Monday, February 8, 2016

Chat Log for AW Meeting 02/07/2016

Chat Log for AW Meeting 02/07/2016

15:00:06 Bach Zhaa:    suppose we can begin   Welcome everyone   :D

15:00:12 perra:    hes ?? he stole mine

15:00:13 Lensman:    Hi Keshi

15:00:41 Bach Zhaa:    we're back at the EBTS because its finally underway  :D

15:00:44 Bach Zhaa:    yay

15:01:07 Bach Zhaa:    lots of participation this time   Im loving it   lol

15:01:29 Bach Zhaa:    I wanted to cover a few elements of the contest first thing..

15:01:39 Bach Zhaa:    anyone may enter

15:02:08 Bach Zhaa:    you dont have to be a master builder or anything to get involved

15:02:08 Keshi:    you  took the three  corner sites off

15:02:23 TenYearsGone:    those are unusable

15:02:27 Bach Zhaa:    there is garbage in that corner   :\

15:02:36 Plappo Mintybits:    hello all!

15:03:05 Chumana:    hello Plappo

15:03:08 perra:    hi plappo

15:03:11 Bach Zhaa:    I telegrammed those folks  (digigurl and poseidon)  but they didnt get around to deleteing it so I just made them blank

15:03:18 Bach Zhaa:    heya Plappo

15:03:22 Plappo Mintybits:    oh a new contest? i've not heard about this, been out of the loop somewhat.

15:03:25 Plappo Mintybits:    hey bach :)

15:03:34 Bach Zhaa:    the EBTS Plappo   :)

15:03:36 Karten:    havent seen Digi in long long time,  Pos pops in occasionally

15:03:38 Bach Zhaa:    EBTS 7

15:03:46 Plappo Mintybits:    ah, is it that time already?

15:03:57 Bach Zhaa:    yep..   I gave them the choice..   I didnt hear back

15:04:03 Plappo Mintybits:    what's the location for this one, Bach?

15:04:04 Bach Zhaa:    yep.  :)

15:04:15 Bach Zhaa:    EBTS 7 Landing zone

15:04:21 Plappo Mintybits:    (i don't want to take part, but i like to view other's builds)

15:04:25 Plappo Mintybits:    ty :)

15:04:42 Bach Zhaa:    I wanted o point out a reality of the contest tho..

15:05:11 Keshi:    ~listening~

15:05:13 Bach Zhaa:    there are like 30+ ppl in it..  but at the end of all things there is only 1 winner.

15:05:16 TenYearsGone:    The Building Inspector?

15:05:25 Lensman:    LOL

15:05:41 Karten:    well One Super winner

15:05:53 memyself:    son of a pup is gonna pay one day

15:06:06 Keshi:    not exactly true  ... just by being apart of the contest you become a winner

15:06:07 Bach Zhaa:    that means there will be 29+ ppl that wont win..  dont NOT enter because you dont think you will win.   Half the fun of these are to say you were in it  and that you learned a lot from it

15:06:35 Bach Zhaa:    this is an awesome learning experience

15:06:48 Bach Zhaa:    all the builders coming together..   :)

15:07:07 Bach Zhaa:    so please,  get involved and give it a shot..

15:07:17 Lensman:    bang

15:07:21 Bach Zhaa:    I will make more sites if necessary

15:07:33 Bach Zhaa:    dont even let that stop you

15:08:13 Karten:    no  no Lensman the other kind of shot - the glass one

15:08:15 Bach Zhaa:    this imortalizes you in the record of activeworlds..   :)

15:08:19 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:08:36 Toxor:    I like derp manor lol

15:08:39 Bach Zhaa:    so then some of the quesions over the sites..

15:08:48 Plappo Mintybits:    is there a prize? or is the honour of victory sufficient reward?

15:08:55 Bach Zhaa:    the sites are huge again..   200x200 meters

15:09:07 Bach Zhaa:    lol  getting to that   :D

15:09:30 Bach Zhaa:    cell space is a bit restrictive here but not as bad as alpha

15:10:00 Bach Zhaa:    there is a 200m buffer between you and your neighbor so your lag is your own

15:10:19 Bach Zhaa:    speaking of lag..  you WILL be judged on that

15:10:29 Plappo Mintybits:    what is the cell limit here? i forgot how to look it up

15:10:48 TenYearsGone:    5500 byres

15:10:51 Bach Zhaa:    so get testers if you need..   ask around at what constitutes lag if your unsure

15:11:32 Bach Zhaa:    options  >  world  >  features..  and world  and Cell Data Limit   its set to Mega

15:11:42 Bach Zhaa:    alpha is one step down on Huge

15:11:48 Plappo Mintybits:    tip: i find lag is vastly reduced for my clunky old laptop if the number of textures in the vicinity is kept to a minimum, it's the textures that do it.

15:11:54 Plappo Mintybits:    ty bach

15:12:26 Bach Zhaa:    true..  lag is caused by a number of things..  too many or too large of textures are the biggest one

15:12:29 memyself:    and linked objects aparrently

15:13:24 Bach Zhaa:    movers are treated like avatars in the scene   so if you have 200 complex movers, its treated like a crowd of 200   that can lag as well

15:13:39 memyself:    lol

15:13:43 memyself:    guilty

15:13:55 TenYearsGone:    as the day is long....

15:14:04 memyself:    hehe

15:14:14 Bach Zhaa:    that being said,  dance machines can have that many sometimes..  and they dont lag..  so I stress 'complicated' movers..  or ones using link commands

15:14:27 Karten:    yea  avatars (even static ones) are fast lag creaters, and Movers act like avatars for that purpose

15:15:33 Bach Zhaa:    I did want to mention..  the sites are 200x200   but you can build upwards to 1200m  and down to -1000   dont be afraid to use this area if it fits with your idea

15:16:04 Karten:    Super Dungeon

15:16:24 Bach Zhaa:    also, there are no rules against decorating the surrounding areas with move commands..   the one real rule   please, dont piss off your neighbor   lol

15:16:26 memyself:    hi desgros

15:16:41 Plappo Mintybits:    .does the build have to gel with yellow's nature theme? or could you do, say, a moonbase, a skyscraper complex, etc?

15:17:19 Bach Zhaa:    the theme of the contest is "extreme'  and 'environments'  the focus should be on a complete VR experience

15:17:19 Plappo Mintybits:    oh wait. . .

15:17:21 CoLor:    hi Desgros

15:17:35 Plappo Mintybits:    nevermind, i just read the theme sign, which answers my question, sorry

15:17:40 Bach Zhaa:    Cities, towns, caves, swamps, arctic mountains, space stations and hell on earth, are all environments.

15:17:43 Bach Zhaa:    right

15:18:06 Bach Zhaa:    so builders choice..  just make it a complete scene

15:18:09 Gremot:    . .  ie:    extremely simple,  LOL

15:19:02 Bach Zhaa:    any questions so far..   seriously,  ask stuff..  thats how you'll know and others may be unsure about the same things

15:19:18 perra kicks bear while it pas true

15:19:19 LucaK:    iam italian

15:19:31 Gremot:    my condolences

15:19:31 Plappo Mintybits:    did you mention the prizes yet bach?

15:19:33 CoLor:    Nice to meet you

15:19:41 Bach Zhaa:    I will change surrounding areas within reason  (delete the mountains,  change textures etc)

15:19:43 Iao Moonshadow:    so detonating something to strike your neighbors lot is out of the question...

15:19:48 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:19:48 LucaK:    i speak italian

15:19:52 Bach Zhaa:    yeah  kinda

15:20:00 Toxor:    lol Iao

15:20:00 LucaK:    no english

15:20:08 Plappo Mintybits:    this world has a very nice object path

15:20:13 memyself:    nixes cannons

15:20:25 Bach Zhaa:    yes,  this world has an awesome path..

15:21:01 Bach Zhaa:    also,  for those that have entered,  you may set your own entrance point..  so think about that and get me the updated teleport

15:21:07 LucaK:    no i don't

15:21:24 Tree Saw:    my name is Luka   I live on the second floor

15:21:32 TenYearsGone:    but but but Iao and I wanted to launch Extreme Ballistic Missile Systems (EBMS) at each other.....

15:21:36 Tree Saw:    I live upstairs from you, yes I think you've seen me before

15:22:00 Iao Moonshadow:    but but but...we still can...kinda/sorta. ;-)

15:22:14 panne:    purtroppo Luca,  tutto qui è scritto nel inglese , devi ritornare an'altra volta

15:22:26 memyself:    just use a silencer

15:22:45 Iao Moonshadow:    i like the thrill of the kabooom

15:22:47 Bach Zhaa:    so umm..      the only real rule aside from dont piss off your neighbors is you cannot teleport away from the site..    and not using bots as part of the build itself..    you may use them to build with but just as long as they arent vital to the finished

15:22:53 memyself:    mee too

15:23:26 Bach Zhaa:    questions?

15:23:34 Bach Zhaa: prixes..

15:23:36 Bach Zhaa:    z

15:23:37 perra:    mummel

15:23:53 Keshi:    huggs  perra

15:23:54 Bach Zhaa:    Im asking for donations again   :)

15:24:04 perra:    Hey girl hugsss

15:24:19 Keshi:    donations okies

15:24:22 Plappo Mintybits:    donations of what? money?

15:24:23 Bach Zhaa:    Prizes are typically a cash prize plus anything else we get

15:24:27 Plappo Mintybits:    ah

15:24:36 Gremot:    so a bot can be there to make sarcastic remarks to visitors, rite?

15:24:39 Bach Zhaa:    so far the cash prize is up to $50 total

15:24:48 perra kicks bear second while it pass true

15:25:06 Bach Zhaa:    I assume that will get larger but I dont know for sure at this point

15:25:12 Plappo Mintybits:    US dollars or Canadian? (those are different things, right?)

15:25:36 Bach Zhaa:    anyone wanting to donate,  we do cash  Paypal to paypal   so you'll need an account there

15:25:48 TenYearsGone:    Yes, Plappo, the American dollar is worth considerably more than the Canadian peso

15:25:53 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:25:54 Gremot:    . . my build is done . . it's theme is "use your imagination"

15:25:56 Astraenaut:    lol

15:25:59 Keshi:    make sure you  gift the money  so no service charges

15:26:02 perra:       lol

15:26:29 Iao Moonshadow:    lol gremot..

15:26:39 Bach Zhaa:    anyone wishing to donate,   Im handling the payout so direct the dontations to

15:26:49 Plappo Mintybits:    so you need a paypal account to receive the prize? (as well as to donate to it, i mean.)

15:26:51 Gremot:    :)

15:26:56 Bach Zhaa:    yes

15:27:27 Bach Zhaa:    I will try to work with winners that are adament against it however it is a good system

15:27:50 Bach Zhaa:    mailing gift cards and such

15:27:59 Bach Zhaa:    but I much prefer paypal

15:28:03 Tree Saw:    i would want my prize money delivered like Ed McMahan did.

15:28:19 Tree Saw:    you have to brring an oversized paper check to my door Bach

15:28:22 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:28:23 Chumana:    :)

15:28:38 memyself:    yes a big picup mover check then tree

15:28:41 Bach Zhaa:    may do that during the winners announcement   lol

15:28:47 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:28:59 Keshi:    i"ll make the model where is  the virtual dor? LOL

15:28:59 Tree Saw:    yes selfy   by the Bulldozer full!

15:29:16 Bach Zhaa:    so again,  please   consider donating..  its for a good cause   :)

15:29:26 Tree Saw:    oh nice Keshi now all we need is Eds Avatar

15:29:48 LucaK:    hello everyone

15:29:58 CoLor:    hi

15:29:59 Tree Saw:    hi Luca

15:30:09 LucaK:    my mother.....

15:30:10 memyself:    hi luca

15:30:14 LucaK:    hi

15:30:16 Plappo Mintybits:    what are the coords for the object yard? i don't see them on the signs

15:30:16 Bach Zhaa:    hey Luca  :)

15:30:23 Bach Zhaa:    up here

15:30:27 Keshi:    eek he is dead that could be a creepy one

15:30:34 Chumana:    lol

15:30:42 Tree Saw:    heee of courpse

15:30:46 Bach Zhaa:    click this info kiosk and it will load the resources in chat

15:30:50 panne:    there are signs

15:30:57 Keshi:    i better hush before peeps get mad at me

15:31:13 Tree Saw:    i wont :)

15:31:35 Plappo Mintybits:    info kiosk? where?

15:31:48 Bach Zhaa:    over here

15:31:57 Plappo Mintybits:    oh!

15:32:00 Plappo Mintybits:    thanks :)

15:32:06 Bach Zhaa:    sure   :)

15:32:52 Bach Zhaa:    the judges havent been selected yet..  I want to wait until everyone that wants to enter, has..

15:32:56 Plappo Mintybits:    bother, the yard link isn't clickable

15:33:09 Bach Zhaa:    then if you want to be a judge,  contact me.

15:33:18 Bach Zhaa:    I know..  and Im not sure why

15:33:27 perra:    i can judge again it was great hehe

15:33:34 Bach Zhaa:    I try to fix it a dozen time and couldnt   :(

15:33:35 Plappo Mintybits:    nevermind, there's a clickab;e tport sign fot the yard behind the kiosk

15:33:41 Bach Zhaa:    right

15:33:46 Keshi:    going to be hard finding peopel not building to judge at this rate

15:33:53 Keshi:    good problem

15:33:56 perra:    << dont build

15:33:58 Bach Zhaa:    lol   and yes

15:33:59 memyself:    723N 976E

15:34:05 Astraenaut:    I don't have time to build this time :(

15:34:10 Tree Saw:    i wont be building but judge not lest yee be judged  LOL

15:34:16 Toxor:    I will judge if I don't enter this year

15:35:06 Bach Zhaa:    same as before  judging is anonymous unless the judge themself says something..   the judges wont know each other either.   Its been working out well enough that way..

15:35:09 Plappo Mintybits:    i'm not building! but i'm not going to be a judge either lol

15:35:12 perra:    i dont enter...i have build problem enough in my own worlds lol

15:35:31 Astraenaut:    heh

15:35:33 Bach Zhaa:    for those that have judged in the past, the questions will probably get a bit simpler

15:35:43 perra:    <<one

15:35:44 Gremot:    . . where is obj named bb

15:35:57 panne:    well perra, if you participate, you can learn form the others, and perhaps you build problem will be solved

15:35:59 Plappo Mintybits:    did previous judges find them perplexing?

15:36:14 Bach Zhaa:    nah..  just it can be a lot of work

15:36:25 perra:    not that i need ideas to my own worlds lol

15:36:49 Keshi:    If any one can make a  day  last   twice as long in Real life i would  enter

15:36:54 Bach Zhaa:    Ill cover that with the judges when the time comes  :)

15:37:41 perra:    :D

15:37:56 Kenneth:    Hi all

15:38:05 perra:    hiya

15:38:08 Toxor:    Hey Kenneth

15:38:10 Chumana:    hi

15:38:20 SverreKvea:    hi

15:38:27 CoLor:    Hi Ken :)

15:38:57 Bach Zhaa:    and for those that may be wondering..  Im neither in the contest or a judge.    thats important for a number of reasons..  one, I can answer questions and help builders with build issues..   also, I can help update and change surrounding areas to suit

15:39:04 Bach Zhaa:    (within reason)

15:39:42 Bach Zhaa:    so umm   what am I missing?  any questions?

15:39:56 Plappo Mintybits:    why don't you do a build, bach, but just exempt yourself from winning?

15:39:57 Bach Zhaa:    contest started Feb 1st

15:39:58 CoLor:    the deadline and date to be finished

15:40:06 Bach Zhaa:    runs thru march 27th

15:40:14 CoLor:    thanks

15:40:33 Kenneth:    Bach, it's been a blast doing the contest, I've been building like a factory lol

15:40:42 Bach Zhaa:    nah..        sets the wrong tone

15:40:49 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:40:52 Bach Zhaa:    awesome

15:40:55 Kenneth:    :)

15:41:29 TenYearsGone:    But he did do a build... it's called "The Landing Zone"

15:41:31 Bach Zhaa:    remember, you have 8 weeks of build time..  (7 now)  that a hella long time in AW.

15:41:48 Bach Zhaa:    so focus and take your time   :)

15:42:03 Kenneth:    yeah :)

15:42:31 Plappo Mintybits:    oh please, it takes me 9 nine weeks to decide what colour tint to use on the sofa.

15:42:41 Chumana:    lol

15:42:43 Bach Zhaa:    ok..  so umm  I think thats all for the EBTS..   there are still sites available..  contact me after the meeting if you want a site   :)

15:42:47 Kenneth:    lol

15:42:48 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:42:49 Plappo Mintybits:    but perhaps that's just me lol

15:42:52 panne:    you can also tag the sofa

15:43:00 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:43:04 Plappo Mintybits:    you can tag some sofas lol

15:43:09 Bach Zhaa:    so...

15:43:15 TenYearsGone:    I try not to tint my sofa under any circumstances

15:43:21 Bach Zhaa:    everyone vote in the OMG awards?

15:43:30 Plappo Mintybits:    the what?

15:43:34 Bach Zhaa:    voting has ended..

15:43:34 Highwayman:    something in kepler22 needs some color........

15:43:35 Gremot:    . . ok, so sofas are banned

15:43:35 CoLor looks

15:43:37 panne:    Here some tutorials for those who want to learn these commands during the EBTS :

15:43:40 Plappo Mintybits has not heard of the OMG awards

15:43:43 memyself:    otherwise known as a stain

15:43:54 Chumana:    lol

15:44:01 Bach Zhaa:    need to stop in more often plappo  and read the news stuffs

15:44:06 CoLor:    I didnt know nominations were even finished

15:44:14 Keshi:    isn't voting closed for omg awards now?

15:44:18 Plappo Mintybits:    well. . . i couldn't get in for ages, on account of the signature bug thing

15:44:20 Bach Zhaa:    u 2   need to read   lol

15:44:26 Bach Zhaa:    :P

15:44:33 GSK:    That's why we have things like MyAW ^_^

15:44:41 CoLor:    not everyone has FB

15:44:47 GSK:    GSK:    That's why we have things like MyAW ^_^

15:44:49 Plappo Mintybits:    i don't social network

15:44:55 Toxor:    the OMG voting process was easy to navigate through

15:44:58 CoLor:    There's hardly anyone in the awards

15:45:04 Gremot:    goes for smoke break .. it''l take another 10 mins for sofas discussion

15:45:05 Bach Zhaa:    anyways,  the nominations have ended,  the voting, I think is over..   GSK would you like to fill us in on the details?

15:45:06 GSK:    MyAW is a social network exclusively for AW citizens.

15:45:07 Plappo Mintybits:    what was the OMG awards, then?

15:45:18 Bach Zhaa:

15:45:27 GSK:    The OMG! Awards is an alternative to the Cys, basically.

15:45:49 CoLor:    well they are certainly not comparable. One of the awards has only 3 people in it

15:45:55 Plappo Mintybits:    bother, if i'd known about it i'd have voted for Kuma i expect

15:46:12 GSK:    Well, it's on the community to nominate and vote, Color.

15:46:26 GSK:    I can't do anything if people aren't willing to put forth effort on their own.

15:46:38 CoLor:    didnt know of the nominations ending

15:46:49 GSK:    Nominations were open for three months. That was more than enough time for everyone.

15:46:51 CoLor:    well we all got grams to come here. why not a gram about that?

15:47:06 GSK:    I telegrammed people, I posted on MyAW, we mentioned it at meetings, and on Facebook

15:47:08 CoLor:    3 months? I never heard of that.

15:47:29 Bach Zhaa:    you didnt read all the stuff posted all over the LZ then

15:47:36 Bach Zhaa:    posted everywhere

15:47:37 Plappo Mintybits:    it wasn't enough time for people who were locked out of aw by the bug, and hate social networking. and couldn't get on the forum. and checked the reddit but there was nothing there

15:47:46 GSK:    I can't help it if people aren't willing to read or look at current and upcoming events.

15:47:48 Iao Moonshadow:    did i read on the aw facebookie that folks had to resubmit their votes?

15:47:53 Bach Zhaa:

15:47:57 CoLor:    not everyone has their systems to load every picture

15:48:06 panne:    nominations was 3 months, voting 1 month

15:48:09 memyself:    aw needs a news tape like the news people use on tv at the lz

15:48:19 GSK:    It was still discussed at the meetings regularly, so as long as you came to a meeting, you'd hear about it.

15:48:22 CoLor:    I was locked out and then  have had hazzles with the program where I have to limit my photos

15:48:24 Astraenaut:    i can make that happen :P

15:48:26 Bach Zhaa:    and I mentioned it every meeting for the past 4 months

15:48:48 Keshi:    I think we are utilizing the  buliten board area at  the  awexpo landing  zone and we should all be aware with in AW to use that  location to keep up with  things ...This is a proactive community.

15:48:58 CoLor:    not everyone can make it to these meetings.

15:49:03 GSK:    Even if you couldn't come in AW, it was mentioned on Facebook and on MyAW.

15:49:03 Plappo Mintybits:    some people were locked out for months. i hate to labour the point.

15:49:05 Toxor:    joining activeworlds-official on facebook helps to keep up

15:49:16 CoLor:    there is a lot of focus on FB and myAW being the sole source of info these days

15:49:34 GSK:    MyAW is free and designed specifically for AW citizens. If you're not willing to put forth the effort to stay updated with community events, there's not much I can do about it.

15:49:34 Highwayman:    like it was said before, can you really make folks read when they are here, seems like you can't

15:49:35 CoLor:    I never go to AWExpo

15:49:42 Astraenaut:    do you check the subreddit? not much gets posted there but we can mention important things there as well

15:49:47 Bach Zhaa:    you're always floating there   lol

15:49:57 Bach Zhaa:    :P

15:49:59 CoLor:    no one should need to join FB for here

15:50:06 GSK:    then join MyAW.

15:50:06 TenYearsGone:    I have seen you at AW Expo

15:50:09 Bach Zhaa:    thats why there is MyAW

15:50:13 Bach Zhaa:

15:50:16 GSK:

15:50:27 Plappo Mintybits:    the subreddit - everyone can read without joining. it's rarely updated. facebook and myaw you have to join.

15:50:38 Iao Moonshadow:    well alrighty then...i guess that question went to the wayside. lol...

15:50:40 CoLor:    well GSK nice attitude

15:50:45 Highwayman:    <<--has riddit

15:50:46 Bach Zhaa:    yes..  have to join AW too

15:50:50 GSK:    Thanks, Color.

15:51:06 GSK:    Not my problem if you don't want to put forth the effort in keeping updated on what's going on in the community.

15:51:07 Astraenaut:    yeah, but I'm staying, we can post *some* important stuff there as well, if you don't want FB or myAW

15:51:14 Astraenaut:    saying*

15:51:23 Astraenaut:    but those are the ideal resources.

15:51:40 CoLor:    wel guess that shows h ow little this award means then.

15:51:51 Highwayman:    lol

15:51:55 Karten:    those of us in and active in AW  can do only so much for those not able (even temporarily) to get into AW,

15:51:56 Plappo Mintybits:    actually, the subreddit is the ideal source to use, because anyone can see it. no joining necessary.

15:51:57 GSK:    If that's how you feel, then sure.

15:51:58 Chalcedony Mao:    On MyAW, you don't even have to log in to get at a lot of the info for stuff like events, the OMG awards, and so on.

15:52:10 GSK:    You're entitled to your opinion, Color.

15:52:10 Tree Saw:'re ActiveWorlds Settlers' -  so you must settle for things

15:52:36 Plappo Mintybits:    haha, how true, Tree! lol

15:52:38 Highwayman:    lol

15:52:39 CoLor:    shouldnt have to join an outside webpage for into in here

15:52:42 Bach Zhaa:    but that spreads us even thinner Plappo   Im into more of a consolidating approach.   repost it there, if you think anyone is looking

15:52:45 NurseMom:    this meeting should be positive for aw not filled with negativity....

15:52:46 Tree Saw:    hehe Plappo  :oD

15:52:49 CoLor:    afterall we get telegrams to come here ok

15:52:51 GSK:    but you don't have to join anything, color.

15:53:06 GSK:    you could look at AWExpo for event information, you could come to meetings

15:53:18 Karten:    when you cannot get into AW for whatever reason,  outside communications is all there is

15:53:18 Bach Zhaa:    Hi NM  wb

15:53:21 Iao Moonshadow:    oh for the love of trees...and bats...and ... I need a cave...

15:53:28 Tree Saw:    hello NM

15:53:29 Bach Zhaa:    lol

15:53:31 Plappo Mintybits:    i can't post it on reddit. i haven't joined reddit. the point is. . . it's a source than can be read WITHOUT joining or logging in. a revolutionary notion!

15:53:41 Highwayman:    cow tips to pass the time

15:53:45 Bach Zhaa:    well,  neither can I then

15:53:47 panne:    i am building one, iao

15:53:48 CoLor:    Yes Nursemom It would be great if people cared that people were locked out

15:53:49 GSK:    You know we're just cycling now, right? Can't get into AW so look at outside communication. Don't want to look at outside communication so I want to look in AW.

15:53:50 NurseMom:    hi :)  thought i would stop in and see what was going on... we dont need negativity here...

15:53:51 Iao Moonshadow:    I still had a question regarding revoting...

15:53:52 Toxor:    hi NM

15:54:03 Iao Moonshadow:    so am I, panne :P

15:54:15 Plappo Mintybits:    there is no negativity here. only questions and discussion.

15:54:18 GSK:    The revoting was necessary because of a small error that was fixed within three hours of voting opening on January 17. You don't need to worry about it.

15:54:20 Bach Zhaa:    goodness..  we cant hold your hand for everything..  please,  if you are into AW..  then be proactive already

15:54:21 Highwayman:    hey??

15:54:27 perra:    (((((((((((((((( Nm Girl ))))))))))))))))

15:54:27 Bach Zhaa:    please

15:54:28 SnOwKuPP:    wot are we crying about?

15:54:31 Highwayman:    who tipped my

15:54:32 Karten:    CoLor  none of us are omiscient reagarding who can and cannot get in, and/or how to communicate with those that cannot

15:54:43 SnOwKuPP:    cow tipping

15:54:44 Iao Moonshadow:    so I didn't need to go back in a vote? okay...

15:54:46 Keshi:    hi  NM

15:54:49 Bach Zhaa:    just keep your eyes open or you may miss something

15:54:59 GSK:    ANYWAYS... as for everyone else who has paid attention, nominations and voting have both ended with pretty nice numbers for a first time event.

15:55:01 Iao Moonshadow:    *and vote

15:55:02 CoLor:    Thats not the point Karten

15:55:12 Toxor:    lol HWM

15:55:17 Karten:    t's reality

15:55:18 TenYearsGone:    The Building Inspector hates me, SnOwKuPP..... oh poor me! waa waaa waaaa

15:55:31 SnOwKuPP:    haha

15:55:36 GSK:    The first OMG! Awards ceremony will be held on February 28 at the Martian Stadium in Moonlight Heights in AWTeen.

15:55:37 SnOwKuPP:    I can't blend

15:55:42 Chalcedony Mao:    And folks who didn't get to participate this time can get in on it next go around, yes? :)

15:55:48 SnOwKuPP:    so its Bachs fualt

15:55:50 Iao Moonshadow:    wow...i wasn't being like arguous...sorry.  goes back to :x

15:56:11 DarkMatter:    howdy folks, we're back

15:56:19 SnOwKuPP:    hey Dark

15:56:28 Chumana:    wb Dark and Gen :)

15:56:30 Toxor:    hey DM wb

15:56:30 TenYearsGone:    How was New Orleans?

15:56:31 Highwayman:    OMG 3 cave builds in the contest, i better work harder

15:56:36 Keshi:    wb  DM  and  Gen

15:56:43 SnOwKuPP:    hehe

15:56:48 TenYearsGone:    Gen get plenty of beads?

15:56:48 DarkMatter:    in case anyone doesn't know this, new orleans is a craaaaazy town

15:56:57 GSK:    --- Again, the 2016 OMG! Awards will be held on February 28 in AWTeen.

15:57:02 GSK:    at 9:00pm VRT

15:57:03 Gremot:    back . . . i have another thought about sofas

15:57:07 DarkMatter:    and yes, we got loads of beads

15:57:11 Toxor:    DM got more beads lol

15:57:12 SnOwKuPP:    could Bach move his mt.  closer to my build so it blends?

15:57:14 Kenneth:    Why AWTeen ?

15:57:16 Chumana:    nice :)

15:57:25 MarkWatney:    I was in NOLO for a week and lost my soul on day 2. :-0 Never got it back.

15:57:27 Chocolateberry:    glad u are having it late

15:57:31 Iao Moonshadow:    nah, some got lil caves and some got suuuper duper caves like Highwayman :-)

15:57:37 GSK:    No particular reason

15:57:42 Tree Saw:    caves are musty damp and mil-dewy

15:57:50 Highwayman:    lol lia

15:57:57 memyself:    and batty

15:57:59 SnOwKuPP:    lol

15:58:04 TenYearsGone:    Last time I was there I got kidnapped by the Shriners, they set me up with armfuls of beads, and a bright flashy umbrella

15:58:06 Highwayman:    loops lao

15:58:15 Chumana:    lol Ten

15:58:16 Tree Saw:    yeah  mustunt forget being batty

15:58:27 DarkMatter:    did we miss anything exciting?

15:58:27 SnOwKuPP:    snickers

15:58:32 Highwayman:    hey it's the new guy

15:58:32 Bach Zhaa:    anyways..  whens the results being posted GSK

15:58:37 CoLor:    just hand out the awards now. theya re basically the same people in many categories

15:58:46 GSK:    The results will be revealed at the ceremony event.

15:58:49 Iao Moonshadow primal screams...

15:58:50 Tree Saw:    the Shriners would have handed you a tassel and go-cart

15:58:56 Bach Zhaa:    yes Color  those that do a lot of work here

15:58:58 GSK:    Color, why must you put down other people's hard work? What does that prove?

15:59:00 Toxor:    lol Iao

15:59:04 Highwayman:    i'll look for the resuults, i dont go in awteen sorry...that's just me...

15:59:21 GSK:    Seriously? You're not going to attend the event because you don't like the world it's being held in?

15:59:26 TenYearsGone:    They don;t use the go-karts for second line, Tree Saw... nor the little mini bikes

15:59:36 Highwayman:    yep

15:59:45 Iao Moonshadow:    well..getting too chaotic for my sunday mojo man...

15:59:54 Astraenaut:    indeed..

15:59:55 Highwayman:    been my policy since i joined, not changing it now

15:59:56 Bach Zhaa:    hey everyone..  please

15:59:57 Tree Saw:    ik, only for the parade

15:59:59 Bach Zhaa:    please

16:00:03 CoLor:    GSK why must  you say something that I never said?

16:00:07 Bach Zhaa:    take a breath

16:00:21 Iao Moonshadow:    momosa anyone?  its brunch time here in the islands...

16:00:22 SnOwKuPP burps

16:00:24 Highwayman:    tippsy cows

16:00:26 SnOwKuPP:    sorry

16:00:37 Bach Zhaa:    color..  Im sorry you felt left out but it was everywhere for months

16:00:38 Astraenaut:    mmm mimosas

16:00:39 Chumana:    'scuse you hehe

16:00:43 Tree Saw hands Moon a lei

16:00:49 SnOwKuPP:    pardon

16:00:53 Bach Zhaa:    just relax everyone and lets make it thru the meeting

16:00:57 Bach Zhaa:    :)

16:00:58 Iao Moonshadow:    lol ah thanks

16:01:02 Tree Saw dances a hula   {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}

16:01:07 SnOwKuPP:    hahah

16:01:10 Keshi:    ANyway  Wings3D  class in winter wings3d school  at  8pm  VRT  after this meeting

16:01:11 Highwayman:    woohoo tree

16:01:14 Iao Moonshadow:    stay away from the tiki torches

16:01:17 Tree Saw finds dry wood for the Luau

16:01:24 CoLor:    Bach wasnt just me left out. I spoke with others that didnt know

16:01:25 Tree Saw:    woo hoooo;)

16:01:30 Tree Saw:    LOL MOOON

16:01:34 CoLor:    not to mention Lizliz is still out

16:01:41 Bach Zhaa:    whens the award ceremony GSK?

16:01:44 Chocolateberry:    0_0

16:01:44 Plappo Mintybits:    yes, the meeting will go fine as long as everyone remembers to only say things that are completely safe and noncritical and never point out problems or express. . .

16:01:47 GSK:    for the fourth time now

16:01:51 Plappo Mintybits:    . . .a dissenting opinion

16:01:51 SnOwKuPP:    wots going on with her

16:01:52 Keshi:    Ther is also a second class that is meeting  at  2pm VRT  i=on Saturdays and we had a  good class yesterday

16:01:57 GSK:    February 28 at 9:00pm VRT in everyone's most hated world, AWTeen

16:01:59 SnOwKuPP:    shall we go get her?

16:02:04 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:02:10 Bach Zhaa:    cool

16:02:19 Highwayman:    lol GSK

16:02:23 GSK:    well I mean

16:02:25 panne:    is building enabled again there, GSK ?

16:02:29 GSK:    you're not atrending because it's in AWTeen

16:02:30 Tree Saw:    lol at most hated world

16:02:33 DarkMatter:    ya'll talking about the OMG's?

16:02:33 GSK:    so I mean

16:02:37 Bach Zhaa:    yeah..  lets move on to AWTeen

16:02:38 Chocolateberry:    glad u are having class Keshi

16:02:55 Tree Saw:    i thought SirGreenDown covered most of that Bach lol

16:02:59 Astraenaut:    ^ glad it went well!

16:03:17 Highwayman:    hmm, auto tipping...

16:03:19 DarkMatter:    ?

16:03:25 Toxor:    great resource Keshi

16:03:33 SnOwKuPP:    well I'm done with my build

16:03:35 TenYearsGone:    Hey, just because it is called "AW Teen" doesn't mean anyone is going to slash your tires or break your windows.....

16:03:37 Tree Saw:    it has a ski slope and a maze ...a maunchin and a yot

16:03:42 Iao Moonshadow:    last time i built in an awteen contest was when noble clock clocked our builds. :P

16:03:50 SnOwKuPP:    all I had to do was plant a tree done

16:04:03 DarkMatter:    ???

16:04:07 Toxor:    Yeah DM we were ending the OMG topic when you came in

16:04:17 DarkMatter:    k, thanks T

16:04:20 Highwayman:    you mean the one i cut down yesterday kuupp?.hehe

16:04:21 SnOwKuPP:    hehe

16:04:23 Keshi:    thanks  Toxor

16:04:25 Toxor:    yw

16:04:48 Bach Zhaa:    ok,  I am excited that Keshi started up with modeling classes   :D   woohoo

16:04:48 Keshi:    Seems this meeting is out of  control  and  not very  productive all of a  sudden

16:04:59 Highwayman:    finally got a tip in

16:05:02 Bach Zhaa:    have you had your first class so far?

16:05:10 SnOwKuPP:    yes hwm you is in troubloe

16:05:11 Bach Zhaa:    Im trying   ;)

16:05:18 SnOwKuPP:    now I have to replant

16:05:19 Highwayman:    lol

16:05:31 Keshi:    We have a  saturday  class and a  sunday class   THe  saturday  class met yesterday and went  well

16:05:36 Bach Zhaa:    so How are classes so far keshi?

16:05:42 Bach Zhaa:    sweet

16:05:49 Bach Zhaa:    how many ppl so far?

16:05:58 Highwayman:    sorry mark, once ayear, the meeting get out of hand , not always like this....

16:06:04 Tree Saw:    not out of control..just people with a need to let go (:

16:06:10 SnOwKuPP:    crazy

16:06:25 Tree Saw:    some of us look back and say   Its been a long week    Phewwww

16:06:26 Keshi:    Since we are  just  geting program familiarity  done if at anytime  in the next few days you decide you wan to  take class let me know   and we can get you set up

16:06:41 Tree Saw:    was delightful..gonna roll   ciao all

16:06:52 Highwayman:    the new guy mark, not for me of the other mark over there....hehe

16:06:53 Keshi:    ther are  about  11  students

16:06:55 Tree Saw:    keep the party alive   I'll be back

16:07:00 SnOwKuPP:    my son and some friends of his is having a spuer bowl party so I am going to get ready

16:07:05 Keshi:    including  1 that is 1 on 1  with me

16:07:14 SnOwKuPP:    don't cut my tree down again HWM

16:07:18 Tree Saw:    superbowl party on AW ..  sounds fun

16:07:25 Highwayman:    1+1+1=3?

16:07:39 SnOwKuPP:    no Tree in real life

16:07:42 Keshi:    yep

16:07:44 Karten:    1+1+1 = 11  (binary)

16:07:52 SnOwKuPP:    when did that started

16:07:53 Keshi:    good number too

16:07:54 Highwayman:    lol kartten

16:08:10 panne:    1+1 =3 , two as a team work as 3

16:08:16 SnOwKuPP:    so take care you nuts

16:08:30 Karten:    sometimes panne,  other times its more like 2/3

16:08:30 SnOwKuPP:    common core

16:08:32 Highwayman:    i'll try not to kupp

16:08:35 Chumana:    have fun, Snow

16:08:45 Highwayman:    mooooo

16:08:45 SnOwKuPP:    tanks bye bye

16:08:51 panne:    lol

16:08:58 Bach Zhaa:    trying to whisper with 10 ppl is tough   lol

16:09:07 Chumana:    awww

16:09:07 Bach Zhaa:    so moving on...   lol

16:09:07 Keshi:    I do want to besure that  MaXPoly is thanked for all his work on a  class bot  for the wings school

16:09:13 Keshi:    Itis wonderful

16:09:16 Karten:    and grams with 5 others at same time

16:09:19 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:09:28 Bach Zhaa:    so umm  moving on...

16:09:35 Highwayman:    im just cow tipping, no skills needed..

16:09:55 Bach Zhaa:    Id like to cover AWTeen world for a bit

16:10:09 Bach Zhaa:    it is a part of us and deserves it

16:10:22 Bach Zhaa:    building has been disabled in there

16:10:29 Gremot:    . . want to have an organized meeting?  do in a priv world where chat can be moderated, vs everyone typing like their at a party

16:10:35 Bach Zhaa:    I guess there was a registry issue?

16:10:53 GSK:    Yes. A problem with AWTeen's registry meant anyone could build on anyone else's property.

16:11:01 Bach Zhaa:    encroaching was happening so it was thought best to suspend building

16:11:06 GSK:    So until a solution was found, I opted to disable building.

16:11:11 Bach Zhaa:    ^^

16:11:29 Bach Zhaa:    Ive suggested a build bot similar to AWReunion

16:11:40 Highwayman:    sounds like you found one.hehe, just teasin ya...

16:11:41 Bach Zhaa:    that may enable build temporarily

16:12:09 Kenneth:    AWNewbie had a bot that let tourists build once.

16:12:16 Bach Zhaa:    For those that may not have heard,  GSK was also made CT (Caretaker) of AWTeen

16:12:40 Chocolateberry:    congrats GSK..i think :)

16:12:44 GSK:    mostly because I wanted to reverse the idea most of you had about AWTeen and it being a world of troublemakers, but then this registry thing happened..

16:12:45 Highwayman:    lol

16:13:23 Iao Moonshadow:    with an attentive ct should be no problem...

16:13:23 Highwayman:    the smokin man has arrived

16:13:27 Bach Zhaa:    yeah  teens a good world..   just has a bad name

16:14:09 Plappo Mintybits:    ah teen, the world where i built a build that depended on the sea for its effect, and when i was almost done, they removed the sea. great world, i love it!

16:14:09 Bach Zhaa:    get past that part tho..  its a great world to build in  (when building returns)

16:14:46 Highwayman:    silly cows...

16:14:52 Kenneth:    Is Rick looking into it?

16:15:04 Bach Zhaa:    doesnt make it not still a great world   sorry Plappo tho..  that sux

16:15:13 panne:    the sea is there in awteen, but very low underground

16:15:14 GSK:    As far as I know, Rick isn't looking into any solution. That's why I'm working with a few people on finding one, Bach included.

16:15:31 perra:    :D

16:15:37 GSK:    The southern part of the world for a while had a sea and went with a beach theme. It could come back at some point, but I have no idea if it will or when.

16:15:43 Kenneth:    You have FTP access to make a new registry file?

16:15:48 GSK:    No FTP access.

16:15:51 Kenneth:    ok

16:16:04 memyself:    global warming might help

16:16:08 Highwayman:    lol

16:16:13 Chumana:    lol

16:16:25 Highwayman:    melt icebergs

16:16:39 Bach Zhaa:    invite OT and his bush   lol

16:16:45 Gremot:    how can one be a CT w/o access to the OP  (ftp)

16:16:47 Toxor:    lol

16:16:50 Karten:    FTP access still would not put a new registry in place,  Rick would still have to do that

16:16:57 GSK:    One doesn't need FTP to be a CT.

16:17:17 Bach Zhaa:    helps  but not necessary

16:17:19 Plappo Mintybits:    anyway, must be off. what a vigorous and frank meeting, it's so exciting to hear all these different viewpoints, it's what keeps AW going from strength to strength. ta ta! :)

16:17:20 Karten:    CT of world,  and FTP to the OP are not connected issues

16:17:37 Highwayman:    tc plappo

16:17:42 Bach Zhaa:    bye Plappo   nice to see you   :)

16:17:46 Plappo Mintybits:    :)

16:17:50 Iao Moonshadow:    All in the Family

16:17:55 perra:    cya plappo

16:18:16 Kenneth:    GSK, CT yes, registry no.

16:18:31 Highwayman:    eyes toxor finding a sppot to stand...

16:18:45 Dovestar:    O.o

16:18:46 Dovestar:    o.O

16:18:48 panne:    How do you think to solve the problem in AWTeen then ?

16:19:00 OzySEO:    bribe rick

16:19:01 Bach Zhaa:    so Im hoping something can be worked out to get building back up again soon

16:19:18 panne:    with Rick ?

16:19:19 GSK:    Possibly with a building bot, panne

16:19:20 Highwayman:    passes around bachs beers, thanks bach....

16:19:34 perra:    burp

16:19:44 Bach Zhaa:    we dont know why it broke panne  thats the issue.   just reseting things doesnt fix it.  its a more systemic issue and one we dont have a solution for yet

16:20:00 Chumana:    'scuse you, perra

16:20:00 Iao Moonshadow:    gotta fine the crux of the problem first.

16:20:12 Iao Moonshadow:    *find even..

16:20:32 Bach Zhaa:    yes  thats thats it..  we dont know how or why it happened in the first place  and its not the only world thats that way

16:20:33 panne:    I still have some builds in AWTeen from 2006

16:20:42 TenYearsGone:    you just clipped me with one of your wings just there, VQ

16:20:48 memyself:    could it happen in other worlds

16:20:52 Vampire Queen1:    I too ahve builds i naw teen too

16:21:03 Highwayman:    virus?

16:21:04 Bach Zhaa:    not sure how it happened in the first place,  so not sure

16:21:10 Bach Zhaa:    donno

16:21:12 memyself:    uhuh

16:21:25 Wolvie:    were there backups made and saved?

16:21:37 memyself:    like from movers awg files

16:21:41 Wolvie:    might be able to roll back and find where it changed

16:21:47 Bach Zhaa:    dont want to send out a panic..  but its mighty odd..  and unnerving, to say the least

16:21:48 Vampire Queen1:    mandrake  has a buukd there too

16:21:56 Vampire Queen1:    he is nex to me

16:22:00 Karten:    rolling back the registry is not an option, unforatunately

16:22:13 Bach Zhaa:    that would need ricks cooperation  and he's still pretty distant with us

16:22:14 Highwayman:    green planted some thing before he left

16:22:39 TenYearsGone:    a meltdown bomb?

16:22:40 Bach Zhaa:    so a build bot?   ...looking for workarounds

16:22:44 memyself:    planted something green lol

16:22:49 OzySEO:    need an exterminator...for all these bugs

16:23:06 Bach Zhaa:    yeah..   a flame thrower please   lol

16:23:14 Highwayman:    if it's cofmeta too, he planted there

16:23:18 Wolvie:    are there dates on the registry then? Sorry, I haven't managed a world or looked at registry in ages?

16:23:24 Gremot:    corupt registry would have to be a result, not a cause, or fixing corupt entries would fix issue

16:23:32 Iao Moonshadow:    oooh flames...explosion...yes.. good.

16:23:36 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:23:37 Karten:    a build restriction bot would be the only other way i know of

16:24:02 Highwayman:    heya wolvie wb

16:24:12 Bach Zhaa:    so bot guys..   help with this..   this is fixable in the short term, Im sure

16:24:17 memyself:    my build there got deleted i think

16:24:32 Bach Zhaa:    nothing should be deleted

16:24:39 Bach Zhaa:    just they could encroach

16:24:42 Karten:    would still require a valid registry type file for the bot to use

16:24:42 Wolvie:    hi Highwayman

16:24:46 memyself:    went back wasnt there

16:24:52 SaintlyMic:    OK I'm back, and I've read the meeting up to now. I've been building my EBTS build as if I'm building with Alpha restrictions, which is helping a lot. Is there a winner for the OMG! Awards? No one mentioned that, or I missed it.

16:25:12 Karten:    thats on the 28th  Mic

16:25:13 GSK:    The winners for the awards will be announced on February 28 at 9:00pm VRT at the ceremony

16:25:19 SaintlyMic:    ok

16:25:19 Bach Zhaa:    lol   announcement of the winners is later Mic

16:25:28 SaintlyMic:    ok

16:25:36 Vampire Queen1:    woll aw teen ever gewt fixed??

16:25:44 Highwayman:    lol

16:25:48 Wolvie:    I've been here, just quiet, have a spotty connection

16:25:59 Karten:    maybe VQ,  but not sure

16:26:00 Bach Zhaa:    donno   dont know how or why it broke to begin with..

16:26:14 Vampire Queen1:    hope so it beeds to be

16:26:22 GSK:    It'll take time, Vampire

16:26:23 Kenneth:    might just be a corrupted file

16:26:28 Vampire Queen1:    cant  ignor it

16:26:31 Vampire Queen1:    that be lame

16:26:35 GSK:    I'm not ignoring it.

16:26:37 Bach Zhaa:    they would need to prioritize it  and thats rough for AWI to do for us

16:26:38 GSK:    It'll just take time.

16:26:52 Vampire Queen1:    I am hopping sooner tehn later

16:26:59 Highwayman:    hello jack

16:27:17 Bach Zhaa:    at the risk of pissing off Rick,  ask him on facebook again   lol

16:27:33 Wolvie:    what about creating a new registry

16:27:35 SaintlyMic:    After I got to a certain point in my EBTS build I decided to explore the other EBTS contest builds. As far as I know I'm the only person doing a Native American theme.

16:27:38 Bach Zhaa:    I did once already

16:27:38 Iao Moonshadow:    folks are working on it, GSK is ct of awteen now, its not a quick fix.  they are in the process of finding what the root of the problem is.

16:27:38 Kenneth:    At one point he said he was looking into it.

16:27:44 Wolvie:    Andras had a registry creation tool

16:27:45 TenYearsGone:    Rick gets pissed off?

16:27:48 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:28:03 Bach Zhaa:    muted me already in alpha once..  so yeah

16:28:07 Bach Zhaa:    :P

16:28:07 Wolvie:    out of date, but it might work, or maybe he or someone can update it

16:28:10 Karten:    i have his last one he did Wolvie,  but would still need Rick's helpt to put it in place

16:28:30 Highwayman:    should i talk to rick?.lol

16:28:38 Wolvie:    alright, just throwing out ideas, see what sticks

16:28:42 Bach Zhaa:    absolutely

16:28:44 Highwayman:    i know how to handle him.

16:28:51 Karten:    ghoul luck

16:28:52 Bach Zhaa:    u da man then

16:28:54 Wolvie:    hi bear.. bye bear

16:29:09 Highwayman:    bear1?

16:29:22 Bach Zhaa:    anyways..  just as the fyi   its being looked into as much as possible

16:29:43 Gremot:    send Rick a 24 pack of frozen pizza with a combination lock on the box ...  the code is available upon fix of AWteen

16:29:54 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:29:58 Highwayman:    lol

16:29:58 SaintlyMic:    Can we cover the AW School issue again? ...... Nah, just kidding.

16:30:07 SaintlyMic:    I mean AW teen.

16:30:19 Vampire Queen1:    here frem

16:30:20 GSK:    ...

16:30:34 Iao Moonshadow:    rough meeting man...

16:30:34 TenYearsGone:    Great idea, Gremot... that might work, and it would be cheaper than a box of wine

16:30:35 Highwayman:    comidian in the house..

16:30:40 Bach Zhaa:    builds off,  we're looking for solutions..  and GSK is the current CT  thats about all we have

16:30:45 Vampire Queen1:    lmao

16:31:12 Wolvie:    seems like a normal meeting to me

16:31:19 Iao Moonshadow:    killin my brunch buzz

16:31:28 Vampire Queen1:    no wolf

16:31:29 Iao Moonshadow:    lol wolvie

16:31:29 Highwayman:    someone needs to fix these cows, i can't get a tip in

16:31:35 Wolvie:    *pats bear as it passes by*

16:31:36 Bach Zhaa:    Valentines is coming  :o    who feels all mushy to plan a party..

16:31:40 Vampire Queen1:    HTE BIG HIGHLIGHT IT aw teen

16:31:46 Vampire Queen1:    the

16:32:11 Highwayman:    hmm, i need to build a big valintines club, good idea...

16:32:18 Bach Zhaa:    Id love to see a big dance somewheres

16:32:33 Kenneth:    You might be a Redneck if you give your valentine a flower4.rwx

16:32:34 Vampire Queen1:    u mean a dance hall

16:32:38 Vampire Queen1:    tes that be cool

16:32:42 Bach Zhaa:    Highway,  you want to plan Valentines?

16:32:42 Highwayman:    lol

16:32:45 Bach Zhaa:    :)

16:32:47 Highwayman:    huh?

16:32:51 Bach Zhaa:    ;)

16:32:58 TenYearsGone:    Rather inconvenient that Friday the 13th coes on a Saturday this month, but that's GP's birthday

16:33:01 Bach Zhaa:    party at your place?

16:33:02 Highwayman:    i can't even plan my day here...

16:33:06 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:33:07 SaintlyMic:    I put a wooden sign with a hear that says LOVE, and big red glittery hearts from Dollar Tree for  the front door to my apartment. Cost me 2 dollars, but looks like I spent a lot more. Looks awesome!

16:33:09 Jynx o:    lol

16:33:12 SaintlyMic:    heart

16:33:25 Vampire Queen1:    lmao at sant

16:33:37 SaintlyMic:    lol

16:33:38 Highwayman:    <<---uses dollar tree

16:33:44 Vampire Queen1:    lmao

16:33:55 Kenneth:    Dollar Tree is for rich people ;-)

16:33:58 Bach Zhaa:    anyways,  its coming soon if anyone wants to jump in and get some exporsure for your clubs and such

16:34:11 Highwayman:    seems now they tax everything there now,

16:34:25 Vampire Queen1:    DT si for every one

16:34:29 Kenneth:    cool Mic

16:34:32 Vampire Queen1:    I shop at a DT too

16:34:37 Vampire Queen1:    I am not rich

16:34:37 SaintlyMic:    Hey. It's senseless to pay for something when you can get it cheap or free, unless you are a millionaire, or Donald Trump. LOL

16:34:38 Vampire Queen1:    lol

16:34:55 Highwayman:    uh oh, i just recieved a nasty

16:35:03 Vampire Queen1:    frm who

16:35:04 Vampire Queen1:    lol

16:35:06 Highwayman:    afraid to look

16:35:10 Vampire Queen1:    lmao

16:35:13 Vampire Queen1:    ;-p

16:35:15 TenYearsGone:    No one should be Donald Trump, not even Donald Trump.

16:35:17 Vampire Queen1:    not me

16:35:19 Vampire Queen1:    was not me

16:35:19 GSK:    how do you know it's nasty if you don't look at it?

16:35:29 Bach Zhaa:    regular events are still going strong..  TGIF gets a great turnout everyweek  Combat still gets ppl excited.  Who won yesterday Iao?

16:35:30 Vampire Queen1:    excallt

16:35:31 Vampire Queen1:    ;-p

16:35:32 Highwayman:    1 sec

16:35:34 SaintlyMic:    You be a Trump if you be Donald Trump.

16:35:36 Vampire Queen1:    excally**

16:35:54 OzySEO:    i didn't win, again

16:35:56 Highwayman:    oh a name change

16:35:57 Gremot:    . .  fwiw:  i've encountered a descrepency on Alpha in past, where i gould put objs from 2 diff cits in same cell . . .  it would happen with changing back & forth between PPW & normal cit ... but was somewhat random

16:36:07 Kenneth blows off the end of his gun.

16:36:17 Vampire Queen1:    lmao

16:36:26 Toxor:    Kenneth won

16:36:30 SaintlyMic:    Oh, that's not good Gremot!

16:36:41 Chumana:    congrats, Kenneth :)

16:36:46 Kenneth:    Thanks :)

16:36:54 Iao Moonshadow:    Saturdays Combat winners were 1) Kenneth 2) Toxor 3) KittenwithClaws

16:36:56 SaintlyMic:    What did you win Kenneth?

16:37:00 Gremot:    . .. so GSK,   mention that to Rick

16:37:01 Highwayman:    i thought with password thingy you could do that?

16:37:05 OzySEO:    i managed to kill as many times as i died

16:37:11 Chumana:    haha

16:37:15 Kenneth:    Mic, tons of Combat dollars and some MyAW PTZ

16:37:15 Bach Zhaa:    awesome   :D

16:37:16 GSK:    I don't talk to Rick as often as you think I do. I won't remember to mention that. :\

16:37:17 perra:    congrats my friend

16:37:43 SaintlyMic:    Oh, man, that's awesome, Kenneth. Congratulations!

16:37:45 Grell Sutcliffe:    Congratulations Kenneth

16:37:49 Gremot:    ... oh ok ... just keep that potential cause in mind then

16:37:50 Highwayman:    ozy has been beared.

16:37:54 Kenneth:    Toxor was going to win for awhile though.

16:38:02 Kenneth:    Thanks Grell

16:38:02 Iao Moonshadow:    Previous week was 1ST - DarToren, 2nd  - Grell Sutcliffe, 3RD  - panne

16:38:07 Toxor:    almost

16:38:25 Highwayman:    kenneth won something finally?...hehe

16:38:29 Kenneth:    yeah LOL

16:38:39 Iao Moonshadow:    Toxor and Kenneth were switching leads  alot. lol

16:38:42 Highwayman:    PARTY!!

16:38:45 Kenneth:    Hey I also won this Silver Star a few days ago :)

16:38:49 Kenneth:    PARTY!

16:39:02 Bach Zhaa:    Candyland has been gaining interest lately   :)   we started a new set of prize games..  first one with 5 wins gets a gift certificate to See's candies   :D

16:39:04 Toxor:    congrats

16:39:07 Kenneth:    :)

16:39:11 Karten:    encorchmnet does not lock a cell,  but the specific area the object covers - hence 1 cit can use half a cell, another the other half

16:39:18 Iao Moonshadow:    We're in the worlds of bringing out Paintball pretty soon too...

16:39:26 Iao Moonshadow:    *in the works

16:39:26 SaintlyMic:    I told Bach when he first let me have lot 21 that I was going to build my EBTS of what I have wanted to build since 1999. I have surpassed my dreams already, and I'm only 1/3 done.

16:39:48 Iao Moonshadow:    k...i guess i'm done.. lol

16:39:50 Vampire Queen1:    nice

16:39:53 Bach Zhaa:    lol   ;D   cool

16:39:54 Vampire Queen1:    sant mic

16:39:56 Vampire Queen1:    cool

16:40:06 Kenneth:    Combat is every Saturday evening :)

16:40:08 Highwayman:    derpy cows..

16:40:17 Toxor:    thanks Iao and Ozy

16:40:18 Karten:    congrrats  to latest combat winners

16:40:22 Iao Moonshadow:    where's the big crayon...

16:40:25 Kenneth:    thanks Karten

16:40:26 Vampire Queen1:    I am not good a HUGE builds like yours  & ewg 10

16:40:30 OzySEO:    youd think i could win once at least

16:40:32 Vampire Queen1:    I like toing small buiklds

16:40:37 Iao Moonshadow:    better yet the big detonator...

16:40:39 Vampire Queen1:    thay si easyrer for me

16:40:41 Bach Zhaa:    Thanks so much Iao and Ozy for all you do over there.    Exciting times   :)

16:41:06 TenYearsGone:    So, no Blood Ha;;s of Stensia from you, VQ?

16:41:12 Bach Zhaa:    yes  Congrats to all the winners.

16:41:13 Highwayman:    good job there guys...

16:41:16 SaintlyMic:    I'm watching the Super Bowl with my friend this evening. RThat could go into 2-3 hours. Hopefully it doesn't. I would much rather be working on my Yellow EBTS!

16:41:41 Gremot:    . .   Karten,  so the circumstance i mentioned involved not "covering", but actually putting multiple objs of 2 diff cit# "into same cell"

16:41:43 Highwayman:    try 4 hours plus mic...

16:42:27 Karten is testing, testing and retesting and testing again Regina Train Bot rerouting

16:42:37 Highwayman:    i have tried doing that many times gremot, with no success,

16:42:52 Gremot:    yeah it shouldn't happen

16:42:52 Bach Zhaa:    Poetry started back up every other wednesday in GorNF world.   ..dont judge the poetry on the world and come listen sometime.  contribute a poem even..  I have a real soft spot for poetry and some of is it excellent and fresh

16:43:00 Karten:    same cell yes,  but not the same 'spcae' in that cell

16:43:23 SaintlyMic:    I love the special new commercials they play during the Super Bowl. After the Super Bowl the commercials are shortened. I think this commercial thing got big back when Budweiser had the FROGS.

16:43:25 Highwayman:    but the part katen has mentioned, it has happpened before

16:43:35 Bach Zhaa:    some awesome work, in fact..   makes me all woozy   lol

16:43:42 Chumana:    lol

16:44:19 Bach Zhaa:    umm  what am I missing?

16:44:25 Highwayman:    oh i placed a sign att one of the dges of the alpha world, litttle late, but it's

16:44:37 Vampire Queen1:    if I could I would tormate the Building Inspector  of aw in gen I hate when he bitchess itis like  "B  stf up" lol

16:44:39 Iao Moonshadow:    you're missing a big black crayon and a hammer

16:44:40 SaintlyMic:    We have 18 minutes left.

16:44:52 Karten:    example Gremot,  if you cover one corner of a cell with a Walk1 (or similiare - 5 meter square)  it only locks that quarter corner of the cell

16:44:59 Karten:    someone else can use the other 3 cornser

16:45:12 Gremot:    k

16:45:18 SaintlyMic:    Make that 15 minutes.

16:45:24 Vampire Queen1:    if I could  i would murder the Building Inspector ;-pp

16:45:28 Bach Zhaa:    please consider building in the contest,  volunteering to be a judge or maybe even donating prizes   :)      it builds a stronger community

16:45:31 Vampire Queen1:    make him dry ;-pp

16:45:36 Highwayman:    oh oh, i made a large ogject, it goes in to the grass bach laid ouut in the plots

16:45:43 Karten:    no no VQ  make hijm FRY

16:45:52 Vampire Queen1:    that too lmao

16:45:55 Kenneth:    The Yellow Object Path is INCREDIBLE

16:45:55 Vampire Queen1:    ;-ppp

16:45:56 Karten:    hehehe

16:46:00 Toxor:    lol

16:46:02 Highwayman:    and my mountain aslo goes out of bounds too

16:46:19 Vampire Queen1:    yes  yellow  builds is not much

16:46:19 Iao Moonshadow:    get off my lawn, Highwayman :P

16:46:24 Highwayman:    lol

16:46:25 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:46:25 Vampire Queen1:    in my opin NO CASTLES

16:46:35 Iao Moonshadow:    so build one

16:46:36 Vampire Queen1:    all worlds needs castles of some sorts

16:46:37 Vampire Queen1:    lmao

16:46:40 Vampire Queen1:    that i me

16:46:41 Vampire Queen1:    lmao

16:46:46 Karten:    not even a wood log castle

16:46:46 Vampire Queen1:    ;-d

16:46:48 Karten:    ?

16:46:58 Vampire Queen1:    NO SUCH THIJG

16:47:05 Bach Zhaa:    for suggestions..  we have an ocean below..   underwater domes?   ir go up and make outer space?

16:47:09 Vampire Queen1:    as far as I kow lol

16:47:09 Highwayman:    dont know if theres enough bats to fill ur castel in here vamp...hehe

16:47:11 TenYearsGone:    You have w-ovjects..... w-objects= castles.... and pretty much anything else you want them to be

16:47:14 Karten:    tel the beavers that *grins*

16:47:41 Bach Zhaa:    lots of unique environments out there..  do be afraid of trying something different

16:47:43 Highwayman:    ozy has a pet

16:47:46 Bach Zhaa:    dont

16:47:52 Kenneth:    I suggest building something in the EBTS that you have always dreamed of building.

16:48:00 OzySEO:    it bites...stay back

16:48:04 Highwayman:    lol

16:48:04 Bach Zhaa:    right..  go nuts   lol

16:48:08 Kenneth:    because with this object path, anything is possible.

16:48:10 Toxor:    is that a badger lol

16:48:22 memyself:    skunk

16:48:22 OzySEO:    yes toxor

16:48:30 Highwayman:    reminds me of aliens in juno

16:48:40 Vampire Queen1:    I love bats >> hence my group  ^V^BAT LOVERS: FOR THE SUPPORT & LOVE OF BATS^V^

16:48:57 Vampire Queen1:    I dk if yellow has bats to be rl honist

16:49:03 Vampire Queen1:    I ahve nto found any

16:49:08 Kenneth:    Vampire, it has 1 that I know of.

16:49:10 memyself:    it does

16:49:11 Toxor:    I thought I stepped in guano

16:49:16 Chumana:    lol

16:49:17 Highwayman:    lol

16:49:17 Bach Zhaa:    remember lag tho..  smaller pictures..  if you open it on your desktop and its bigger than half your screen, its far too big..  shrink it down

16:49:37 Kenneth:    TONS of PEs cause lag too but hopefully not tons.

16:49:39 Vampire Queen1:    SHRILVSATGE

16:49:40 Vampire Queen1:    ;-P

16:49:42 Bach Zhaa:    consider putting mirrors and lights on triggers

16:50:16 Vampire Queen1:    I dont use mirrors ;-p

16:50:20 Kenneth:    lol

16:50:23 Vampire Queen1:    ;-D

16:50:24 Bach Zhaa:    as well as PE's   ask yourself,  "do they need to be on all the time or only when someones there?   then ask around for help with triigers on them

16:50:28 Highwayman:    wonders

16:50:46 Bach Zhaa:    mirrors are awesome..  just make them count

16:50:58 Kenneth:    Bach the problem is with mine, rivers don't turn off and on lol

16:51:09 Bach Zhaa:    all the features here are awesome, in their place

16:51:11 TenYearsGone:    No, Bach, vampires don't have a lot of use for mirrors

16:51:15 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:51:18 memyself:    dam those rivers all to

16:51:27 Karten:    juts dont crash yourself with too many mirrors (ask CCG about that one)

16:51:41 Kenneth:    lol

16:51:54 OzySEO:    so...the house of mirrors is out of the question?

16:52:01 Highwayman:    even with her changes i still have trouble in her world

16:52:21 Karten:    mmm hmmm HWM

16:52:38 Highwayman:    and 30 meters just wont cut

16:52:39 memyself:    mirrored movers

16:52:45 Kenneth:    Go 49ers! ... oh wait :)

16:52:49 TenYearsGone:    well, the house of mirrors would = no I think

16:52:49 Highwayman:    lol

16:53:26 Highwayman:    hmm toxor has a girl friend?.hehe

16:53:29 Bach Zhaa:    house of mirrors would be awesome   :D

16:53:37 Bach Zhaa:    just make it count

16:53:53 Bach Zhaa:    look at the command..   understand what causes the lagginess

16:53:56 Highwayman:    i have 30 maybe in my bathrooms in winter

16:54:05 Vampire Queen1:    nice

16:54:27 Bach Zhaa:    bump trigger as you enter the bathroom then off when you leave and its perfect

16:54:40 Vampire Queen1:    lol

16:54:49 Bach Zhaa:    just if no ones in the bathroom, why have the mirror running..

16:54:57 Highwayman:    my video cards like mirrors

16:55:02 perra sneaks out and jumps in bed...bye everyone hugssssssss

16:55:03 Kenneth:    Magic Mirror on the Wall, who's the greatest of them all?..... then it says Rick. lol

16:55:05 Bach Zhaa:    thats a good way of approaching all of building here

16:55:14 Toxor:    smoke and mirrors

16:55:22 Chumana:    tc perra

16:55:30 Highwayman:    tc perra

16:55:35 TenYearsGone:    beer and smokes....

16:55:37 perra:    bye

16:55:45 Kenneth:    bye Perra

16:56:01 Highwayman:    5 mins left

16:56:07 Bach Zhaa:    :)

16:56:07 Vampire Queen1:    for??

16:56:07 Highwayman:    4

16:56:12 Gremot:    . . dont forget to have to toilet automatically flush when person leaves bathroom

16:56:14 Vampire Queen1:    lol

16:56:14 Bach Zhaa:    what have I missed?

16:56:15 Highwayman:    meeting to end

16:56:22 Vampire Queen1:    ook

16:56:24 Vampire Queen1:    gotcha

16:56:48 Bach Zhaa:    highways been over there tipping the cows this whole time   lol

16:56:48 Highwayman:    uness it's like a game, i couuld go into OVERTIME......hehe

16:57:05 Kenneth:    OMG Yellowstone is erupting! There goes all of AW!

16:57:08 Karten:    por cows

16:57:08 Highwayman:    iv'e been ttyin, they seem to fall before i can click

16:57:10 Karten:    poot

16:57:13 Karten:    ont more time

16:57:17 Karten:    P O O R

16:57:21 Bach Zhaa:    bump too  your close enough

16:57:22 Iao Moonshadow:    give it up karten... lol

16:57:24 Bach Zhaa:    lol

16:57:28 Vampire Queen1:    how ia yellow  interupting

16:57:29 Vampire Queen1:    lol

16:57:33 Vampire Queen1:    O.o

16:57:36 Karten mutters about mean keyboard

16:57:54 Kenneth:    In the real world Yellowstone Lake is a Super Volcano.

16:57:57 Highwayman:    jynx>

16:57:57 memyself:    yes a volcano erupted today in japan ...50 miles from a nuclear plant

16:58:01 Highwayman:    ?

16:58:06 Jynx o:    ?

16:58:07 Vampire Queen1 keeps my hope that aw reen gets fixed rl soon as i mis it there

16:58:14 Highwayman:    wanna check ouut my build?

16:58:20 Vampire Queen1:    leats I can stillvisit my castle there

16:58:24 Vampire Queen1:    that si a plus

16:58:31 Jynx o:    sec talking to my son

16:58:39 Highwayman:    k

16:58:47 Highwayman:    ill be tthere when ur done

16:58:51 SaintlyMic:    Man, that's not good, memyself. Was the nuke plant affected?

16:58:56 Jynx o:    ok

16:59:00 Keshi:    i am heading over to  t he  wings3D  school

16:59:04 Vampire Queen1:    huh what

16:59:05 Bach Zhaa:    ok,  thats all I had..  I know it got a little hectic before..   please everyone..  read the signs..  pay attention to the posters and the info sources.   We need everyone on the same page if we're gonna make this work for us.   :)

16:59:06 Keshi:    bye  all and thanks  Bach

16:59:14 memyself:    only 5 miles from the eruption

16:59:18 Chumana:    thanks Bach

16:59:20 Highwayman:    kk keshi, awesome jod ur doing for folks...

16:59:27 Bach Zhaa:    Thanks everyone   Great meeting again

16:59:33 memyself:    rocks raining down

16:59:40 Kenneth:    Bye everyone, have a good one.

16:59:40 Highwayman:    which part bach?.hehe

16:59:44 Bach Zhaa:    enjoy the superbowl  for those that watch

16:59:59 Bach Zhaa:    gooo packers   ;)

17:00:03 Kenneth:    Go Giants! (oh wait)

17:00:09 Bach Zhaa:    yep   lol

17:00:10 Highwayman:    these cows are physco, i gottta get away from

17:00:11 SaintlyMic:    Go Braves!

17:00:14 Bach Zhaa:    lol

17:00:25 Karten:    um  Mic   wrong sport

17:00:34 Toxor:    thanks Bach

17:00:36 Bach Zhaa:    anyways..  making it official,   meeting adjourned   :)

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