5:59:06 PM VRT marcopolo41200: hi chumana
5:59:17 PM VRT Chumana: ya'll looked good riding around, very cool :)
6:00:34 PM VRT Tree Saw: i cant get the cra cra birdy back on the juke haha!
6:00:47 PM VRT Tree Saw: birde isnt a registered bird....
6:01:54 PM VRT Merry.: birde.rwx
6:02:14 PM VRT Chumana: hello NurseMom :)
6:02:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: erp..
6:02:59 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :)
6:03:11 PM VRT TenYearsGone: sharpie aquired
6:03:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: welcome everyone..
6:03:20 PM VRT Luda: the letter, is different
6:03:23 PM VRT Luda: Why?
6:03:36 PM VRT Sgeo: Welcome, one and all, to WEIRDMAGEDDON!
6:03:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: The Activeworlds Community Meeting will begin in about 10 minutes from 6-8PM VRT in the Alpha world Halloween area, http://objects.activeworlds.com/cgi-bin/teleport.cgi?aw_9133.45N_18981.73E_0.23a_272
6:03:49 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: erp
6:04:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: like 4 minutes ago, actually lol
6:04:05 PM VRT Perra o: lol
6:04:16 PM VRT Dovestar: Now playing: The Cranberries - Zombie on RJB Radio
6:04:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and thanks for coming.. wasnt much on the agenda actually
6:04:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Happy Halloween everyone! :D
6:04:52 PM VRT Tree Saw: Thanks Bach
6:04:53 PM VRT NurseMom: happy halloween ;)
6:05:00 PM VRT marcopolo41200: ty
6:05:02 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: Thks Bach
6:05:09 PM VRT Dovestar: :)
6:05:11 PM VRT Chumana: :)
6:05:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks for coming to build and play togeher this has been fun :)
6:05:15 PM VRT Perra o: yea happy halloween
6:05:17 PM VRT Dovestar: ty Zhaaies
6:05:19 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:05:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:05:26 PM VRT Luda: Hello
6:05:38 PM VRT Luda: Why soo much people here?
6:05:44 PM VRT Luda: I am spanish, my english
6:05:47 PM VRT Perra o: meeting
6:05:47 PM VRT Tree Saw: dont run off Dove ! lol
6:05:47 PM VRT Dovestar: A Community Meeting
6:05:49 PM VRT NurseMom: bimonthly community meeting time
6:05:52 PM VRT Luda is ??
6:06:00 PM VRT Mouxi: Luda
6:06:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we had a parade earlier.. we'll have another later tonight 9 PM vrt
6:06:06 PM VRT Luda: ok
6:06:08 PM VRT Luda: Cool
6:06:08 PM VRT Mouxi: I talk with you in AW-Europe..
6:06:09 PM VRT Tree Saw: Spaniard
6:06:15 PM VRT Luda: yes
6:06:19 PM VRT Dovestar: yup and if here ill start the halloween playlist over lol
6:06:26 PM VRT Mouxi: :)
6:06:29 PM VRT Gremot: ok ... semi monthly feista
6:06:40 PM VRT Tree Saw: going for a drive ....ciao for now
6:06:45 PM VRT Mouxi: byebye
6:06:46 PM VRT Dovestar: cya TS
6:06:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: everyone get enough candy?
6:06:54 PM VRT Dovestar: have fun
6:06:58 PM VRT Tree Saw: enjoy the thriller (song) over and over and over lol
6:06:58 PM VRT Chumana: i did :)
6:06:59 PM VRT Dodgy: you can start now Bach... I am here
6:07:00 PM VRT Tree Saw: ty Dove
6:07:03 PM VRT Dovestar: dont run me over when your out there
6:07:06 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:07:13 PM VRT Merry.: lol Dodgy
6:07:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol thanks Dogy
6:07:22 PM VRT Dodgy: woof woof
6:07:27 PM VRT Dovestar: hey Dodger
6:07:27 PM VRT Sgeo: Hypothetically, if I run a server that returns application/x-activeworld the way that teleport URL does, would linking to it also cause AW to teleport?
6:07:31 PM VRT Merry.: miaoww
6:07:36 PM VRT Luda: how am i?
6:07:37 PM VRT Dodgy: hey up Ray
6:07:38 PM VRT Sgeo: And I wonder what other commands are possible
6:07:45 PM VRT Keshi: hello
6:07:55 PM VRT Dovestar: hey keshi
6:08:05 PM VRT Dovestar: love the finnished halloween build btw
6:08:14 PM VRT Sgeo: I guess I could just test it
6:08:26 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Hey Keshi. We went right in front of your build.
6:08:29 PM VRT The Courier: back
6:08:33 PM VRT Dovestar: Now playing: Diva Demolition - Rock the Zombie on RJB Radio
6:08:51 PM VRT Dodgy: Hi keshi.. I see you travel wotld to world... picking the next 'Explorers club meet' I hope you are well
6:08:55 PM VRT Gremot: . . nope Sgeo . . person clicking would have to have their windows file associations set up
6:08:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and really take a look around to all the builds out here. Some folks went above and beyond to create some incredible things..
6:09:19 PM VRT Sgeo: Gremot, I'm assuming clicks from the AW browser, which seem to work
6:09:28 PM VRT Sgeo: (At least with the teleport link Bach Zhaa used)
6:09:39 PM VRT Gremot: . . & set their windows to associate Awt file correctly
6:09:40 PM VRT Dovestar rocks the zombie and goes afk to start pot o coffee
6:09:43 PM VRT Dovestar: brb
6:09:45 PM VRT Sgeo: That file contains "teleport aw ...", which makes me think other commands could be used
6:09:46 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: ;)
6:09:52 PM VRT MeL: PK!
6:09:54 PM VRT Dovestar: and hi pk47
6:09:57 PM VRT Dovestar: brb
6:09:57 PM VRT Merry.: hello PK :-)
6:09:58 PM VRT Sgeo: I'm heading to my lab to experiment a bit
6:09:59 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: hiya everyone :)
6:10:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :)
6:10:06 PM VRT Merry.: *waves at Aud* lol
6:10:09 PM VRT Dodgy: Hi PK47
6:10:11 PM VRT Audacious: b, was afk for a bit
6:10:20 PM VRT Audacious: Hi Merry :)
6:10:22 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: wb Auds ;)
6:10:24 PM VRT Merry.: hello :)
6:10:24 PM VRT Keshi: hey PK
6:10:25 PM VRT Audacious: ty
6:10:30 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: hi Merry ;)
6:10:32 PM VRT SaintlyMic: This is where I am at the community meeting - AW 9133.33N 18995.91E 0.23a 90
6:10:32 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: hi Keshi ;)
6:10:37 PM VRT Keshi: hiya AUd
6:10:41 PM VRT Keshi: ltns
6:10:59 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: The Activeworlds Community Meeting will begin in about 10 minutes ago from 6-8PM VRT in the Alpha world Halloween area, http://objects.activeworlds.com/cgi-bin/teleport.cgi?aw_9133.45N_18981.73E_0.23a_272
6:11:04 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: Those diabolically despicable maze monsters, they wont stop biting me at the maze.
6:11:05 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:11:17 PM VRT TenYearsGone: That one went all the way to being a Derp
6:11:19 PM VRT Merry.: will begin in about 10 mins lol
6:11:31 PM VRT Bukka: ago lol
6:11:33 PM VRT The Courier: ok
6:12:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ten minutes ago.. I changed it ;o
6:12:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:12:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Is there anyone here that wants to tell us about their builds here?
6:13:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I know some of you went all out
6:13:15 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Yes.
6:13:23 PM VRT Audacious: I see Mary doing what women do best ;) watched her lay down...smirks
6:13:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: amazing work all the way around tho..
6:13:24 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: I can talk a little about the maze game
6:13:25 PM VRT SaintlyMic: But I type slow.
6:13:30 PM VRT The Courier: if you go to north lot 3, you'll be stunned in disbelief.
6:13:34 PM VRT The Courier: best build tbh
6:13:36 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
6:13:44 PM VRT Audacious: am I in trouble yet?
6:14:00 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I saw your alien build, Courier. Best video I've ever seen. lol
6:14:06 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: this wasnt a contest tho.. I wanted everyone to feel comfortable building
6:14:09 PM VRT TenYearsGone: not yet, Audacious... keep at it
6:14:13 PM VRT Dodgy: nearly...........
6:14:29 PM VRT Audacious: should I try harder?
6:14:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: you answered first, Mic then Ill turn it to you Zephyr
6:14:56 PM VRT TenYearsGone: just go with hatever works
6:14:57 PM VRT Gremot: nothing a lobotomy wouldn't fix Aud
6:15:20 PM VRT Toxor: love this bubbling effect on the ground here
6:15:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: glub glub lol
6:15:47 PM VRT Audacious: true story was at the grocery store yesterday and walked up to get some juice. there was a gal getting some too. she did not see me come up and I told here that this other type is better. I scarred her, she said with alarm
6:15:47 PM VRT Toxor: bubbler
6:16:04 PM VRT Audacious: I said, it is Holloween and I have every right to scare her. she laughed
6:16:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we lose Mic?
6:16:38 PM VRT The Courier: ripip
6:16:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:16:45 PM VRT SaintlyMic: .May I post my comment about my build now?
6:16:54 PM VRT Gremot: yeah, but in your case, how was that different from any other day Aud
6:16:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: So you built a maze, Zephyr?
6:17:00 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I spent 2 weeks building. My build is alien and zombie themed. It is fully interactive. It covers 2 lots. It consists of a warehouse, a PIZZA JOINT restaurant, and a Fashion Mug store, where the mugs have eye blinking mugs on them
6:17:03 PM VRT Gremot chuckles
6:17:15 PM VRT Sgeo: Ugh beginning to think that teleport URL is hardcoded in the browser and the body is gibberish
6:17:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hmm
6:17:33 PM VRT Toxor: really cool uses of PEs at Mic's
6:17:37 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: Yup
6:17:50 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: I have a underground maze game at lot 14 for those who don't know from the MyAW announcement. It you complete it, you can win a possible 450 PTZ by following the end instructions.
6:17:58 PM VRT Keshi: lots of PEs at my build also i think most enjoy them
6:18:13 PM VRT SaintlyMic: yes
6:18:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: sounds very cool Mic.. all the signs on this wall are teleports btw.. so its a quick way to visit someone
6:18:26 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: If you walk on the lot your pulled in by the zombie standing there
6:18:39 PM VRT Audacious: just another day to exercise my capacity for audacity ;)
6:18:55 PM VRT SaintlyMic: That's audacious.
6:19:15 PM VRT The Courier: All of you are.
6:19:16 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Right make sure to check out Zephyrs underground maze.. its decieving on top.. so check it out closer
6:19:17 PM VRT Sgeo: Yep. No real request that Charles picked up on, teleported fine despite telling Charles to rewrite the body to gibberish
6:19:18 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: You'll not be able to regain control unless you teleport to a location like the expo lz
6:19:44 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: There are maze monsters and more
6:19:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: "Its a trap!" he says in his best star wars voice
6:20:02 PM VRT Gremot: . . Sgeo . . cgi teleport uses an Awt file which is recognised internally by AW browser if clicked within AW .. to use it outside AW, a user's file associations have to be manually configured to associate Awt file with aworld.exe
6:20:09 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Yes, Fatherrrrr.
6:20:20 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: be sure to click on signs and pictures in the maze
6:20:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:20:28 PM VRT Sgeo: Gremot, I see no evidence of the Awt file being read by the AW browser at all
6:20:30 PM VRT Dovestar: O.o
6:20:31 PM VRT Dovestar: o.o
6:20:51 PM VRT Dovestar: Now playing: Van Halen - Runnin' With The Devil on RJB Radio
6:20:53 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: that's it from me
6:21:06 PM VRT Gremot: you don't see it if your clicking on the teleport link while you are in AW
6:21:42 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: You have to walk on the lot for the maze to appear underground
6:22:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we had fun out here tho, I think not too stressful, a lot of us were learning stuff.. I finially figured out wheels on movers thanks to Toxor
6:22:16 PM VRT Gremot: but in order to click on that same link if its on a web page outside AW .. with AW not running for examole
6:22:25 PM VRT Toxor: lots of learning going on
6:22:26 PM VRT Gremot: example
6:22:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and Ten has a pole I really want
6:22:41 PM VRT Dovestar: lmao
6:22:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yes, I want your pole o_o
6:22:45 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Is this called Halloween town? Halloween City? Halloween Junction?
6:22:47 PM VRT Dovestar: no y good
6:22:48 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:23:04 PM VRT TenYearsGone: eeeeeeee-yeah.... I'll pretend I didn't hear that
6:23:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not sure it had a name..
6:23:12 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:23:12 PM VRT Toxor: I learned that objects can rotate differently once they are linked to a mover
6:23:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 2015 Halloween
6:23:23 PM VRT Dovestar: 2015 halloweeny?
6:23:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: should we vote on a name? :o
6:23:26 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:23:29 PM VRT The Courier: When will path objects be improved?
6:23:31 PM VRT SaintlyMic: lol
6:23:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: they wont be courier
6:23:56 PM VRT SaintlyMic: That sounds great. The vote. Now the Haloweeny. lol
6:24:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not unless your a pretty girl that enzo takes a shining to
6:24:02 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:24:06 PM VRT Keshi: when aw makes millions and decides it can spare a few bits on the server the object path is on
6:24:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:24:24 PM VRT The Courier: wrong chat
6:24:36 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:24:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: it is what it is
6:24:39 PM VRT Sgeo: The browser seems to pick up on the teleport.cgi of a URL
6:24:42 PM VRT Gremot: Bach, u just need a pretty girl Cav
6:24:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:24:47 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I meant.... NOT the .... lol
6:24:52 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:25:07 PM VRT Sgeo: Which means that this link works: http:///teleport.cgi?aw_9133.45N_18981.73E
6:25:11 PM VRT Dovestar: Now playing: Marilyn Manson - The Flowers of Evil on RJB Radio
6:25:36 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but understand, since we went free, we have even less leverage to get new objects added and them, the more reason to say get a world
6:25:38 PM VRT Gremot: ... the built in AW web window you mean ...
6:25:58 PM VRT Sgeo: ?
6:26:16 PM VRT Sgeo: All I know is what I click that link I get teleported
6:26:21 PM VRT Dovestar is so tempted to swing from that chandler
6:26:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we still have a bug loose.
6:26:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: same bug.
6:26:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: still affects XP, Vista and OC X
6:26:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: OS X
6:26:53 PM VRT The Courier: OS X doesn't have a native version though.
6:26:59 PM VRT The Courier: hat's dependent on wine issues
6:27:02 PM VRT Gremot: AW browser's web window .. ... teleport cgi clicked on in an external browser won't work that same way
6:27:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: its not been squashed or even commented on in over a week
6:27:31 PM VRT Dovestar: except by us asking Rick any news yet?
6:27:34 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:27:36 PM VRT Sgeo: Gremot, true, but trying to see if this stuff can be used to ... communicate from web to browser in an interesting way
6:28:02 PM VRT Sgeo: e.g. a server that gives a link that when clicked, teleports you randomly
6:28:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so there is no news to report on that :(
6:28:18 PM VRT Dovestar: and the get a world thing, humm i have 2 and i still want a better object path for alpha lol
6:28:34 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: I heard from LizLiz the other day..she still cant get on the internet but she said she is fine :)
6:28:36 PM VRT Gremot: it can if signed on to AW and using AW's web window, or using web command on an object to open a web page that hase teleport in it
6:28:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: cool and good to hear NM :) Thanks Tell her hi for us
6:29:01 PM VRT Dovestar: good to hear tewll Liz Liz we all sayt hi
6:29:11 PM VRT Sgeo: Gremot, web command behaves differently from links clicked in chat? Good to know, ty
6:29:14 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: i will let her know :)
6:29:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: tell her we miss her ;)
6:29:38 PM VRT Dovestar: This lowly zombie yearns for a better op in alpha. sniff sniff
6:29:41 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: will do
6:29:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: she did a great build out here too lol
6:29:47 PM VRT The Courier: We need better cell limit in alpha.
6:29:50 PM VRT The Courier: Objects are fine
6:30:05 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Im gonna steal her butch on the rack lol
6:30:10 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:30:15 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yeah i like it too ..
6:30:42 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: did you see the one gp did with the electrocution of butch lol
6:30:44 PM VRT The Courier: I'd rather build here where work will be seen rather than There or Teen, but the cell limit has been an issue for ages
6:30:48 PM VRT Dovestar is gonna go to remote area and just listen globally now. Just say Dove if ya need me
6:30:54 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Please increase cell limit to one million.
6:31:00 PM VRT The Courier: ^
6:31:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: the problem with upping the cell size is a couple of things.. and both are alphas size
6:31:12 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: increasing cell limits can make alot more lag
6:31:15 PM VRT Dovestar is now meters and meters away. and is chilling
6:31:32 PM VRT Dovestar: Now playing: Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky on RJB Radio
6:31:38 PM VRT Dovestar: oops it just ended
6:31:41 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: great tune Dove
6:31:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: one, it would take too long to save every 10 days
6:31:48 PM VRT SaintlyMic: oh. ok. scrap that then. I'll just keep working with 4400l.
6:32:23 PM VRT Gremot: teleport is more user side than server side, carrying out the action anyway
6:32:33 PM VRT Dovestar: Now Playing: Donovan - Season of the Witch on RJB Radio
6:32:52 PM VRT Sgeo: Gremot, carrying out the action yes, but the server could tell it what action to carry out
6:33:06 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just we will probably not see changes in alpha unless under extreme circumstances
6:33:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hey
6:33:16 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: you guys lol
6:33:19 PM VRT The Courier: we increased cell in here earlier this year
6:33:24 PM VRT Dovestar: Electric Company?
6:33:26 PM VRT The Courier: and there wasn't a change in performace.
6:33:30 PM VRT Dovestar: man a flash back
6:33:31 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:33:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, we dont have the controls and AWI dont listen.
6:34:15 PM VRT Dovestar knows Bach has special controls hidden underground
6:34:16 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: (and we have tried)
6:34:58 PM VRT Dovestar: yup, ive seen many try and fail Bach
6:35:04 PM VRT Dovestar: sad really
6:35:08 PM VRT SaintlyMic: for years.
6:35:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yep.. better folks than me have come and gone, trying :(
6:35:30 PM VRT Gremot: ... so anyway ... what you could do inside AW (while person is running AW with AW focus) is not same as if person is not currently signed on to AW & accessing a server / web page outside AW .. thats where association AWT file in windows is needed
6:35:30 PM VRT Dovestar: yup
6:35:37 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: Isn't AWI hoping that the average citizen trash their old xp system and buy new windows 10 ones?
6:35:48 PM VRT Dovestar: Some are still here just keep silent now, kinda disheartening
6:35:56 PM VRT The Courier: Cell limit had served it's purpose ages ago.
6:36:02 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: er
6:36:08 PM VRT Dovestar: hi Moon
6:36:11 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: we've said all we can at this point..
6:36:12 PM VRT Gremot: with it set up correctly, external to AW, a teleport cgi would cause AW to run and also then teleport to the locations
6:36:16 PM VRT The Courier: This isn't the early 2000s anymore.
6:36:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lag still exists tho.. so the reasons havent gone away
6:36:20 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: hi...
6:36:30 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I still use Windows 3.5. JK. LOL
6:36:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and can he trust us not to lag stuff out?
6:36:43 PM VRT Dovestar: probably would work gr8 in win 3.1
6:36:46 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:37:00 PM VRT Sgeo: Relying on people to set things up correctly may be a failing proposition
6:37:06 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so the reasons havent really changed much
6:37:14 PM VRT Dovestar: agreed
6:37:14 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: I've feeling very laggy after that parade. LOL
6:37:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:37:41 PM VRT Dovestar: i try to keep lag down but hey, i like pretty builds too
6:37:43 PM VRT Dovestar: hard call
6:37:58 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yep i agree Dove
6:38:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and we're talking about just this world. If something major was brewing, you'd want a new world anyways
6:38:15 PM VRT Dovestar: reason i have so many empty buildings
6:38:17 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:38:33 PM VRT Gremot: AW way way, way back, used to set the awt file association during AW install, but doesnt now
6:38:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thanks gremot
6:38:52 PM VRT Gremot: huh?
6:38:55 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :P
6:38:58 PM VRT Gremot: LOL
6:39:11 PM VRT Dovestar: could come up with a windows script to do such and offer it as a download on all the aw sites that us cits run
6:39:40 PM VRT Gremot: o i c, there are other people here
6:39:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:39:47 PM VRT Dovestar: but ive been out of programming to long to do it myself lol
6:39:51 PM VRT Dovestar: too
6:40:04 PM VRT Dovestar cranks up acdc hells bells
6:40:16 PM VRT Dovestar: good song for the moment
6:40:17 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:40:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so, for those that havent heard, we've started wednesday workshops in AWSchool ....everyone.. teachers, students, masters and novices are all invited to talk building
6:41:08 PM VRT Dovestar: yup and newbies like meyself :P
6:41:10 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:41:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I wanted a place where we could talk all building without messing with the LZ
6:41:42 PM VRT Dovestar: well is where u at satisfactory?
6:41:42 PM VRT The Courier: Hey Edwin.
6:41:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: come armed with questioons and lets find answers
6:41:49 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao: What times are the Wednesday workshops?
6:41:51 PM VRT Dovestar: if not let me know ill find another if needed
6:42:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: the major one is 6:30 central
6:42:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thats umm 8:30 VRT, I Think now
6:42:27 PM VRT The Courier: hey again edwin
6:42:29 PM VRT Dovestar: and the halloween playlist is done, will reload it at the next parade
6:42:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: however, I will be parked in there all day and we had a HUGE morning group
6:42:48 PM VRT Dovestar: yes add 2 hours bz
6:42:51 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:43:00 PM VRT Dovestar: so your correct
6:43:14 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: thats very cool
6:43:18 PM VRT Sgeo: What does "the mover needs support" mean?
6:43:39 PM VRT Dovestar hushes and goes afk out of what his self survival instinct depicts.
6:43:43 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao: So just drop in and get workshopping with whoever's there, then? Cool :D
6:43:48 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: If there isnt a mover object resting on the ground, the mover will sink
6:44:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: maybe not worded as well as it should be
6:44:32 PM VRT SaintlyMic: There are more people here than I've seen in a while.
6:44:33 PM VRT Dovestar: lol
6:44:38 PM VRT Dovestar: agreed
6:44:39 PM VRT Toxor: The workshops are great learning opportunities and other experts besides Bach to share their wisdom too
6:44:46 PM VRT Gremot: next thing ya know, movers will be asking for alimony
6:45:06 PM VRT Dovestar wonders how much his mover would want
6:45:09 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yay its raining in california finally
6:45:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: the example I give, is in the horse movers.. the mover object is on the ground between the horses legs.. if we didnt do it that way, the horse would sink into the ground
6:45:22 PM VRT Dovestar: it never rains in So calif.
6:45:28 PM VRT Dovestar: oops song refrence
6:45:34 PM VRT Dovestar goes back to afk
6:45:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah Ozy was talking physics and bots Ten was talking movers for a while
6:46:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: its a great way to share info..
6:46:18 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: good thing i live in northern cali hehe
6:46:21 PM VRT Sgeo: Would I be welcome to talk about logic gates?
6:46:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:46:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: give examples
6:46:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: like why someone would use it
6:46:49 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: i am clueless about tech stuff
6:46:54 PM VRT Gremot: wait, first what is logic
6:47:15 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol yeah.. you'll be talking over most of our heads
6:47:31 PM VRT Sgeo: Suppose you want a door to open if someone had a key but not if they're also holding onto a cursed scroll
6:47:34 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I'm cooking pigs in the blanket for my friend in the oven because the microwave ruined half of them. They were hard to fit in the oven whole, and I used my favorite blanket. Wait. Is that smoke I see?
6:47:53 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I can get it when I can dissect a build and have a reason to reapply it
6:48:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: then set up that situation :D
6:48:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I can understand that then
6:48:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and Ten has some of that already..
6:49:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: his rocket launch awesome coding
6:49:01 PM VRT Dovestar: stop talking about tens pole bach
6:49:05 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: haha
6:49:13 PM VRT Chumana: oowa lol
6:49:16 PM VRT Sgeo: I haven't seen Ten's rocket launch
6:49:16 PM VRT Dovestar: it launches
6:49:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
6:49:18 PM VRT Dovestar: omg
6:49:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: pew pew
6:49:25 PM VRT Chumana: oh boy
6:49:43 PM VRT Dovestar steps out of this convo quicly
6:49:52 PM VRT Sgeo: Where is it?
6:49:53 PM VRT Dovestar pulls rock over his head and hides
6:49:56 PM VRT TenYearsGone hears his name being taken in vain
6:50:04 PM VRT Chumana: aww
6:50:08 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach, I'll be late for all the meetings from now until we change the clocks forward. I have a quick question, has AW posted when their upgrade will come out yet or not?
6:50:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but anyways.. wednesday all day in AWSchool.. come with questions.
6:50:19 PM VRT SaintlyMic: TeanYeahsGahn
6:50:25 PM VRT The Courier: upgrade soon
6:50:27 PM VRT The Courier: (^:
6:50:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not
6:50:39 PM VRT Kenneth: ok thanks
6:50:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we've heard nothing further for over a week now
6:51:01 PM VRT Kenneth: ok
6:51:24 PM VRT TenYearsGone: The rocket launch is part of an aventure scenerio that begins at 1520s 3246e
6:51:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: no matter how many time I post the worst song ever lol
6:51:32 PM VRT Mouxi: Kenneth!!!
6:51:35 PM VRT Mouxi: Hi :)
6:51:40 PM VRT Mouxi: Hi BZ
6:51:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Hi Mouxi
6:51:46 PM VRT Kenneth: LOL Bach
6:51:48 PM VRT Kenneth: hey Mouxi
6:51:56 PM VRT Mouxi: Meeting?
6:52:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yep 6-8
6:52:05 PM VRT Mouxi: :(
6:52:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and parade at 9
6:52:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :)
6:52:42 PM VRT Gremot: people use logic all the time, they just don't have a name for it .... ie "show me the money" ., or "no, not till you put the frying pan down" .. etc
6:52:55 PM VRT Kenneth: Mouxi get used to it, Bach has done meetings for many years.
6:52:56 PM VRT SaintlyMic: :>D>
6:53:05 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: questions so far?
6:53:11 PM VRT SaintlyMic: nope.
6:53:17 PM VRT The Courier: nope.
6:53:30 PM VRT Mouxi: I don't like meeting.. loll
6:53:45 PM VRT panne: lol mouxi
6:54:02 PM VRT Grell Sutcliffe: Business before play, Mouxi. That's how life works.
6:54:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: you've said that to me a lot Mouxi Do you think that will change anything tho?
6:54:28 PM VRT Mouxi: Ça te faire rire?
6:54:30 PM VRT Mouxi: :P
6:54:33 PM VRT Mouxi: :D
6:55:12 PM VRT Gremot: seems like a duct tape situation to me
6:55:20 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Mouxi, find a business to do that is like playing to you, then you got business by the feet.
6:55:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: what other news is there? :o *looks at posts
6:55:41 PM VRT The Courier: ummmmmmm
6:56:03 PM VRT SaintlyMic: What about the OMG Awards?
6:56:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: had fun at the halloween ball last night.. :)
6:56:13 PM VRT panne: you got to invent new things yourself , bach , lol
6:56:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Nominations thru december, I hear
6:56:31 PM VRT The Courier: Oh boy the awards.
6:56:48 PM VRT Gremot: a hint for meetings: put viz on 30. then you can see all the people (avatars) nearby, w/o having buildings in the way
6:56:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: whats up in Winter world? anyone know?
6:57:05 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Did they ever set it up to view the nominations so far?
6:57:06 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: still waiting for it to be fixed i think
6:57:07 PM VRT panne: i asked GSK if he would make the nomination of the OMG awards public, but GSK has had no time yet to fix this and publish the current nominations
6:57:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: k
6:57:26 PM VRT SaintlyMic: ok
6:57:37 PM VRT panne: yes MaxPoly has telegrammed me that his CT rights for winter have been taken away again
6:57:44 PM VRT The Courier: What happened?
6:57:50 PM VRT The Courier: He didn't do anything wrong.
6:58:10 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: the winter lots are all set up but we cant start anything til the ct thing is fixed agian
6:58:12 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: again
6:58:18 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Who needs rights in Conneticut?
6:58:23 PM VRT Bukka: AGAIN !!!
6:58:38 PM VRT Zephyr Fox: Got to get to work now... Cya all later.... Thanks Bach.
6:58:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: do we think thats something that will happen?
6:58:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: laters Zephyr
6:58:51 PM VRT The Courier: still curious why Max lost CT
6:59:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I mean, how long do we wait before planning something else?
6:59:30 PM VRT panne: Maxpoly: " i cant do anything in winter, my ct was removed again by chris and world set to default. sorry"
6:59:33 PM VRT MeL: havent we waited long enough
6:59:43 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: we have a back up plan and will update you with it when we know for sure
6:59:55 PM VRT Gremot: w/o specific time line .. typically don't wait
6:59:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: does Max want to be a part of it anymore?
7:00:06 PM VRT The Courier: Winter just needs new management.
7:00:06 PM VRT Mouxi: Bach Zhaa, my new dance center is finish!!!
7:00:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
7:00:10 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yes
7:00:15 PM VRT The Courier: Give it back to the users entirely.
7:00:20 PM VRT The Courier: instead of being AWI plus one guy
7:00:20 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: i will let you know more details soon as i can
7:00:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: as long as its being thought about. I just wasnt sure if I should be jumping in
7:00:40 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: he didnt do anything wrong
7:00:53 PM VRT panne: maybe organize things in private worlds, so you keep full control
7:00:59 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: so the lots are all set just awaiting ct rights restored?
7:01:07 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yes Iao
7:01:23 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah.. he's reunion last years unused sites
7:01:28 PM VRT The Courier: Winter at this point is just trying to find an new CT, right?
7:01:31 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: reusing
7:01:31 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: problem with private worlds panne is they arent big enough to do contests etc
7:01:58 PM VRT Sgeo: Problem with private worlds is that they don't last forever :(
7:01:59 PM VRT panne: well p20 is big enough
7:02:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and reusing the poster
7:02:02 PM VRT Bukka: someone needs to kick Chris' worthless ass
7:02:02 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: we are working on a back up plan in a differnt world
7:02:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:02:19 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: if thats the only thing your going to do use it for panne....
7:02:22 PM VRT The Courier: Chris did nothing wrong.
7:02:27 PM VRT The Courier: Don't be hard on him.
7:02:45 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: its just something that needs to be sorted out is all
7:02:46 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: we don't know the full scoop...but sure would be sad to lose max in all this
7:02:48 PM VRT Bukka: Chris is a moron
7:02:55 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: max isnt going away
7:03:07 PM VRT The Courier: That's being a little rough, don't you think?
7:03:09 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: kk...he just needs ct rights back..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagain
7:03:16 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: enough please.. moving on
7:03:18 PM VRT panne: depends, pk47, you could buy a p30 too, if the contest is over , you make a backup and start with something new on the p30 area
7:03:20 PM VRT Bukka: that's being nice
7:04:01 PM VRT Gremot: . . . predicts the next build of AW will include new undocumented features, especially for Bukka, LOL
7:04:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Ill assume that its being planned for until told overwise. Remember, you dont need permission to throw parties or events. Just do it
7:04:54 PM VRT Audacious: why doint we do it in the road?
7:05:17 PM VRT Audacious: nobody will be watching us ;)
7:05:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: make a poster, post it in a couple places.. let ppl know.. be there to greet and thats all there is too it
7:05:20 PM VRT Bukka predicts Gremot is also a moron..LOL
7:05:27 PM VRT Audacious: old beatles line
7:05:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hey
7:05:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: *glares at crowd >_>
7:06:11 PM VRT Gremot: you din already know? i got the aluminum level moron badge 2 years ago
7:06:16 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:06:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: you guys
7:06:45 PM VRT Bukka: you should be up to platinum by now
7:06:46 PM VRT Audacious: mine is a colored tinfoil star
7:07:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but anyways, Ill help folks however I can to set up events.. just do it, is all it takes :)
7:07:17 PM VRT panne: post it in a couple places : 1. facebook aw official 2. myaw.us 3. awlife org 4. aw forum
7:07:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: right ^^
7:07:46 PM VRT Dovestar sips coffee and watches it all unfold before him
7:08:10 PM VRT panne: these are still used nowadays, also the awforum still has new posts
7:08:27 PM VRT Dovestar: agreed
7:08:39 PM VRT Dovestar: when is the next parade BZ
7:08:44 PM VRT Dovestar: 9pm vrt?
7:08:53 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: about 1 hour 52 min
7:08:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but we have thankgiving in the US, Christmas, New Years, isnt there a Boxing day coming? lots of chances in the next few months
7:09:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: to thro a party
7:09:11 PM VRT Dovestar: ok 9pmvrt then ty
7:09:20 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yep
7:09:23 PM VRT Dovestar: im stepping out till around then
7:09:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yep :)
7:09:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hb
7:09:35 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: k Dove see ya then :)
7:09:35 PM VRT Dovestar: until then peace to all
7:09:44 PM VRT SirGreendown: I'm probably gonna hold a New Years Party again
7:10:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ball dropping and all? :D
7:10:13 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: christmas and new years parties in awr as well
7:10:19 PM VRT SirGreendown: like I did last year
7:10:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: plenty of time to work on stuff
7:10:44 PM VRT The Courier: Greendown
7:10:49 PM VRT The Courier: when is the new vegas party
7:11:16 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao: Hey, who says you ever NEED an excuse to throw a party? Just go for it.
7:11:17 PM VRT SirGreendown: huh? as in New Vegas on Colony Alpha?
7:11:21 PM VRT MeL: AnyBody that Wants the TGIF - Acyronm Game done at their Party / Build in AW either if its in Alpha. or a public world.. Gram me, lets get it schedule
7:11:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Its way too early to be tinkin about it, but should we do a ebts after the new year?
7:11:47 PM VRT SirGreendown: yes, and do EBTS in AWTeen
7:11:47 PM VRT The Courier: Green
7:11:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: MeL: AnyBody that Wants the TGIF - Acyronm Game done at their Party / Build in AW either if its in Alpha. or a public world.. Gram me, lets get it schedule
7:11:59 PM VRT The Courier: Do EBTs in Yellow.
7:12:15 PM VRT SirGreendown: Apooka doesn't want it in Yellow
7:12:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I had planned on Yellow
7:12:32 PM VRT MeL: Apooka doesnt own yellow
7:12:34 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, I wasnt going to let her chase me off
7:12:40 PM VRT GSK: Sorry I'm late guys... what's the topic right now?
7:12:49 PM VRT SaintlyMic: GSK.
7:12:50 PM VRT panne: the EBTS
7:12:53 PM VRT GSK: ah
7:12:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: its cool.. I think she'll go for it. let me handle that
7:13:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just should we?
7:13:16 PM VRT SirGreendown: I want EBTS to be in a world with ULTRA CELL LIMIT
7:13:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: enough of you interested?
7:13:32 PM VRT The Courier: i'm interested
7:13:36 PM VRT GSK: I've never built in Yellow. I welcome the challenge.
7:13:42 PM VRT The Courier: Yellow is a great place.
7:13:44 PM VRT SirGreendown: because some people do not build in wotrlds with lower cell limits than Ultra
7:13:46 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: point of ebts is the challenge
7:13:46 PM VRT SaintlyMic: What is the cell limit of ultra cell limit?
7:13:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 4 times alpha
7:14:04 PM VRT SirGreendown: Yellow is great but the EBTS should be in AWTeen
7:14:21 PM VRT SirGreendown: Bach already promised me EBTS would be in AWTeen
7:14:30 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I didnt either
7:14:32 PM VRT SirGreendown: now he wants to put it back in Yellow
7:14:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :P
7:14:45 PM VRT SirGreendown: even though Apooka doesn't want it there
7:14:53 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ur such a putz
7:14:59 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: community worlds for community events...
7:15:08 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I know! Host EBTS in @!Mart.
7:15:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:15:14 PM VRT SirGreendown: just realize if you ever want folks like James in a EBTS it has to be in a world with Ultra Cell Limit
7:15:16 PM VRT MeL: Sir G,, Apooka doesnt own Yellow.. its a public AWI World
7:15:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I could actually
7:15:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :P
7:15:23 PM VRT The Courier: AWTeen can't handle EBTs
7:15:28 PM VRT The Courier: Yellow or Mart is great though
7:15:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: mart?
7:15:33 PM VRT Gremot: . . SirG . . if you build with everything scale 2x you're virtually building at 2 times Ultra
7:15:34 PM VRT SirGreendown: STFU COURIER
7:15:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: o_O
7:15:38 PM VRT GSK: oh boy
7:15:46 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: Sirg enough
7:15:47 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: holey farkles
7:15:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: let me explain..
7:16:01 PM VRT Gremot: or would that be 4 time ultra
7:16:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and shss SG
7:16:02 PM VRT The Courier: what
7:16:02 PM VRT SaintlyMic: That's Sarg to you. lol
7:16:22 PM VRT The Courier: I just think EBTs should be in Yellow. I love Apooka haha
7:16:54 PM VRT Chumana: holey farkles...lol... i like that, lao :)
7:17:09 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Yellow would be nice. I could do an American Indian build in there for EBTS.
7:17:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I wanted it in Yellow. Ive wanted it there. I dont want to piss off the natives tho.. so there are negotiations behind the scenes
7:17:15 PM VRT enkii: me too
7:17:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I also want it in teen sometime
7:17:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I think that world is decent and doesnt deserve the bad rap it gets
7:17:43 PM VRT Mouxi: what is the parada?
7:17:48 PM VRT Mouxi: parade*
7:18:01 PM VRT panne: yes that's what you told us last year : to host to EBTS each time in a different world
7:18:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: If it wasnt going to be yellow then it would be teen. I dont think that will be necessary tho..
7:18:11 PM VRT The Courier: Teen never had a bad rep.
7:18:42 PM VRT Gremot: or a rap , tap tap
7:18:46 PM VRT SaintlyMic: The parade is where we walk or ride floats/movers through the Halloween area for about an hour.
7:19:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Apooka did some great texture yards for us to use.. I think its a nice place to go next and am shooting for it
7:19:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, my question really was, are you guys interested?
7:19:55 PM VRT Chumana: i am
7:20:04 PM VRT The Courier: Let's bring it on.
7:20:04 PM VRT enkii: yes
7:20:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :)
7:20:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: k
7:20:18 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: sure...if i can finish this year without getting sick. lol...
7:20:25 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: *next year...
7:20:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: probably starting after the first of the year.. 1st or second week and build time 8 weeks
7:20:42 PM VRT Gremot: another way to do an ebts could be . select a picture of something and all entrants try to build it
7:21:26 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: always seems so close after winter contest, but cool.
7:21:32 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol Id love to have a contest to build mario bro. levels and everyone MUST stay in theme. o_o
7:21:44 PM VRT Toxor: that would be cool
7:21:50 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I'm not good at coppying a photograph or picture.
7:21:56 PM VRT panne: well i hope the winter contest goes through , iao
7:22:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah.. we are in a holding pattern for xmas
7:22:26 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: I'm hopeful til got word from the source..
7:22:32 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: maybe we can cover some of that on wednesday mic
7:22:44 PM VRT SaintlyMic: ok
7:22:56 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Sounds great.
7:23:02 PM VRT Gremot: wait i know .... we show the picture to the entrant for 60 seconds, and then htye have to try to create it from memory ...lol
7:23:08 PM VRT The Courier: if Winter needs help it get through with whatever it needs, I'd be willing to help out. Sounds like a lot of turmoil from what I'm getting out of this.
7:23:26 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: lol need to be quick on the screen shot
7:23:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: graphics is a big part of this program and its good to know at least how to get good textures/pictures in.
7:23:32 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I was thinking of doing a Christmas build.
7:23:32 PM VRT Gremot: indeed
7:23:38 PM VRT Keshi: i am hoping to set up a begining wings 3d modeling class in december
7:23:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :D
7:23:50 PM VRT Chumana: yaaayyy
7:23:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yay keshi
7:23:50 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: woot
7:24:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and cool :)
7:24:20 PM VRT panne: nice to hear keshi
7:24:20 PM VRT Toxor: Awesome Keshi!
7:24:26 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao: Oh, I'm looking forward to that, Keshi.
7:24:26 PM VRT The Courier: green i need to talk about plans
7:24:32 PM VRT The Courier: whoops
7:24:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:24:44 PM VRT Keshi: Also plan to Have Explorers Club toward end of nove and again in December
7:25:03 PM VRT Chumana: nice!
7:25:09 PM VRT SirGreendown: Explorer's Club cool
7:25:15 PM VRT panne: :)
7:25:33 PM VRT The Courier: hi mark
7:25:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Nice to hear :) look forward to both of those
7:25:45 PM VRT Keshi: i am getting healthiers sorry has been a hold on things
7:26:51 PM VRT Keshi: look for ward to all the announcements comingout in about two weeks
7:27:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so umm any questiosn so far? its a go for ebts then
7:28:03 PM VRT GSK: Any idea when EBTS starts?
7:28:15 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: (ts a lot of set up lol)
7:28:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: like 1st or 2nd week in jan
7:28:45 PM VRT GSK: okies
7:28:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: the goes for 8 weeks
7:28:57 PM VRT Kenneth: cool
7:29:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: how big of sites?
7:29:21 PM VRT The Courier: GSK.
7:29:27 PM VRT GSK: yeah?
7:29:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: did you like the 200x200 ones?
7:29:39 PM VRT Gremot: 100 meters radius
7:29:39 PM VRT The Courier: how goes with the OMG stuff (nominations?)
7:29:58 PM VRT Gremot: ok 200, LOL
7:30:04 PM VRT GSK: ;)
7:30:10 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I look forward to EBTS, and I hope it can be in Yellow. My mind is already working on it.
7:30:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so big again?
7:30:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Ill work something out then
7:30:46 PM VRT Kenneth: on a mountain in Yellow or flat land?
7:30:52 PM VRT SaintlyMic: 200 meter lots Bach.
7:30:52 PM VRT enkii: what size was the last ebts?
7:30:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: prob flat
7:30:58 PM VRT Kenneth: ok
7:31:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 200x200
7:31:16 PM VRT GSK: Just waiting on this FTP transfer, Courier. ;)
7:31:16 PM VRT SaintlyMic: yes!
7:31:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and 200 between the sites
7:31:28 PM VRT Gremot: 200m with a 100m buffer bweteen each
7:31:34 PM VRT The Courier: ayyy
7:31:40 PM VRT Gremot: ok 200 ,LOL
7:31:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:31:52 PM VRT SaintlyMic: That's really huge.
7:31:52 PM VRT enkii: 200
7:32:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I had a 400x400 awg lol
7:32:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: poof.. go for coffee repeat lol
7:32:34 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: larger lots made it better so as not to clash with each other. could go all all.
7:32:40 PM VRT SaintlyMic: At the AWG yard, Bach?
7:32:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nah its not there
7:33:22 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach, the AW Museum domes are in AWG also LOL
7:33:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I has it tho.. thats how the ebts was done tho
7:33:22 PM VRT The Courier: ahh
7:33:34 PM VRT The Courier: hi green
7:33:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: make it once the repeat ot over and over
7:35:17 PM VRT SaintlyMic: There is a way a person can win the EBTS by keeping things simple. Just use one landa.rwx.
7:35:23 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so you have something you want to say GSK? you ready?
7:35:35 PM VRT GSK: Still waiting on the FTP upload. Gotta finish before I'm ready :\
7:35:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
7:35:59 PM VRT The Courier: Nice.
7:36:05 PM VRT The Courier: Can't wait.
7:36:05 PM VRT SaintlyMic: No lag. Very little cell space.
7:36:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and I figure, if you want hills, then you'll create them yourself
7:36:17 PM VRT Kenneth: Mic, sounds boring lol
7:36:23 PM VRT SaintlyMic: lol
7:36:23 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: Yellow has plenty hill objects
7:36:29 PM VRT SirGreendown: I wish EBTS could be held in AWTeen
7:36:35 PM VRT SirGreendown: But EVERYONE HATES ME
7:36:47 PM VRT SirGreendown: and everyone wants to ignore poor AWTeen
7:36:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I may get creative with the seps.. like I did with the roads but do hills
7:36:59 PM VRT SirGreendown: and it sucks
7:37:05 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: setups
7:37:05 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I don't hate you. I've just had a fondness for Yellow since 1999.
7:37:11 PM VRT SirGreendown: AWTeen deserves nice things
7:37:23 PM VRT SirGreendown: AWTeen deserves renewed interest
7:37:23 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: nothing to do with hating you. I recall in previous meetings it was discussed that yellow and awteen would be next on the list
7:37:29 PM VRT Gremot: be carful what you wish for SirG .... remember last time you wished for a chick with long legs
7:37:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: it does SG I agree.. but yellow first then Tenn
7:37:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: teen
7:37:29 PM VRT Gremot: you got an oatritch
7:37:41 PM VRT The Courier: Yellow needs love.
7:37:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we'll get there promise
7:37:47 PM VRT The Courier: It's an underated build world.
7:37:47 PM VRT Gremot: ostritch
7:37:47 PM VRT Toxor: Be gracious if it doesn't happen this time and better chance for next time
7:37:53 PM VRT SirGreendown: Yellow is excellent
7:37:59 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :)
7:37:59 PM VRT SirGreendown: \I love Yelloew
7:38:05 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: awteen does have nice things...and you've made it nice... I just recall yellow came first
7:38:11 PM VRT Kenneth: Building contests don't HAVE to be EBTS, look what I did for the 2 Hour Building Contest.
7:38:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: right
7:38:17 PM VRT SirGreendown: butm the issue with Yellow is cell limit
7:38:23 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: there you go, so make one
7:38:29 PM VRT The Courier: Fantasia was actually gonna host a build contest, but I might have to put that on hold.
7:38:36 PM VRT panne: you can build already a countdown panel : 420 days to go
7:38:36 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao: ALL of ActiveWorlds needs love, I figure, but good to concentrate on a bit at a time.
7:38:36 PM VRT The Courier: if something happens here.
7:38:36 PM VRT SirGreendown: I wish Yellow had Ultra Cell Limit
7:38:42 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: aw was a cell space issue and look what great stuff was built...
7:38:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hmm..
7:39:00 PM VRT Gremot: extreeme doesnt mean maxing out cells space, LOL
7:39:00 PM VRT SaintlyMic: The reason why I'm not building in Yellow right now is because I want to build in the main world, and because I want to build a city in AW.
7:39:24 PM VRT TenYearsGone: It doesn't???? nuts, I did it wrong
7:39:36 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:39:42 PM VRT SirGreendown: a lot of my friends didn't do EBTS in Alpha because Cell Limit was not Ultra
7:39:42 PM VRT Stayjit: Wanna be a hobitt and build a pig farm?
7:39:48 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: its extreme use of the platform rather than about cell space.
7:39:48 PM VRT Gremot: i'll resent you the email Ten
7:39:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I think GSK wants to say a few things tho :)
7:40:12 PM VRT GSK: Yep, thanks Bach :D
7:40:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Take it away, GSK lol
7:40:24 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: easier to build with ultra. I thought ebts was about the challenge and extreme use of the platform.
7:40:42 PM VRT GSK: So, I don't have much to say today except for a little bit of info about the coming OMG! Awards.
7:40:54 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: omg
7:41:12 PM VRT GSK: Thanks to everyone who has nominated so far, and I know some of you haven't been sure of what has or hasn't been nominated...
7:41:18 PM VRT SaintlyMic: What is fun is being able to say that you can build under any cell limit. Lower cell limits are restrictive, but that doesn't completely hinder creativity.
7:41:30 PM VRT The Courier: I have a good idea about me <3
7:41:48 PM VRT GSK: Starting today, you can find everything and everyone nominated so far over here on the new MyAW Warehouse website: http://myaw.us/omg.php
7:41:54 PM VRT SaintlyMic: OH YEAH! MAMMA!
7:41:54 PM VRT SirGreendown: I'm not too concrned about my ability with lower cell limits, I'm more concerned about my friends
7:42:00 PM VRT SirGreendown: I can handle it
7:42:06 PM VRT GSK: The MyAW Warehouse website replaces the old AWCom database so you'll still be able to find all of the old information from AWCom now on myaw.us.
7:42:06 PM VRT SirGreendown: I build on Colony and Atlantis
7:42:31 PM VRT GSK: But yeah, that link has a list of all current nominations, along with a shortcut button to make a new nomination.
7:42:31 PM VRT The Courier: Dark has other builders?
7:42:43 PM VRT The Courier: well green looks like we both are doomed tbh fam
7:42:49 PM VRT The Courier: oh wait he left
7:43:13 PM VRT MeL: guess I kick him so hard it knock me off too,, hee =)
7:43:25 PM VRT SaintlyMic: It will be years before I build in any other world other than Alpha and Yellow. I have many things set up to do. And ideas keep pouring out. No end in sight. I'll be preoccupied for a long time.
7:43:31 PM VRT GSK: Nominations for the OMG! Awards 2016 close on December 31, so you still have some time.
7:43:37 PM VRT panne: nice :)
7:43:49 PM VRT GSK: Make your nominations here: http://network.myaw.us/events/omg-awards-2016/nominate/
7:44:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: whats the definition of a "city" GSK?
7:44:01 PM VRT TommysZ: Greetings everybody!
7:44:07 PM VRT TommysZ: How spooky to see you all heha
7:44:31 PM VRT GSK: Well, cities usually have multiple builders
7:44:31 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: can it be an individuals project or does it need multiple builders
7:44:31 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
7:44:49 PM VRT panne: could you sort them by category ?
7:44:55 PM VRT GSK: For the sake of the nominations, a city must have multiple builders. Something like an individual's project made out to look like a city would go under Better Building or Creative Design
7:45:07 PM VRT GSK: Yeah, panne. I'll do that this week.
7:45:38 PM VRT The Courier: Honestly I feel like DarkMatter's city is more like just his own sandbox rather than an actual builder community. I don't have an issue with him being up there, but it's probably better suited under a different catergory.
7:46:14 PM VRT GSK: Yeah, I fixed the category for DarkMatter's. It was supposed to be under creative design, not active community.
7:47:56 PM VRT GSK: Any other questions?
7:48:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: cool :) Thanks GSK
7:48:14 PM VRT GSK: Thanks everyone :)
7:48:32 PM VRT Kenneth: Silent Bob speaketh ;-)
7:48:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: how many users on MyAW atm
7:48:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: total
7:48:44 PM VRT GSK: lemme check
7:49:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thats kinda the barometer for "active community"
7:49:09 PM VRT GSK: 103
7:49:27 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach, after a few months it won't be though, because people do come and go.
7:49:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: for now its cool
7:49:57 PM VRT Kenneth: :)
7:50:03 PM VRT GSK: I'm still surprised we hit 100 on MyAW
7:50:15 PM VRT The Courier: That glorious shot of me on one of the entries is embarrassing.
7:50:21 PM VRT The Courier: and it's not even for me.
7:50:33 PM VRT GSK: Look under [OPTIONS
7:50:33 PM VRT GSK: erm
7:50:33 PM VRT GSK: OPTIONS > Zoom for the actual photo
7:50:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hey GSK for every week you dont log on, you lose 10 points. when you run out, you're removed. ...sound harsh but would keep everyone looking once a week
7:50:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:50:51 PM VRT GSK: lol
7:50:51 PM VRT Kenneth: what? lol
7:50:51 PM VRT GSK: Rick would be in the negatives by now :P
7:50:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:51:03 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: i tend to have log in problems...
7:51:27 PM VRT GSK: yeah I don't know why there are login problems
7:51:27 PM VRT GSK: I'm still investigating that
7:51:28 PM VRT SaintlyMic: GSK, I hope in future contests like OMG Awards that you do accept cities created by one individual.
7:51:34 PM VRT GSK: Yeah there's certainly room for improvement. This is only the first one.
7:51:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so umm whats am I missing? :o *thinks*
7:51:58 PM VRT Kenneth: Anyone seen Silly Putty in many weeks?
7:52:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nope
7:52:04 PM VRT Kenneth: ok
7:52:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nor Tolan
7:52:10 PM VRT Kenneth: ok
7:52:10 PM VRT GSK: no, thank god.
7:52:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: er
7:52:16 PM VRT Kenneth: lol
7:52:22 PM VRT Kenneth: she was... "unique" lol
7:52:22 PM VRT SaintlyMic: The reason why I said that is because I am building a city by myself. Not a conventional city.
7:52:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but then memyself is still missing.. Judge Duvet
7:52:40 PM VRT SaintlyMic: It will be a long time until it is done.
7:52:40 PM VRT Kenneth: ahh
7:52:52 PM VRT Kenneth: Someone said SP was here after the problems started?
7:52:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: k
7:53:04 PM VRT Kenneth: not sure though
7:53:10 PM VRT panne: not everyone can still log in with the normal way
7:53:16 PM VRT Kenneth: yeah
7:53:22 PM VRT Toxor: right
7:53:22 PM VRT GSK: and no one on a Mac can log in
7:53:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, she got a site here at the halloween area after the problems stared so I dont think thats it
7:53:28 PM VRT Kenneth: ok thanks
7:53:34 PM VRT Tree Saw: sillyputty made it in after the Internet did big upgrade..yes
7:53:34 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: crazy they havent fixed this
7:53:40 PM VRT Kenneth: ok
7:53:52 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: work around messes my computer up that has vista so now i gotta fix that too. heh...
7:53:58 PM VRT Tree Saw: i added to contacts..then Nada poof vanished ! lol
7:53:58 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Mack truck drivers use a new operating system called Mac-k.
7:54:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:54:10 PM VRT GSK: ??
7:54:16 PM VRT SaintlyMic: JUst silliness.
7:54:16 PM VRT Gremot: lets see .... so far away in some elevated 4th dementional plane, god enters earth in a contest . . nope, single builder doesnt count
7:54:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just hope they get to it soonly
7:54:22 PM VRT Mouxi: Catwoman!!!!! :D
7:54:29 PM VRT Mouxi: How are you?!
7:54:29 PM VRT Kenneth: Hi Catwoman :)
7:54:35 PM VRT Tree Saw: Hello HUGS CATWOMAN !!!!!!!!
7:54:41 PM VRT panne: bonsoir claude
7:54:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hey Cat :) nice to see you
7:54:47 PM VRT SirGreendown: Hi Catwoman
7:54:47 PM VRT panne: guten abend Catwoman
7:54:53 PM VRT Tree Saw: adieu Panne
7:54:53 PM VRT ClaudeFR: Hello panne !!
7:54:59 PM VRT Mouxi: adieu Tree Saw
7:55:11 PM VRT SaintlyMic: For a second I thought that chandelier on that tree was a mover. lol
7:55:11 PM VRT panne: i m still herer tree saw, lol
7:55:17 PM VRT Tree Saw: adieu 2 u 2 Mouxi : ))
7:55:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I hope everyone is stayng for the parade :D
7:55:29 PM VRT Kenneth: Yep, did it do good earlier?
7:55:29 PM VRT MeL: woohoo
7:55:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Im counting on it even lol
7:55:35 PM VRT Tree Saw: me too Panne :)
7:55:35 PM VRT Mouxi: On se revoit au ciel Arbre Saw
7:55:53 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: dont leave!! parade lineup starts soon lol
7:55:59 PM VRT Kenneth: :)
7:55:59 PM VRT Sgeo: Hmm, Gremot, how did that awt thing work? Do the contents just get passed to aworld on the command line somehow, or what?
7:55:59 PM VRT Mouxi: :)
7:56:11 PM VRT Tree Saw: i went got a coffee....and stuff to make GHOULOSH
7:56:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: haha
7:56:23 PM VRT Tree Saw: its on stove brewing now =P
7:56:29 PM VRT Chumana: oowa... not fair, Tree
7:56:35 PM VRT panne: goulash ?
7:56:35 PM VRT Sgeo: Trying to pass commands to aworld.exe manually, it's not working
7:56:41 PM VRT Tree Saw: yes Hungarian dish panne
7:56:41 PM VRT panne: yes, it"s goulash
7:56:41 PM VRT Tree Saw: pasta...burger. tomatoes...and sause
7:56:47 PM VRT Gremot: . . i'd have to go look at it again, i havnt messed with that for a while
7:56:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: plenty of folks made parade floats that take passengers so everyone can ride..
7:56:47 PM VRT Sgeo: Gremot, ok, ty
7:56:47 PM VRT Audacious: this is the most ppl I've seen in AW in ages. time for me to head out. have fun all :)
7:56:53 PM VRT Audacious: bye
7:56:53 PM VRT Tree Saw: little greek seasoning cuz they think they invented it :D
7:56:59 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: bye auds ;)
7:57:05 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: bye Aud :)
7:57:05 PM VRT Chumana: lol Tree
7:57:05 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao waves to Aud.
7:57:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 59 in alpha :)
7:57:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: wow
7:57:17 PM VRT Tree Saw: chumana penty there for you too
7:57:29 PM VRT Chumana: nice! ty ty
7:57:35 PM VRT Tree Saw: :)
7:58:06 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so umm anything else? who has candy still?
7:58:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :o
7:58:24 PM VRT Chumana: not me :(
7:58:36 PM VRT Chumana: i woofed down mine
7:58:36 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: haha
7:58:36 PM VRT Kenneth: I got all my candy left ... no trick or treaters O_O
7:58:42 PM VRT Grell Sutcliffe: I ran out last night *chuckles* too many kids.
7:58:48 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: O_O
7:58:48 PM VRT Chalcedony Mao: Still have some here. Little Coffee Crisps and Areos.
7:58:48 PM VRT Kenneth: lol
7:58:54 PM VRT Chumana: yummy
7:58:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yay tho lol
7:59:00 PM VRT Kenneth: lol
7:59:06 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: fine be that way, you says
7:59:12 PM VRT Kenneth passes out Kit-Kats and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
7:59:12 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: lol
7:59:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: mmm
7:59:30 PM VRT Perra o: skips candy and eats hotdogs insted am hungry
7:59:30 PM VRT Chumana: Kenneth is my new best friend lol
7:59:30 PM VRT Kenneth: LOL
7:59:30 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:59:54 PM VRT Tree Saw: those mini KirKats are gooood
8:00:00 PM VRT Mouxi: No! Kenneth is my best friend!
8:00:00 PM VRT Mouxi: And Catwoman!
8:00:06 PM VRT Chumana: nooo
8:00:06 PM VRT Mouxi: And CoLor!
8:00:12 PM VRT Chumana: lol
8:00:18 PM VRT Mouxi: And Emmanuel!
8:00:24 PM VRT GSK: They still need some work and improvements but the MyAW forums are back online. http://network.myaw.us/forums/
8:00:30 PM VRT Kenneth: One of my friends actually passed out Raman Noodles to kids LOL
8:00:30 PM VRT Kenneth: lol Mouxi
8:00:36 PM VRT Chumana: cool, GSK thanks
8:00:36 PM VRT Tree Saw: lol kennn
8:00:42 PM VRT Kenneth: lol
8:00:42 PM VRT Mouxi: Catwoman is my cybermom loll
8:00:48 PM VRT Mouxi: eh?
8:00:48 PM VRT Chumana: lol Kenneth
8:00:48 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, thats all I had. :) Thanks everyone for coming to the meeting. Hang around for the parade tho.. its seriously an awesome thing in AW gotta see it to believe it lol
8:01:06 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: meeting Adjourned :)
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