TGIF Party at your Build some Friday.. Gram me and lets get it Schedule
Peacekeeper 47: sounds very cool
Bach Zhaa: we can always hope Kenneth lol
Kenneth: true :D
TenYearsGone: Yes, Merry... in the adult game you can use curse words like "bloody" or "bollocks".... you have to put them in quotes here
SnOwKuPP: Nekit
MeL: If anybody wants the Adult Game done in their world.. Gram me =)
Merry.: omg Adults scare me lol
Dovestar: then it will be a TGIFXXX party
SnOwKuPP: lol
SnOwKuPP: wooo
SnOwKuPP: fancy party
Chumana: hehe
Kenneth: Just not in AWSchool, I just took eject class.. o_o
MeL: Adult Games are not on fridays... any other day but fridays =)
Peacekeeper 47: lol
Merry.: lol Mel
TenYearsGone: If we have it in perra's world, we can say "helvicta" and "javlar" too
Chumana: lol
Dovestar: lol ai agree with kenntith, rated g in the school lol
Merry.: what do adult games entail?
Kenneth: lol
Chumana: um
SnOwKuPP: nekitness
Dovestar: dont want you all corrupting the innocent staff there
Kenneth: lol
MeL: its teh same as the TGIF but the answers to the game is more R and X rated is all
TenYearsGone: cuss words are allowed, I thought I made that plain
Bach Zhaa: Since were covering events already, make sure to stop in next saturday for the Explorers Club Gathering. August 22nd 4PM VRT here at the LZ
Merry.: but swearing is not a game lol
Dovestar: words such as discuss mucusss etc
Bukka: sure it is
Merry.: unless it is bloody I Spy
MeL: some of the answers is funny as hell, merry
Bach Zhaa: yah the adult games, where us prudes can cuss openly lol
Peacekeeper 47: its the acronym game but you can use grown up answers
Chumana: yeah to Explorers club
Merry.: oh i love acronyms lol
SnOwKuPP: but I am not a grownup
TenYearsGone: but in Alpha World, if you say or the words get blocked out so the bot doesnt see them, and doesn't register a valid answer
Iao Moonshadow: grown up answers lol
Dovestar knows a few acronyms personaly
Peacekeeper 47: you have to be 18 or over to enter the world and play the game
Merry.: omg can I test that?
MeL: thats the game played at the TGIF and Adult Gaming nights, Merry =) TGIF is G , PG rated.. Adult Game is R , X rated
Bach Zhaa: not here, that doesnt
Bach Zhaa: work that way
Kenneth: hmmm idea... zones with their own rating LOL
Dovestar: so thats a trif or txif party then
Merry.: actually i'd better behave
MeL: =)
SnOwKuPP: why?
Dovestar: ?
Merry.: 0 :-)
SnOwKuPP: be yourself
SnOwKuPP: be yourself
Dovestar is himself, unfortunately for all of you.
Kenneth: lol
Merry.: :)
SnOwKuPP: because no one else wants to
MeL: awww loook . a lost little boy.. wait'.. thats stayjit.... Howdy Stayjit =)
SnOwKuPP: pets Stayjit
Merry.: i was the person who got booted for spelling Kum bah yah wrong lol
Dovestar: no petting
Dovestar: lol
Chumana: oowa
Merry.: i can't risk that lol
SnOwKuPP: too late
MeL: hahaha
Bach Zhaa: Lets stick with events then.. Combat world has been hosting Combat every saturday and its been getting a fair turnout :D I hear Ozy has added a registry and added some new elements so make sure to check it out
Iao Moonshadow: Saturday's Game On Battle Contest in COMBAT was a "to die for" blast. The winners for most kills were 1st=Mouxi 2nd=OzySEO 3rd=Toxor & DarkMatter (tied).
MeL: nice
Iao Moonshadow: Karten and I added the registry, and so there are new building rules
Bach Zhaa: Iao Moonshadow: Saturday's Game On Battle Contest in COMBAT was a "to die for" blast. The winners for most kills were 1st=Mouxi 2nd=OzySEO 3rd=Toxor & DarkMatter (tied).
Kenneth: Yeah Combat rocks, of course you can play anytime with 2 people... or just yourself if you want to target practice and get $$$$.
Dovestar: God to Go Combat World
Dovestar: good
Karten: :oP
Kenneth: I got me a fort in there now
SnOwKuPP: no playing with yourself
Iao Moonshadow: Next Game On Battle Contest is Saturday, August 22, VRT 9pm-10pm COMBAT is open 24/7 for anyone wanting to come in, use the target ranges, or bring friends - form teams - battle it out.
Dovestar: i have a hidden fox hole lol i just hide in it and watch the slaughter
Bach Zhaa: nice to see that up and running :)
Chumana is working blueprints as we speak
Bach Zhaa: Iao Moonshadow: Next Game On Battle Contest is Saturday, August 22, VRT 9pm-10pm COMBAT is open 24/7 for anyone wanting to come in, use the target ranges, or bring friends - form teams - battle it out.
Iao Moonshadow: registry's a pain in the rear but needed sometimes
Karten: amen
Dovestar: hi karten
Karten: Hiya Dove
Kenneth: :)
Dovestar: Registy's are a big pain
SnOwKuPP: i could use a Dovebar
Karten: keeping them up is even bigger pain
Iao Moonshadow: Things change, environment, ozy's work on the bot scripts
Iao Moonshadow: so come in time to time to check em out
Dovestar: yup reason i dont have on atm lol
Iao Moonshadow: yep
SnOwKuPP: adam boomb
Bach Zhaa: Thank Iao great job in there. :D
Bach Zhaa: s
SnOwKuPP: $$$
Dovestar: oooh ptz, grab em
SnOwKuPP: quick
Bach Zhaa: I also wanted to point out a few new things happening in AWMyths world.. first, they posted a new website.. check it out
Iao Moonshadow: welcome
Bach Zhaa: They also put out a new promotional video
Dovestar: oooh video
Merry.: ooh what's that horrible beast by the bed?
Dovestar: mmmmmmm video
CoLor: it's a hildabeast
TenYearsGone: Is it your cat, Merry?
Merry.: lol noooooooo
Merry.: in the first link
Kenneth: wow cool
Merry.: wouldn't fancy waking up to that :(
Merry.: a hildabeast? lol
Dovestar goes back to music and watches the chat unfold
Bach Zhaa: Looks like some exciting things going on in there.
Merry.: i will have to visit
Bach Zhaa: AWMyth Faceboob page for those insterested
TaLon56: Yeah, I can't wait to milk a cow :D
SnOwKuPP: A doubloe yours
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: book
Merry.: faceboob? lol
Merry.: omg
Bach Zhaa: :o
Bach Zhaa: *^_^*
SnOwKuPP: watch out
Merry.: that conjures up all sortes of images lol
TaLon56: Uh MeL can you or Karten eject Bach for 5 mins please :)
Dovestar: Definately a classicj Bach Zhaa Derp Moment
TaLon56: LOL
SnOwKuPP blinks
Bach Zhaa: lol
TenYearsGone: Yes, of all the amazing things I have seen on the internet, boobs are still the most interesting
Karten: hmmm we could T but not sure its a good idea :oD
TaLon56: nanananana na na Bach said the B word
Bach Zhaa: hey Ozy We covered Combat a bit was there anything you wanted toa dd?
Merry.: i can think of more interesting things lol
SnOwKuPP: tisk
Chumana: me too
Merry.: toad?
SnOwKuPP: I toad you
Merry.: lol
Dovestar: Now playing: Max Julien - Nowhere Girl 2014 on RJB Radio
Kenneth: Ozy I got an idea.. on the tourists shooting range, make them fall over when you hit them. lol
TenYearsGone: You think toads are interesting? ok
Bach Zhaa: make em blow up :o
Chumana: can be
Kenneth: LOL
OzySEO: hey
Merry.: lol
Iao Moonshadow: heh lol
Iao Moonshadow: i like blowing things up...
TaLon56: Getting right back on Track O-o
Merry.: make them say 'ouch that hurt' :-)
Bach Zhaa: lol
Kenneth: On my Duck Hunt game everything falls over when you hit them lol
SnOwKuPP: why don't you all laugh out loud
Bukka: make them bleed
OzySEO: lol
Bach Zhaa: LOL
Chumana: lol
OzySEO: ok
Merry.: make them bleed acid like Alien lol
OzySEO: the zombies do already
Merry.: muahahaha
SnOwKuPP: I fall to piecs
Kenneth: awesome
Iao Moonshadow: song has a whole new meaning in combat, snowkupp
SnOwKuPP: wow thats cute
Bach Zhaa: cool and thanks for all your hard work Ozy and Iao like I said already, its exciting to see Combat up and running. Thanks
OzySEO: lol
Bach Zhaa: I hear you've been expanding your Museum kenneth ...did you want to tell us a little about that?
Kenneth: Yes....
OzySEO: we had fun yesterday, Kenneth you missed it, haha
SnOwKuPP: eat eat you will expand
Kenneth: This morning I worked hard there and now I got 5 domes.. The first one is 1995-96 locations which is dome and the other 4 are for their own years... up to 2000.
SnOwKuPP winks
TaLon56: OMG, Winston has to go outside, hold everything while I go outside please :P
Kenneth: It's now actually called the AW Museum Complex
Merry.: everything?
TaLon56: This is getting Exciting
Dovestar: exciting?
MeL: Awesome Kenneth
Kenneth: Thanks
Dovestar: interesting for sure
Perra o: ****************
SnOwKuPP: winks
Kenneth: So on the locations, I got about 25 or so locations for 1997
Merry. holds everything
SnOwKuPP: even you know wot?
Kenneth: SirGreendown has helped tremendously telegramming me dozens and dozens of places.
MeL: i bet he has, haha
Dovestar watches merry get crushed by the weight of everything on her sholders
Kenneth: actually he sent around 85 or so
Kenneth: so far
Merry.: lol
Bach Zhaa: he's handy to have around, on occasion
Kenneth: :)
SnOwKuPP: hi Wolvie
Bach Zhaa: ...
Dovestar: ..
Wolvie: hi
TenYearsGone: Speaking of Sir Greenderp, he appears to be offline
MeL: He sure knows his AW history
Dovestar: hi Wolvie
Merry.: afk
SnOwKuPP: guys
Kenneth: yep
Merry.: getting a cup of tea lol
MeL: Howdy Wovie
Dovestar: Tea and Crumpettes anyone?
Dovestar: lol
SnOwKuPP: you can't do that Merry
Wolvie: hi MeL
Kenneth: So I got rivers between the domes and also bridges
Kenneth: Mouxi made 1 bridge
Kenneth: that I copied over
Kenneth: ok back to you Bach
Bach Zhaa: Thanks Kenneth You're creating quite a resource :)
SnOwKuPP: domes thing
Kenneth: thanks :)
TenYearsGone: Of course she can, SnOwKuPP, she is British, you know
SnOwKuPP: oooh thats make a diff
Dovestar: nothing gets in the way of a brit and their tea time
Kenneth: Oh I should point out 1 thing......
Bach Zhaa: any questions on the AW Museum Complex
SnOwKuPP: thats right
Dovestar: or an american and there beer 30
Dovestar: lol
SnOwKuPP: well I
Kenneth: The new domes will not have pictures because of the enormous download it would be, so they are just sign teleports with descriptions.
SnOwKuPP: okey dokey
Kenneth: :)
MeL: awesome sauce
SnOwKuPP: source
Dovestar: Suase
Dovestar: lol
SnOwKuPP: suages
Kenneth: Yeah around 80 photos times 5 would be too much lol
Bach Zhaa: the way around that Kenneth would be to make the picts really small like 128x128 but the quality suffers at that scale..
Dovestar: yeah 400
Kenneth: True Bach, not really worth it when people can just click once and be right there.
Bach Zhaa: true
Dovestar: well depends on how large you display them far as quality lol if they are small enough you wont see the artifacts
Dovestar: but then you may not see the pic either
Dovestar: lol
Kenneth: lol
SnOwKuPP: just stuff it in your pookets
Bach Zhaa: I still with there was a way to NOT load pictures until clicked on. that would save us some headache.. *adds to wishlist*
Bach Zhaa: wish
Kenneth: hmmm I never tried that lol
CosmicTruth: Put the pictures 200m apart
Karten: hey Snowy? is that where the Elephant Poo goes? in the pookets?
Kenneth: activate picture doesn't work?
Dovestar: um activate?
Dovestar: lol
SnOwKuPP: in your poopkets
Bach Zhaa: doesnt work the picture command will auto load on entrance whether is activate or not
Karten: hehehe
Kenneth: ohhh yes now I remember, thanks
MaXPoly: enter zone and keep them around sets of images so only load as u wander
Dovestar: ahh yes it downloads, to be ready for display
SnOwKuPP: derp
Dovestar: caches
Bach Zhaa: downloads automatically tho so the gains are menimal if its simply not renndered
SnOwKuPP: cash
SnOwKuPP: pass the boose
Dovestar sips schapps and chills
Bach Zhaa: I got passed that with groups.. but thats a different beast
SnOwKuPP: fine
Dovestar: the booze is on the table, take your pick Snow
SnOwKuPP: I have an idea
TenYearsGone: Well, the gain is in frame rate, but the load is still heavy if not spread out
SnOwKuPP: lets play hide and you seek pictures
Dovestar: yeah can do timers, but then your looking a cell space to write the code
Kenneth: lol
TaLon56: The Prime minister is Saddened that no one waited for him to get back LOL
Bach Zhaa: thats why its best to keep the picts as small as possible
SnOwKuPP: poopkets
TaLon56: he is scrolling back on his Computer as we speak
OzySEO: Everybody, got download failures, i can pinpoint them now. Need .rwx removed from all objects in your world, i can do that also. Lost your old build, I can find it.
Dovestar: Now Playing: Theory Of A Deadman - Blow [Explicit] on RJB Radio
Dovestar: yes Ozyseo has a perfect bot for that, witnessed it myself
Bach Zhaa: like chris tries to impress on us.. look at your monitor as your looking at the picture inworld.. how big is it on your screen?? like smaller than your thumb? then thats only how big the picture needs to be to render at that detail
Kenneth: yeah
Dovestar: yeah
Bach Zhaa: OzySEO: Everybody, got download failures, i can pinpoint them now. Need .rwx removed from all objects in your world, i can do that also. Lost your old build, I can find it.
Merry.: b
Merry.: sluuuurp
Bach Zhaa: I like that bot and the service Ozy very cool
Peacekeeper 47: nice
Dovestar: it works great, it played a great part in fixing many errors in awschool
CosmicTruth: Ozy puts S1 out of buisness
Kenneth: That sentence isn't clear
OzySEO: it can also add .rwx to all objects if your gonna have a registry
Bach Zhaa: lol
Iao Moonshadow: aw Cosmic, lol
Kenneth: Ozy, do you need me to fix something again?
TenYearsGone: Locate and kill any object that has a picture.... way cool
Merry.: Talon tell the Prime Minister ... I waited :-)
MaXPoly: regestry can have both ways with and with out so it wont error in how obj named
TaLon56: Ok wait Ozy can it Flippacate the Ollyopps also?
TaLon56: Thank you Merry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaLon56: :P
Merry.: lol ok
Dovestar goes back to drinking and thinking
TenYearsGone: I hear Ted Nougat on RJB Radio.... Comit scratch fever
Merry.: lol
Iao Moonshadow: need to check v4's though after bot adding .rwx
Merry.: is he pink and white and nutty?
TaLon56: Uh huh he is Merry
Merry.: ok :-)
Bach Zhaa: Tomas has released the update to his stats website. SG has been nonstop about his rise in the ranks.. check it out
Dovestar wouldnt know he is color blind
Merry.: the link is not working for me :'-(
SnOwKuPP: fairy Merry
Merry.: :-D
OzySEO: yeah, also it cant find a download failure if the texture is in a PE or probably cloth
OzySEO: but that narrows it down to PE's and Cloth in your vis
SnOwKuPP: load of crap
Iao Moonshadow: yep, involves the v4
SnOwKuPP: just kidding
Karten: Movers, PEs, Zones, CLoths
Bach Zhaa: but could it say that? does it register the error at all and if it cant pinpoint, could it give the reason as "cloth or PE"?
Kenneth: I'm # 153 :)
TaLon56: Uh KuPPs that was a Beautiful picture I could not see
TenYearsGone: I think you, Mel, OT, GSK,and Highwayman stopped him dead in his tracks about that last night
SnOwKuPP: hey your welcome TaL
Kenneth: Bach does this stats page have people that aren't citizens anymore?
OzySEO: it simply says it didnt find it, so look at your pe's and cloth in your visible distance
Iao Moonshadow: it has a hard time distinquishing between them and non-v4s to beging with
OzySEO: cleared up 7 like that for CCG, shed been looking for them for a long time
Iao Moonshadow: *begin
MeL: people using movers orw hatever with "Say commands" on them.. Please dont flood the chat with the say commands ,.or,.. let it effect a persons Avatar.. we had this happen yesterday and it was very distruptive to some people..
MeL: and could cause you to get booted. I know AW allows it but, dont abuse it in that way
CosmicTruth: GO p2cube0200.rwx !
Bach Zhaa: yeah thats what I mean.. it does register it but doesnt have a location.. so that means its something that it cant read ie V4s
Bach Zhaa: lol
Iao Moonshadow: exactly
OzySEO: it does see and pinpoint them in movers
CosmicTruth: it has a location but inlegible object name
Iao Moonshadow: right cosmmic
MeL: the 2 yesterday doing this , it was noticeable you had the movers on
Iao Moonshadow: some like loooong numbers or it grabbed a texture and tossed it in.
Bach Zhaa: couldnt the illegible name be converted to "V4 object"
TenYearsGone: O crap....
TaLon56: :O
SnOwKuPP: hehe
Merry.: is that a carol?
CosmicTruth: ya in a saved survey, and manually
SnOwKuPP: O xmas tree
Merry.: :)
Bach Zhaa: just if it gives a location already then thats what you're looking for anyways
Dovestar: O xmas booze
Karten: simply put, as good as the Xelagot/X1 still is, it cannot handle V4 objects in anyway shape or form - Movers it sees as normal objects, others as just place markers
Bach Zhaa: so not seeing is still seeing
Merry.: can i just say that we should all make Xmas tree movers for Christmas and fill GZ with Christmas lights :)
SnOwKuPP: you may just say it
Merry.: yayyy ((((((((((((((((((((((((((GP))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Karten: in my experience, if V4 objects are present, X1 has to be used very carefully regarding those
TaLon56: Please Kind sir, Could I have some More PTZ
Bach Zhaa: anyways, very cool and its a great resource to have
OzySEO: we also relocated our ground cover to a set depth underground in just a few minutes
Merry.: can i have PTZ for seeing GP? :-)
Good Person: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Merry ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) with wings lol
SnOwKuPP: ok
TaLon56: Here Her Merry
MeL: you get points if you make a account on myaw
SnOwKuPP: hey GP
Merry.: lol GP ... i lost them just now lol
TaLon56: uh Here Here
Good Person: oh darn lol
OzySEO: v4s are only a concern when trying to change objects, finding errors it simply cant see PE and Cloth
Dovestar sees a Can of Spam
Merry.: lol
Good Person: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Snow ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
SnOwKuPP: eeeeeeeeew
Good Person: your seeing things Dove lol
SnOwKuPP: (((((((((((((GP))))))))))))))))))
MeL: couldnt it see the texture on a PE or a Cloth?
Dovestar: yup its just cheap potted meat, my bad
Karten: no
OzySEO: no mel
Bach Zhaa: Mel brought up a good discussion a bit ago that I wanted to touch on.. Landing Zone etiquette and general manners with regards to movers and AW effects..
MeL: hmm
Iao Moonshadow: always has been the case with x1. Xelag was working on it too i thought at one time, but never got done.
Good Person: its not cheap its good meat lol
Merry.: etiquette and manners? :-O
Good Person: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( MeL brat ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Dovestar: if its in a can GP will eat it
MeL: (((((( spamr brat)))))
Dovestar: lol
Good Person: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Moon ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
MeL: ive found texture erros with the X1 before
Iao Moonshadow: heya GP
Good Person: yup Dove lol
Merry.: i hope that is not an order GP lol
Bach Zhaa: we have some commands in AW that can be downright annoying if used impropperly.. one of those is the say command.
Good Person: naw lol
OzySEO: yes mel, as long as they are not in a pe or cloth
MeL: Listen up yall..
MeL: ok Ozy
Merry.: O(*o*)O
Bach Zhaa: be nice to tour fellow Aw'ers..
Iao Moonshadow: lol
Good Person: all ears lol
Bach Zhaa: your
MeL: Or having a Mover, / Pe that effects another persons Avatar
Good Person: nice chair Merry lol
Kenneth: Bach, there also can be traps people make like invisible walls using bump command to teleport people places.... lol
OzySEO: bu then if doesnt find the error, you know its in a pe or cloth in visible range from where you recieved the download failure
Bach Zhaa: I LOVE the idea that movers can be brought down here and showed off.. its starting to define some of us and really shows off the power of activeworlds..
Merry.: oh i remember a certain chain saw :(
Merry.: thankyou GP lol
Good Person: yup me too
Good Person: lol yvw
MeL: Agree Bach but,.. lets not abuse that priv either
Bach Zhaa: however.. please be considerate.
OzySEO: i never use movers at LZ
Bach Zhaa: teleports are a no no..
SnOwKuPP: yah wear your clothes
Bach Zhaa: please
Good Person: hiya CT
CosmicTruth: hi gp
TaLon56: So I should not bring the Death Star to the LZ :P
Merry.: lol
Good Person: lol nope
MeL: using movers and PE's are fine.. as long as they dont brother another persons avatar , or,. if it has a "Say command" on it, let it flood the chat
SnOwKuPP blinks
Bach Zhaa: say commands spam chat and we have no way of stopping it, so make those a no no too
Kenneth: I remember once I got caught in a spiral hurricane of teleports to like 20 places and it crashed AW lol
MeL: It could get you booted
panne: yes but i remember the OzySeo Zeppelin which arrived at the previous LZ , some people were upset, but it was a good way of advertising
Merry.: omg
CosmicTruth: but my hearse used to tport ppl to the cemetery, is that abuse?
Merry.: lol
SnOwKuPP: so it was you
MaXPoly: if there not dead yet
TaLon56: Uh were they Dead?
Merry.: omg we will all end up there soon enough anyway lol
Dovestar: - Now playing: Chicago - Make Me Smile/ Now More Than Ever on RJB Radio
CosmicTruth: yaaaaaa
Bach Zhaa: right.. the movers here are a great way of showing whats possible here in a very direct way.. thats what sets us apart.. just be nice
Good Person: i died a 100 years ago lol
MeL: brb cooking
Good Person: hb
Merry.: oll GP
SnOwKuPP: you look it
Good Person: yup Merry lol
TaLon56: So bring the Death Star just do not Destroy the LZ got it
Merry.: are you a vampire?
Good Person: ty Snow lol
Good Person: not yet lol
CosmicTruth: zombie?
Merry.: :-O
MaXPoly: ewoks to the rescue
SnOwKuPP: welkeee
Bach Zhaa: the thing is, AWI rules with a iron fist. we complain to them and they remove features :(
Merry.: he has found the fountain of youth
Bach Zhaa: that would suck
Merry.: omg a can of spam lololol
Good Person: oh no the spam is here lol
Merry.: lol i was thinking of amkiing one of those lol
SnOwKuPP: hishis
Dovestar: its the spaminator run
Good Person: cool go for it lol
Bach Zhaa: so please please please, be courteous so we dont get stuff taken away
TenYearsGone: wot spam?
Merry.: lol Ten
SnOwKuPP: wot stuff?
Bach Zhaa: they know >_>
SnOwKuPP: your in the can
Good Person: Merry i will trade you my can of spam for your chair lol
Dovestar: Now playing: Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street on RJB Radio
TaLon56: I better gram Dagim
Merry.: lol GP
SnOwKuPP: derp
Dovestar: Doh
SnOwKuPP: derppy
TenYearsGone: Don't go for it Merry,,,, he's trying to turn Brits into brats
Good Person: yup lol
Merry.: lol
SnOwKuPP: yum
Dovestar: Britty Brats hmmm
Good Person: Snow areyou behaving lol
SnOwKuPP: nope
Good Person: i knew it lol
SnOwKuPP: don't be silly
SnOwKuPP: derp
Dovestar: So what next BZ
SnOwKuPP: guess we have to clean his mansion
Good Person: not me lol
SnOwKuPP: giggles
Bach Zhaa: so umm what else is going on? I know Ten was into some lakeside condos.. looks like Stanly is back to his filipino builds.. anyone have something to brag about?
SnOwKuPP: you do the wash
Good Person: no lol
Merry.: omg i misread condos
Bach Zhaa: lol
Merry.: lol
Dovestar: Nothing to Brag about, you allready Covered the Ozy Bot
Bach Zhaa: I dont wanna know
SnOwKuPP: oh dear
Dovestar: :)
Merry.: lolol
SnOwKuPP: Ten years ago
Bach Zhaa: The school was down for a day or so
Dovestar: Ten year old Spam rampaging the lz
SnOwKuPP: this can of spam came in
Good Person: where did Merry go lol
TenYearsGone: wot spam?
Dovestar: Yes was some techincal issues, most are repaired now
Dovestar: and the school is back in business
SnOwKuPP: the spamOcan
Merry.: afk
Perra o: goodnight everyone bedtime here hugs bye
Dovestar: thanks to the help of Ozyseo and a few other wonderful folks
panne: yes new teachers are being trained in awschool
Good Person: byee perra bro
Perra o: waves bye
CosmicTruth: i made a aw helper program
SnOwKuPP: hugs Perra night
Dovestar: later Perra
CosmicTruth: for win 10
TenYearsGone: I saw Good Person flying around with his lunch... you mean that spam?
SnOwKuPP: I am going to do something funny
Good Person: lol
Dovestar: Yes we have some fine candidates being trained
Bach Zhaa: Tell us about it CT whats it do?
SnOwKuPP: fummy
CosmicTruth: its just the object list for aw, when u select an object its in the win clipboard
SnOwKuPP: byeeeeeeee
Dovestar steps a side and hushes
Bach Zhaa: i dl'd it btw looks interesting.. I still want thumbnails lol
CosmicTruth: its an ap not a bot, it is just for building in AW
Kenneth: The entire object path?
CosmicTruth: it has all the AW objects
Good Person: Moon you alive lol
Bach Zhaa: yeah its a listing that pops the name into the clipboard when clicked on
Kenneth: Wow
Kenneth: ok
Dovestar: cool Cosmic
CosmicTruth: i know it runs in win 10, i need to have womeone test it in xp
Iao Moonshadow: with fire and explosions on hand, gp
Bach Zhaa: I have vista and works fine, it seems
Good Person: lol brat
CosmicTruth: download it here
Karten: just just asking for it ain't cha GP
Good Person: not yet lol
Karten: disturb Moon to much and she is already loaded for Brats LOL
Kenneth: AW needs plugins like web browsers have... get the "Entire Objects Listing" plugin so it like scrolls down or something lol
Dovestar: with a object viewer built in
Kenneth: yes
Dovestar: or at least snap shots
Dovestar: lol
Kenneth: lol
Bach Zhaa: love to have a thumbnail catalog *he chants like a mantra*
Kenneth: lol
Good Person: i have to Behave now MeL here and a PK lol
Kenneth: Didn't someone make one Bach?
SirGreendown: hello
Kenneth: the object viewer
Kenneth: hi SG
Dovestar: there was a object viewer
Good Person: hello Sir
Iao Moonshadow: what's the status on the one byte did to see the aw object
Dovestar: i forget who made it
TaLon56: Oh Oh , I have a question but it will take a bit to type it all
Karten: how many object thumbnail pics? each one done manually? sheeeeeeeesh
TaLon56: :P
Bach Zhaa: awportals and its still there but doesnt have all the objects now
Iao Moonshadow: on the web browser
SirGreendown: what was discussed at the meeting so far?
Kenneth: ahh
Dovestar: your anking Sirg on Objects in aw
CosmicTruth: mine dont have pics
Bach Zhaa: this is what we have/had but its out of date
Dovestar: amoungst other things
Good Person: i see a bratyy suzy lol
Kenneth: Bach, I mean like last year... someone posted in FB about it.
SirGreendown: the AWTeen OPSearch has most of the AWTeen Objects but some newer ones are missing
CosmicTruth: i got all the objects a week ago to make mine, but some objects wont actually load in aw
Bach Zhaa: hey SG
TaLon56: If I got to Chipotle's and get the tofu and they add it as an Extra meat is that overcharging sice Tofu is made out of soy beans ?
CosmicTruth: aw op = buggy
Bach Zhaa: aw = buggy
Bach Zhaa: lol
SirGreendown: I'm sorry I missed most of the meeting it is not my fault
Iao Moonshadow: Kenneth, Byte posted one -
Dovestar gets out can of raid
Kenneth: SG, I mentioned how you helped enormously with the museum so far.
SirGreendown: I had my computer yanked away from me by my parents
Good Person: Dove be nice lol
Bach Zhaa: yeah thats it..
Bach Zhaa: thats as far as the mapper has come too
Kenneth: ahh
SirGreendown: my day has gone horribly so far
TaLon56: Sorry to hear that Greendown
Bach Zhaa: just enough to get the objects loaded but not to creating the map
TaLon56: My Parents said I can use my computer when ever I want
TaLon56: :D
Bach Zhaa: havent heard from byte in months tho :\
Kenneth: Thanks Iao, that's the one I was thinking of
Good Person: LOL Talon
Iao Moonshadow: me either
CosmicTruth: so where they at on the re-awmapper?
Dovestar will be nice, he sprays the raid on himself.
Karten: not heard a thing on that CT
Good Person: LOL Dove
Bach Zhaa: that far CT.. *points to the last link*
Good Person: wb Merry
Dovestar is one dead bug
Iao Moonshadow: rl gets in the way
Bach Zhaa: Byte needed to catalog the object to render them in the mapper. he got as far as detailing the path but not to generating the map
Merry.: b hello :)
Good Person: wb
Merry.: merci :)
Good Person: yw
Good Person: Merry bop that can of spam please lol
Dovestar: bop GP?
Dovestar: odd req
Good Person: no lol
Merry.: it's not here :)
TenYearsGone: calm down, GP, this time it is not for you
Good Person: cool lol
Dovestar keeps high and Dry for the moment
CosmicTruth: Q: did aw unload the aw blimp special avatar?
Karten: yea Spam Brat and Spam Can not same
Good Person: LOL
Bach Zhaa: Ive been really into a project lately myself :) I love AW :) It really works sometimes.
CosmicTruth: S1 hates birdie
Dovestar loves the birds eye view
Kenneth: *secret project*
Bach Zhaa: Talon has been hard at work bringing in all the plants in the world lol
Iao Moonshadow: birds are white, easy target
Dovestar: yup only high ranking members of the Derp Agency know of it
TenYearsGone: I believe it is spelled "sekrit projekt"
Kenneth: :)
Bach Zhaa: lol
Iao Moonshadow: oh gotta be a high ranking derp. lol
TaLon56: Uh I am on a Break :)
Dovestar: Yup no lowly Nougats or Jr Derps allowed
Bach Zhaa: only the singular derp
Bukka: and a produce market...good job TaLon
Dovestar: and the spies within the Derp Org
TaLon56: I do have 37 planets to Complete
Bach Zhaa: :o
Kenneth: Is MeL's plants in AW world now in any object path or area?
SirGreendown: nope
Good Person: Merry sit still lol
Kenneth: wow
Merry.: can't
SirGreendown: they are not in AWTeen
Good Person: why not lol
Bach Zhaa: Tart Sugars Texture yard has them
Merry.: worms
Kenneth: oh cool ok
Merry.: lol
TaLon56: Kenneth you can make them anywhere if you have tbtree010 or xaw26
Good Person: eat them lol
Kenneth: ahhh thanks
TenYearsGone: worms?
Dovestar: ahh worms deep fried and sugar coated
Merry.: oh do stop it lol
Good Person: sorry lol
SirGreendown: tbtree010 doersn't take picture in AWTeen
SirGreendown: but xaw26 and zaw26 do
TaLon56: Good Point Greendown
Dovestar: ok going to teleport, will listen to the global comm
Dovestar: peace
Kenneth: The textures all start with a bmg right?
SirGreendown: I use zaw there because I can and so can you
Bach Zhaa: Tart Sugars Texture Yard: 875 NEW TEXTURES for Alpha World on display!!! AW 27332.73S 12630.75E 1.67a 171
Good Person: oh cool Merry lazy moverlol
Merry.: pyramid :)
Good Person: its awesome
Merry.: lol
TaLon56: A few of MeL's plants are also at Wisteria Lane
Bach Zhaa: all over some prefixed bmg- and some mel-
Kenneth: ok thanks
TaLon56: uh a Few hundred
Bach Zhaa: Here's a fantastic building resource. 100s of tree, plant, & misc. jpg's by TaLon Aw 31491.35N 30208.78W 0.70a 3
SirGreendown: AWTeen does have the bmg PE Textures and has had them for years and has additional bmg PE Textures
Merry.: ok have to go :)
Merry.: nice chatting :)
Merry.: good night :-)
Good Person: awwwww hb
TaLon56: Biyas Merry
Bach Zhaa: laters merry
Merry.: bye bye :)
Dovestar: bye merry
SirGreendown: you can view AWTeen textures at AWTeen 2436.25S 3593.04W 0.00a 351
Bach Zhaa: SirGreendown: you can view AWTeen textures at AWTeen 2436.25S 3593.04W 0.00a 351
SirGreendown: about 12,000 textures are there
Bach Zhaa: Thanks SG
SirGreendown: took me a month to put that all together
Dovestar: Now playing: The Rolling Stones - Angie on RJB Radio
Bach Zhaa: so what am I missing?
Karten: supper?
Dovestar always gets sad listening to this song
CosmicTruth: my pork chop
TenYearsGone: no, the barbecue is lit
Iao Moonshadow: shot of whiskey
TaLon56: If you try to eject a Train moving down the tracks beside your home does that mean you Might be Addicted to AW?
Bach Zhaa: I had a big lunch so Im set for a while o_o
Bach Zhaa: lol
Dovestar gets to thinking on building and listens globally
Karten: <--- had pork sammich and lemon Shake Up at state fair earlier
CoLor: Thanks Tallon
TaLon56: OMG they just broke Rule 1, now I gotta go get Dinner
TenYearsGone: what a shame
SirGreendown: Kansas City Chiefs won their 1st preseason game last night 34-19 against the Arizona Cardinals
TaLon56: Can somebody Please eject that Train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TaLon56: \:)
TaLon56: It is blocking me from going get Dinner
TaLon56: :O
Bach Zhaa: Options > settings > audio at the bottom, volume control for Real life
Bach Zhaa: (who looked?) lol
MeL: >_>
Peacekeeper 47: lol
TenYearsGone: <,<
Dovestar: -.-
Dovestar: Now playing: The Motels - Suddenly Last Summer on RJB Radio
Bach Zhaa: so umm.. any questions? comments? the soap box is available
Bach Zhaa: hop on up
Dovestar grabs soap box and starts doing laundry
Bach Zhaa: what you been up to Max?
Dovestar puts soap box back
MaXPoly: vacation from my mind for few more weeks then i get started on this years cyawards program
Bach Zhaa: cool
MeL: you think a few more weeks away from your mind will help ? =)
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: ya
MeL: :D
Dovestar used some drugs back in the day that would help
Dovestar: lol
MeL: that is some people;s problem of today. .what they did inthe past haha
Kenneth: Cy Awards is coming back?
MaXPoly: cant live on just eating code bytes daily
Bach Zhaa: I know Alphaworldian and The Courier have been offering site in the city of Fantasia for a while some neat things going up there
Dovestar: yup definately my problem mel lol
MaXPoly: cy was back last year
MeL: we had teh CYAwards last year, kenneth
Kenneth: ahh ok
SirGreendown: I'm hoping my Cy chances are pretty good this year
MaXPoly: be some lil changes and new regulations
MaXPoly: ur participation is totaly required to keep this program alive
SirGreendown: considering what I have done in AWTeen in the last 10 months beginning Phoenix City and the new OY and Teen GZ
MeL: awteen has a new GZ ?
SirGreendown: if anyone deserves a CY for the work they have done in the last year
SirGreendown: It will
TaLon56: Sir Greendown for President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
SirGreendown: I'm building one
Kenneth: MeL, one he made, it's not a LZ now though.
MeL: i see
SirGreendown: AWTeen really needs one
TenYearsGone: better than Donald Trump
Dovestar derps
MeL: well, get her done!
TenYearsGone: and get a dinner (dare you to say that fast)
TaLon56: Ok , The Prime Minister has to go outside again :O
SirGreendown: Dodgy was complaining earlier about AWTeen's current LZ not having any Info or help of any kind
Bach Zhaa: well, there is info there
MeL: yeah
TenYearsGone: So, you have info pertinent to teens? like how to slash tires and break windows?
SirGreendown: just about everyone who comes into AWTeen hopes the new LZ becomes the LZ
Bach Zhaa: GC and Legion did an ok job
SirGreendown: there is no teleports to even an Object Yard
MeL: cant be nominated for something SirG unless its done =)
Dovestar goes to grab a coffee and a sandwich and some cheeze-its too
SirGreendown: just a teleport to a map with no teleports and a big screw you you are on your own
Kenneth: AW world has no teleport to an OY either
SirGreendown: yeah but GC and Legion's GZ has ZERO Info and will not be updated
Bach Zhaa: lol
SirGreendown: actually at the Expo there is a teleport to Tart Sugar's OY
Kenneth: yeah now there is, finally
Karten: OY where Kenneth?
SirGreendown: there has been for a while
Kenneth: Lara's
MeL: Tart Sugar's OY is more updated
Bach Zhaa: reminds me.. that should prob be another postit on the board is the OY
Alana101: hi
MeL: Howdy Alana
Peacekeeper 47: hello Alana
Karten: its pretty well known though and there is a OY teleport center at 1220.00N 1070.00W -0.03a 0
Bach Zhaa: for us maybe but not if'n you's a newbie
SirGreendown: like I said AWTeen's LZ needs to be moved, what GC and Legion built is a nice build that does not suffice as a LZ for the second-largest world in AW
Karten: just have to ask *grins*
SirGreendown: That LZ was supposed to be TEMPORARY until Hill Valley was finished
SirGreendown: Hill Valley was never finished
Iao Moonshadow: finish one then
Dovestar: ok i didnt miss anything when i was gone i take it
Bach Zhaa: and we still dont make those decisions SG
Karten: right
Draqou: wassup Peeps
Draqou: ?
Iao Moonshadow: lz in alpha didn't get changed until aw expo was built
Peacekeeper 47: hi Draqoukjl
Peacekeeper 47: Draquo
SirGreendown: yes but SW Chris offered GSK to update that LZ
Peacekeeper 47: dang typo sorry bout that
MeL: Nothing will get changed till "We" change it...
Iao Moonshadow: it was enough for the awi powers that be change it
Draqou: hwey PK47 ny news?
Bukka: and the people that can change it don't care
SirGreendown: GC will NEVER do that for AWTeen's I guarantee you
MeL: not true Bukka,,. we changed the current lz.. and we cared
Iao Moonshadow: who cares, just do one then
Peacekeeper 47: ending of the community meeting going on... not much news
Dovestar: hey bukka , and i agree
Bach Zhaa: have you asked him SG?
Kenneth: There's no CT in AWTeen right?
Draqou: cool cool
Dovestar: well now to eat my sandwich and cheeze-its
SirGreendown: there is none
Kenneth: ok
SirGreendown: but there ought to be a CT in AWTeen
CosmicTruth: i need to go to awteen?
Peacekeeper 47: awi is ct i reckon
Karten: Alpha LZ and Teen LZ unrelated and its location is AWI set in both cases
Karten: yup AWI is CT
Bukka: the AWTeen LZ won't be changed until someone at AWI give's a rat's behind about it.
MeL: Or
SirGreendown: yep, and I will keep pressuring until it does
Bach Zhaa: and given the limited usage, its not high priority. jus sayin
MeL: unless someone do what was done in alpha with the LZ
SirGreendown: Cleaerly NOONE CARES ABOUT ME
SirGreendown: OR AWTEEN
Bach Zhaa: lol
MeL: oh god
SirGreendown: I'm working my tail off for AWTeen
Peacekeeper 47: that is not true...geesh
Karten: and we can do what?
Bach Zhaa: wouldnt matter SG we couldnt do anything anyway
MaXPoly: more sause please
MeL: build it SirG... then present it to Rick... is all you have to do
SirGreendown: I am fed up of AWI Ignoring me and everyone dissing me
Dovestar: we care , but we are powerless to make any changes to aw teen
MeL: we are not powerless.. we did it here in alpha....
Dovestar: Thats Soley AWI
Kenneth: I'm just grateful we still have AW to work in.
SirGreendown: Rick doesn't even know what I'm doing for AWTeen
Bach Zhaa: no one disses you unless you start tooting your own horn too loud >_>
Bukka: if AWI care anything about this Universe someone from the "company" would be at these meetings
Dovestar: well we are not the ones in charge i should have said
Iao Moonshadow: SirGreendown, the light in the end of that dim tunnel is that if the work done here at aw expo was enough to make awi turn head to see and make it an lz..;.then make a dang good one in aw teen and let awi decide as they will
Toxor: agreed Kenneth
Bach Zhaa: exactly Iao
Dovestar agrees with Iao
MeL: just do it
Peacekeeper 47: caio everyone... have a good day
Karten: yup do it first THEN ask them to look at it
MeL: Later PK
Dovestar: zee ya pk47
Kenneth: bye PK
Karten: bye 47
Bukka: Rick barely knows what day it is
CosmicTruth: cya 47
Toxor: cya PK
Dovestar: SirG build a awsome lz for awteen and present it to rick
Bach Zhaa: so you and James and any of the other users of teen should ban together and make an awesome LZ. Not saying yours isnt awesome but you need to consider the bigger picture.. but even then there's no guarentees
Dovestar: and see what happens fro there
Kenneth: Like the movie says "If you build it, they will come."
MeL: SirG,. you never know untill you do it.
Dovestar: yup, was thinkjing that exact thought too lol
Bach Zhaa: anyways, looks like time is come to an end.. any last qestions before I bring the meeting to a close?
TenYearsGone: So, just do it
Dovestar: Nah, But I will say .....
CosmicTruth: thx BZ
Dovestar: Hope everyone has a good day / night etc
TenYearsGone: Yes, Bach... shot any nougats lately?
Karten: Come see and rider the Bot Trains, AWTrains and ReginaDN
Dovestar: and thnx bz and the rest
Wolvie: The thing about this gz is it was timed around the AW anniversary, which probably helped, maybe a similar thing would help AWTeen, like it's own anniversary, if anyone knows that.
Bach Zhaa: Thanks everyone :) meeting adjourned. we meet again in 3 weeks :)
MeL: nice idea, wovie
Bukka: Thanks Bach
Doctor PHD: :)
SirGreendown: October 11th, is AWTeen's 17th Anniversary
Wolvie: was afk and just looked back, sorry for late reply
Bach Zhaa: exactly really plan for it and you can get the attention you need
Dovestar: there ya go
MeL: Howdy Doctor
Toxor: ty Bach
Kenneth: Like the movie says, if you come to the meeting, they will listen. ;-)
Bach Zhaa: SirGreendown: October 11th, is AWTeen's 17th Anniversary
Doctor PHD: Hello Mel and the group.
TenYearsGone: Sounds like you have a deadline, Derpy.... better get at it
Iao Moonshadow: then do the same, form a team, shoot for completion in time for the awteen's 17th anniversary
MeL: There ya go SirG.. Octobet 11th... get her done before then
Wolvie: I heard it, get some events planned for it, make that a deadline for builds
Toxor: git er dun
MeL: haha
Kenneth: Wow 17 years of teenagers, they are almost adults!
Bach Zhaa: and once again, Thank you to the GK's for the use of their sharpie :)
TenYearsGone: Well, there's no time to waste, boy ! MOVE !
SirGreendown: yes, I have plans for that date which also happens to be Phoenix City's First Anniversary
Wolvie: also, something I remember from old AW days was summer camp for teens and kids.. too late for that now, but something along those lines would have been fun this year.
Dovestar goes back to semi herimt mode
Dovestar: peace
MeL: you dont have much time before Oct 11th, SirG...
Iao Moonshadow: winter camp
Bach Zhaa: we need ppl willing to plan such things wolvie..
Wolvie: winter break camp would be fun, yeah.. with ski lodges or something
Bach Zhaa: Ive never done it.. :\
Wolvie: winter events maybe
Karten waves and Kar Poofs to home world
Kenneth: Wolvie, AWCamp was fun
Kenneth: I was a camp counselor
Bach Zhaa: so think about getting counselors together and set something up :)
Wolvie: AW used to give something out for good grades too, probably cits or world.
MeL: I Nominate Wovie for the Winter Camp =)
Bach Zhaa: lol
Wolvie: Ahhh.. I should keep my mouth shut
Dovestar: wooot, way to go Wolvie
Dovestar: lol
Wolvie: I'll be a counselor
MeL: toooo late =)
Dovestar: woot woot
Dovestar: Wolvie way to go
Dovestar: lol
Wolvie: hey, hey! stop nominating me for things
Dovestar now hides
Bach Zhaa: we have MyAW's PTZ as well as some credits from some generous folks
MeL: mhm
Kenneth: Is CitBingo going anytime soon?
Bach Zhaa: not heard
MeL: dunno kenneth
Kenneth: ok
Kenneth: Have a good day everyone
MeL: later kenneth =)
Bach Zhaa: laters Kenneth
Kenneth: :)
Dovestar: later Kenneth
Dovestar: Now playing: Pink Floyd - Dogs on RJB Radio
Wolvie: have a good evening everyone
Dovestar: .Later Wolvie
MeL: later wovie
Alana101: hi im back my computer had to do updates
MeL: wb
Dovestar: wb Alana
johnathon: hi
Dovestar: Hi Jonathon
MeL: Howdy Johnathon
MeL: brb afk doing dishes haha
johnathon: wwww
Alana101: anyone know some good object yards beides tarts?
Alana101: besides
Bach Zhaa: laras is still here..
CosmicTruth: ya wait
Alana101: coords?
Good Person: her yard yes it is
CosmicTruth: AlphaWorld SWC OY 2058S 3732E
Bach Zhaa: heres a facebook resource page.
Bach Zhaa: Object Yard (Lara 2002) - aw 1095.62N 987.82W 0a 90
Bach Zhaa: Object Yard (Tart Sugar 2011) - aw 27430.68S 12595.47E 0a 180
Good Person: thanks
Alana101: thankss
Bach Zhaa: Object/Texture Yard (Wisper 2002) - aw 3498.1N 1350.4W 0.1a 180
CosmicTruth: AlphaWorld Primitives OY 1600S 1400W
Bach Zhaa: PE Yard (Mariane) - aw 1881.84S 2671.87E 0.06a 0
Iao Moonshadow: that where your mask yard is too, Cosmic?
CosmicTruth: AlphaWorld CT Alpha OY Fly through on a UFO 3674S 1602W
Good Person: hello CoLor hugs you there ?
CosmicTruth: i have to go to my tp center to go to my mask yard :)
CosmicTruth: BRB
CosmicTruth: mask yard is prob out of date :))
CosmicTruth: 2007
TenYearsGone: create CoLor 99D9EA , now she's robin's egg blue.... That command works
CoLor: hi Good Person hugs :)
CosmicTruth: AW 14800N 9500E
CoLor: Im here and not here. running into kitchen baking and building
EarthTrex: GOD bless you All. sorry i didn't speak till now, was busy but kept up with all of you, much as i could. Have a Great Night :o)
CoLor: herhe hi Ten
CoLor: hi all
Iao Moonshadow: you know, i've used it for years since you made it. still do time to time only to lose the tele to puter crashes
Iao Moonshadow: thanks :-)
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The New MyAW Kiosk:
AW Museum Domes:
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