For the full (not condensed) chat log:
Attendance (ordered by chat appearance beginning after bold text):
Bach Zhaa (Ruling Chair)
(...And not to forget the undetected, other parked, non chatty, lurking, or stealthy citizens like Kare Bearz)
Highlighting and Editing by the always absent:
Zephyr Fox
Highlight Color Key:
Start of agenda topic
Chair Recognition/Point of Order and Speaker
Floor commentary/Debate and Speaker
Event Announcement
Recognized Announcement (presentation)
Spot lighted on subject/topic of discussion or yelding to a speaker
Web links
NOTE: Meeting minute highlighting is very loosely based on Robert's Rules of Order ( )
- 6:03:24 Call to order/Halloween Build Site overview (Speaker: Bach Zhaa)
- 6:12:50 Brief floor discussion about Tarot Card play
- 6:14:56 Brief Combat announcement (Speaker: Iao Moonshadow)
The Condensed Highlighted log:
6:03:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Welcome everyone :) I suppose we can begin :D
6:04:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: welcome to the alpha Halloween area. around you are sites that we've all been building on.
6:04:06 PM VRT Astraenaut: they all look awesome
6:04:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: obviously Halloween is the theme.. sites still available too
6:04:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we've been having fun
6:05:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: some folks are REALLY getting into it.. so its something special Im proud of us
6:05:55 PM VRT NurseMom: all the sites are looking awesome
6:06:49 PM VRT SnOwKuPP: its that time of year again
6:06:49 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: We are leading up to a parade through the areas, so Im also looking for mover builders to step up and make some floats..
6:07:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: can be ANYTHING halloween related.. (or not.. maybe just scary)
6:08:19 PM VRT Gremot: ok so a float of an IRS office
6:08:55 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Ill post more info about the times of the parade, but it will probably be 2 times on sunday Nov 1st with a trial run maybe over the weekend if enough ppl show up
6:10:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Im worried that too many folks will be busy right over halloween.. (or hungover sugar or otherwise lol)
6:12:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Suppose this is a good time to mention the Halloween Ball in Yellow world hosted by Apooka and Ozman on halloween
6:12:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Im sure that set to last all day
6:13:26 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: they're set to 9pm on sat, oct 31, so combat's contest (will some real prizes) is moved up to 8pm vrt that day
6:13:32 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: er..*they're meaning apooka and ozman
6:14:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk Yellow Halloween Ball, Saturday Oct 31 at 9pm VRT That means Combat! in Combat world will be moved up to 8pm that saturday.
6:14:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks Iao
6:14:44 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: thanks
6:16:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so who else is throwing a Halloween Party? I know there will be a big something for TGIF that weekend..
6:17:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ...and if you are working on halloween areas that arent here, make sure to get me the teleports.. Ill post them here
6:17:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ...and if you are working on halloween areas that arent here, make sure to get me the teleports.. Ill post them here
6:12:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: umm anyone ever bring a terot deck in AW? lol
6:12:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thats an interesting thought lol
6:13:08 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: I do tarots Bach
6:13:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: how many cards in a standard deck? anyone know offhand
6:13:32 PM VRT Astraenaut: 78
6:13:56 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: yup 78
6:14:08 PM VRT Astraenaut: 22 majors and 56 minors
6:14:20 PM VRT Toxor: good idea
6:14:50 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: yes its fun
6:19:03 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: ill read your cards Bach hehehhe
6:19:03 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: ill read your cards Bach hehehhe
6:14:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: who won yesterday, btw?
6:15:14 PM VRT Kenneth: Who do you think?
6:15:20 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: mouxi, grell, kenneth / dm *tied for 3rd), and
6:15:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yah, he was already in bragging hehe
6:15:26 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: forgot the 4th...oh Darxide
6:15:44 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: ah well things change and we'll see how long he shall reign ;-)
6:15:44 PM VRT Grell Sutcliffe: I'll get him next week.
6:15:50 PM VRT Toxor: I was 5th...out of 5 hehe
6:16:02 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: and toxor! yea hehehe
6:15:20 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: i see all tourist
6:15:26 PM VRT Dodgy: it's the lag TL
6:15:32 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: I have a new pc i guess thats why
6:16:50 PM VRT SaintlyMic: If someone unchecks rendering avatars will that affect the avatars in my build, for their experience?
6:17:32 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: no.. that only refers to us.. the actual ones, not objects
6:18:15 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: thanks Bach
6:18:15 PM VRT SaintlyMic: ok. thanks.
6:18:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: avatars as objects are just objects
6:20:45 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: ahhh thanks Bach i see now
6:20:45 PM VRT Tiffany Lace: ahhh thanks Bach i see now
6:18:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk moving on then.. umm
6:18:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we has a bug
6:19:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Im sure most of you have heard.. some of us are affected
6:19:09 PM VRT Kenneth: Yellow Gazette's newest article talks about Halloween too.
6:19:15 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: late but thanks for the protective glasses, perra. lol...
6:19:27 PM VRT perra: welcome
6:19:33 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: oh...bugs....
6:20:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I wanted to report that Rick posted that a fix would be coming out sometime this week
6:20:21 PM VRT NurseMom: :)
6:20:33 PM VRT Dodgy: wanted to?
6:20:33 PM VRT Ko Toff: Cool
6:20:39 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: :-X
6:20:39 PM VRT panne: that would be great
6:20:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: If you dont know, users that have XP or vista.. and some versions of Mac cant enter AW
6:20:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we get an instant warning saying somethings corrupted.
6:20:51 PM VRT WOODY.: but can
6:20:51 PM VRT WOODY.: some can
6:20:51 PM VRT Karten: Bach - has anyone with Windows 10 had any problems?
6:20:57 PM VRT Gremot: . . . . well they can get in , but they have to change their PC clock to Oct3rd
6:21:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Rick: Please be aware that we are working on a fix for the problem of older operating systems like Windows XP and Vista as well as some versions of Wine. Please do not expect a new build until early next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
6:21:03 PM VRT Ko Toff: I have XP and you have to set your clock back to Oct 1st to get in
6:21:15 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not so far Karten
6:21:15 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: the work around messes up my lappy...
6:21:33 PM VRT panne: yes if i change my computer date, than google does not work anymore, unless i change the computer clock back to normal,this is a solution that i won't use forever
6:21:33 PM VRT Dodgy: and your emails
6:21:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not that Ive heard but Ive been focusing on those that are missing still
6:21:33 PM VRT Karten: i have report of one, in an alternate AW type uni, that's why i am asking
6:21:39 PM VRT Kenneth: Windows 10 is fine as long as you have the right hardware specs.
6:21:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Right, for those of us that are here, we need to set the computer clock to back before oct 5th to enter AW at all
6:21:51 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: i've had some problems with w10 and aw, karten, but not the same problem as with xp/vista
6:21:51 PM VRT Gremot: . . . Karten ... the certificate issue was corrected by Microsoft in win7 forward
6:22:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we can turn it back after we log on, but what a messed up workaround :\
6:22:09 PM VRT Karten: aye Gremot, thats why this one has me confused
6:22:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: change it back after you arive
6:22:21 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: i got a recent update for vista (they still service with sp2 pkg) but it didn't solve the aw browser issue. :(
6:22:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I change it just for the minute that it takes to log on
6:22:21 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: lol dm
6:22:27 PM VRT DarkMatter: hehehehe
6:22:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but...
6:22:33 PM VRT Toxor: changing the date can also reorder your telegrams I noticed so might have to scroll down to find a new one
6:22:39 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: i tried that trick but it got worse for moved on from trying that
6:22:39 PM VRT Gremot: before win7, the settings to run the program anyway is there is cert error, doesnt work in xp and vista anyway
6:22:39 PM VRT Kenneth: And just so you all know, I heard from Strike Rapier on FB that it will cost AW either $100's or $1000's for a new certificate.
6:22:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: there are a number of ppl that may be still suffering
6:22:45 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: hammers work,,,
6:22:51 PM VRT panne: yes it"s only for version 6.2 , so aw universes using version 5.0 or older have no problems in starting up
6:22:51 PM VRT Bukka: and windows 7 will only work until 2020
6:22:51 PM VRT Dodgy: someone said $500 for 3 years
6:22:51 PM VRT Kenneth: yes
6:22:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: if you know someone thats missing and you have their email or a way to contact them, get the word out.
6:23:03 PM VRT Dodgy: AWI should do that
6:23:21 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: :-X
6:23:46 PM VRT GSK: If I recall, AWI doesn't do emails anymore because they were put onto a few email blacklists and are considered spam by some providers.
6:23:49 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, we are like 'poor mans vr' anyway.. they will lose like 20-30% of their customer base. Im hoping thats not acceptable
6:23:49 PM VRT Dodgy: oh dear :(
6:23:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah.. they wont email
6:23:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :\
6:23:51 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach, have you heard if this happens to other universes?
6:23:51 PM VRT Dodgy: well I told the VR3D fb page
6:23:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: wish they'd even post something on the website, for crying out loud >_>
6:23:51 PM VRT Dodgy: .. and there is wassisname in Belgium?
6:23:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yes.. I think panne mentioned, any that are 6.0 and above
6:23:51 PM VRT Kenneth: wow ok
6:23:51 PM VRT Dodgy: the teacher with 23 machins
6:23:51 PM VRT Ko Toff: I am going to move to Linux Ubutu so the OS is not trying to upgrade me for cash every 3 years
6:23:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: peacecity is affected
6:23:51 PM VRT Kenneth: ah yes
6:23:52 PM VRT Kenneth: So they will lose a lot more than the little it costs I think.
6:23:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so yes
6:24:00 PM VRT Karten: AWE too Bach?
6:24:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not sure.. I dont think so
6:24:10 PM VRT Dodgy: AWE is ok
6:24:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
6:24:17 PM VRT Karten: ah
6:24:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but thats like a 5.3 uni
6:24:49 PM VRT Dodgy: splash screen should tell me?
6:24:49 PM VRT Dodgy: hold on
6:24:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: prob
6:24:57 PM VRT Karten: yea 5.0
6:25:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: k
6:25:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, get the word out
6:25:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: NM, you hear anything from Liz?
6:25:43 PM VRT Kenneth: Yep... just change the calendar to 2014 and you are set lol
6:25:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyone
6:25:45 PM VRT Dodgy: version 1121
6:25:53 PM VRT Kenneth: and stop the time server from adjusting itself
6:26:10 PM VRT Gremot: . . . soooooo, even though AW deploys an update to fix the MS issue, some people with XP & Vista that come around later on & don't know about this, will still have this . . they either have to set date to oct3rd or download the update
6:26:19 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: unfortunately some program folks are using need the current date...
6:26:38 PM VRT panne: it sound ridiculous that we should be morally obkiged to buy a new computer or so put another operating system on our computer
6:26:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yah.. its going to be a tough fix
6:27:16 PM VRT Kenneth: panne, has nothing to do with morals, just a company.
6:28:11 PM VRT Ko Toff: If anyone here is already using Linux Ubutu or know someone who is please whisper to me or send me a telegram :-)
6:28:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Ko Toff: If anyone here is already using Linux Ubutu or know someone who is please whisper to me or send me a telegram :-)
6:28:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: some day
6:28:47 PM VRT Gremot: . . . panne, AW didnt cause this issue, MS did because it knew about this b4 its made WinXP end of life and only fixed the issue for Win7 forward
6:28:47 PM VRT panne: yes the probleme is : i don't know anything about linux mint or ubuntu
6:29:24 PM VRT panne: ok Gremot, i accept your explanation, idk so much about this matter
6:30:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, we dont know a lot about this bug but lets hope that it goes away soon.
6:30:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and :P all of you not affected lol
6:30:35 PM VRT Gremot: .... ok, i'm just trying to generalise it ... the tech part i sort of know about but can't explain it
6:30:43 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: please don't hold breath....
6:30:47 PM VRT Kenneth: I heard the certificate is from a company that provides proof that the download is from the AW server itself.
6:30:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and oh.. Thanks to Kuma for coming up with the workaround :)
6:31:10 PM VRT Dodgy: very clever
6:31:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: she thinks about this program in ways I didnt know possible lol
6:31:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: its how Im here lol
6:31:42 PM VRT Kenneth: yes thanks Kuma :)
6:31:54 PM VRT Karten: aye Kenneth internet certificates and common and standard all across the internet
6:32:06 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: yea thanks Kuma
6:32:12 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, any questions?
6:32:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so lets get off that then. wore me out lol
6:22:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: who are we missing still?
6:25:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: NM, you hear anything from Liz?
6:25:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyone
6:26:52 PM VRT Dodgy: Bach - you mean LizLiz?
6:26:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yes
6:27:10 PM VRT Dodgy: oh,,, not seen her in a while
6:27:17 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: not see lizliz for awhile, not even on the facebookie
6:27:17 PM VRT Dodgy: she uses fb?
6:27:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Im hearing she's ok but has other computer problems unrelated
6:27:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: good to hear :)
6:27:41 PM VRT Tree Saw: i have liz liz's home phone number
6:28:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, not good she has problems but that shes ok lol
6:28:03 PM VRT Tree Saw: i could attempt a ring a ling later when im not predisposed
6:28:41 PM VRT NurseMom: she called me just last friday and said she having computer issues and that she was ok...
6:33:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and as you saw posted before.. the new edition of the Yellow Gazette came out :)
6:34:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: check it out
6:34:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: also, whats the status of winter world? anyone know?
6:35:16 PM VRT Gremot: is it closed for winter?
6:35:18 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: rut roh, another touchy subject :x
6:35:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I mean, we were just there lol
6:36:04 PM VRT Kenneth: All I know is, Winter is open right now.
6:36:27 PM VRT Keshi: what is wrong with WInter now?
6:37:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: what we know is there was a registry issue. While its being worked out, chris changed a bunch of setting and rights. we are waiting for it to be sorted out
6:36:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: raise your hand whoever has issues seeing
6:35:48 PM VRT DarkMatter: awlife isn't working for everybody
6:37:03 PM VRT Kenneth: loads fine here, but takes a few seconds.
6:37:34 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: aw life works for me
6:37:49 PM VRT Dodgy: AWLife is ok here
6:38:28 PM VRT Dodgy: AW life is er..... ??? and my AW is GSK
6:38:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Maxpoly is awlife
6:38:42 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: awlife is maxpoly
6:38:52 PM VRT GSK: AWLife is MaxPoly's
6:38:55 PM VRT Kenneth: Is awlife mostly for Winter world?
6:39:17 PM VRT DarkMatter: awlife is where the radio stations are hosted
6:39:20 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: is for all aw too
6:39:32 PM VRT panne: awlife has for instance as an advantage that you can add pictures of your event, and this appears automatically on the events page of awlife
6:39:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: it was a good place to store pictures that Max was offering was very cool and a nice resource, but some ppl have had problems opening it.
6:39:58 PM VRT Tree Saw: ty DM thats cool too Panne
6:40:24 PM VRT Keshi: they should let max know directly
6:40:37 PM VRT panne: awlife works better with google chome, with internet explorer the presentation is less good
6:40:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thats different than winter world, but it was used in there a lot
6:40:54 PM VRT Kenneth: ok
6:41:06 PM VRT GSK: Well, no one should be using internet explorer anyway.
6:41:34 PM VRT Dodgy: GSK - why is that?
6:41:50 PM VRT GSK: IE isn't being developed anymore.
6:41:59 PM VRT Kenneth: I use Firefox
6:42:06 PM VRT Dodgy: oh right - I don't use it so didn't know
6:42:09 PM VRT panne: yes i saw that the radio stations dont work anymore, but maybe it has to do with the fact that i need to change my computer date to log in
6:42:15 PM VRT Dodgy: Firefox here too
6:42:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hey GSK you have anything you want to say this time? :)
6:42:32 PM VRT Tree Saw: well i have google anyway but still wanted to run IE
6:42:44 PM VRT Keshi: GSK i don't use IE but why should peopel not use it
6:42:51 PM VRT GSK: gimme a few minutes
6:43:16 PM VRT DarkMatter: i use binoculars...
6:43:23 PM VRT GSK: IE is obsolete.
6:43:24 PM VRT Dodgy: Bach - any news on Josh / Mel?
6:43:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just outdated with no more development. kinda the same reason you shouldnt use XP ...but that doesnt make it terrible
6:43:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nah havent heard anything
6:43:44 PM VRT Dodgy: kk
6:43:48 PM VRT Kenneth: Windows 10 browser is not IE and isn't that great I heard.
6:44:04 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: its not that great, kenneth
6:44:07 PM VRT SnOwKuPP: I don't want it and don't haveit
6:44:31 PM VRT SaintlyMic: The Windows 10 browser is Microsoft Edge.
6:44:33 PM VRT GSK: Edge is far far better than IE from a developer standpoint. it's easy to develop for Edge because it supports standards
6:44:49 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: i suppose, but it still needs work lol
6:44:55 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: lots of work...
6:45:35 PM VRT Tree Saw: thanks to Kuma : D
6:45:06 PM VRT GSK: alright, ready when you are Bach. My cat needed some attention :P
6:45:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: GSK has a few things he wants to announce take it away GSK
6:45:54 PM VRT GSK: Hey everyone.
6:46:27 PM VRT GSK: First off, there's a special Halloween edition of Deal or No Deal this Friday at 7:00pm VRT in Aurora.
6:47:33 PM VRT GSK: Second, I wanted to address some of the problems people have been having with MyAW.
6:48:01 PM VRT GSK: Some of you have been having issues with logging in or purchasing free or paid items from the PTZ Shop
6:48:42 PM VRT GSK: I don't have any solutions for these problems today, but rest assured I am working to fix them and I hope to have these features working again by the end of this week.
6:49:26 PM VRT GSK: Well, that concludes my announcements for today.
6:49:31 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Are people actually purchasing Supercharger, GSK?
6:49:37 PM VRT GSK: Yea, a few have.
6:49:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks GSK awesome
6:50:16 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Ok, Phase 2 is the downtown and retail set, and it is proving to be a much larger set of buildings
6:50:23 PM VRT panne: there is another bug: myaw shows 100 members , but if you count them, there were only 86 , and now maybe already 95 , but anyway , i appreciate the gift for the 100th member
6:50:46 PM VRT GSK: Well, internal counts now show slightly over 100 members.
6:51:05 PM VRT GSK: I don't know why it shows less than 100 for you, but it's definitely not less than 100 ;)
6:52:03 PM VRT panne: yes because it was first 80 and then suddenly 100 , i was so surprised, so i started to count
6:52:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thats is awesome tho.. that a hundred are signed on very cool
6:53:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: If anyone is confused what we are refering to, its AW new social media site
6:54:00 PM VRT panne: anyway GSK congratulations with your 100th members
6:54:15 PM VRT GSK: thanks :)
6:54:49 PM VRT GSK: People who I don't know personally, I do verify.
6:55:14 PM VRT GSK: A few months ago, one account was disabled because it didn't match an existing citizenship
6:55:14 PM VRT GSK: A few months ago, one account was disabled because it didn't match an existing citizenship
6:53:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah I guess we are Back to the Future now :D
6:53:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyone done a delorean mover? lol
6:54:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I guess in the movie Back to the Future.. Marty McFly goes into the future to Oct 21 2015 we're here lol
6:55:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Charlies started an event to celebrate Wednesday, October 21at 7:30pm Aw 1644.93S 4798.06E 0.25a 2
6:56:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thats in SW city, and I trhink thats a build that SW Chris did..
6:57:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: its the clocktower plaza.. so seems like a cool place to see ehat the future looks like.. lol or something
6:57:18 PM VRT TenYearsGone: I think it's part of East Ending, part of the Scarabian Republic, but not SW City proper
6:57:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
6:57:32 PM VRT Kenneth: You know, it never seems like the future when looking back at Sci-Fi films, but when you think about it, in 1985 we never would have imagined we would have cell phones or computers this good and other things.
6:58:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lets see.. umm
6:59:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: always tough to start this convo.. umm building and teaching and how we learn best.. etc etc
7:00:05 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Phase 2 = I am working on it.... Likely going to be 24 buildings... I guess... I suppose, I surmise
7:00:13 PM VRT Kenneth: Everyone learns differently
7:00:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: exactly..
7:00:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and scheduling and topics
7:01:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I want everyone to be as good as they want tho.. I mean there is no reason everyone here couldnt know as much as me.. but how do we do it?
7:01:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: vedios, keep being brought up
7:01:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: videos
7:01:59 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: would that work?
7:02:01 PM VRT Astraenaut: i like the idea of videos
7:02:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: bunch of youtubes
7:02:11 PM VRT TenYearsGone: drone videos?
7:02:13 PM VRT Astraenaut: especially for people who can't make in-game lessons
7:02:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but Id also want more hands on stuff too..
7:02:21 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: how to teach others to have creative fun using the program...
7:02:40 PM VRT Toxor: I liked the group workshop settings like with the timers class
7:02:42 PM VRT Kenneth: Learning is a personal achievement and it takes spirit, will power, and time to achieve it.
7:03:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I mean, not all questiosn can be answered in a vid and some techniques are complex and cross many lines
7:03:03 PM VRT Astraenaut: we could do workshops again, but provide YouTube videos to reference/for people who miss them
7:03:34 PM VRT Chumana: i like that idea, Astra
7:03:39 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: vids are good for compliment to hands on training..
7:03:41 PM VRT Keshi: sometimes people just don't ask forhelp
7:04:19 PM VRT Dodgy: I have 43 vids on youtube, but not all are AW
7:04:19 PM VRT Kenneth: There used to be University worlds inside the AW universe for advanced learning.
7:04:31 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, it isnt the account thats a problem.. its where do we start and how do we break down the commands..
7:04:35 PM VRT Kenneth: But they were all put together with AWSchool I guess
7:04:37 PM VRT CoLor: depends most is what you are trying to teach.
7:04:48 PM VRT CoLor: differetnt hings require other types of learning
7:04:49 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: least thats how it worked well when taught a high school class to use aw platform..
7:05:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Ive tried videos.. the problem for me is I get advanced really fast and they end up to be 20 minutes long lol
7:05:14 PM VRT Gremot: with youtubes, just remember used with media command its[number] . . . and used with web command its[number] . . .[number] doesnt work anymore
7:05:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so I need help lol
7:06:07 PM VRT Kenneth: I learn by example with the examples in Help.
7:06:18 PM VRT Kenneth: for commands anyway
7:06:49 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so umm ...that being said, I want to start something real... something that anyone can feel welcome and we can still learn until such time that videos are being done
7:07:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: sooo.... wednesdays?
7:07:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: every wednesday.. or twice a month, some of us get together and go over something
7:07:49 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we start simple
7:08:12 PM VRT Kenneth: Ask people what they know and get oriented to who you are teaching.
7:08:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: this way we can see how the videos might be and where we think we need the most help
7:08:24 PM VRT Myrth: Are your old blogs archived anywhere Bach? SW City's Builder Academy links to a post on centering AWGs that's broken. X_X
7:08:26 PM VRT CoLor: probably the most important thing is one on one teaching and taking it one step at a time
7:09:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thats in the awg yard here in alpha.. 7940.47S 1512.50E -0.01a 0 that tutorial. Straight ahead
7:09:05 PM VRT Keshi: what happen to aw swchool teaching building and command usage ?
7:09:20 PM VRT TenYearsGone: do not "stree the fine points" until you have covered the basics... absolutely
7:09:23 PM VRT CoLor: For newbies I think the faster you get them building the more chance we have they will stay. But keep it simple
7:09:59 PM VRT CoLor: I think expecting them to read is not as successful for learning. then getting them to actually copy even one thing
7:10:34 PM VRT Kenneth: Color helped me learn to build my first house.. the first week I used AW.
7:10:39 PM VRT Keshi: once3 i learned to copy paste i was at advanced commands 2 weeks later
7:10:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I agree color and yes.. thats why I need your help. I love building but like i tend to push the hard stuff too soon. I scare ppl off then. :(
7:10:42 PM VRT CoLor: its the act of doing the building that sparks that creative lure that keeps them
7:10:56 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: folks have little patience to read simple game mechanics or rules. more into jump in and do something straight out...
7:11:01 PM VRT Astraenaut: it's hard to do when everyone is on a different level
7:11:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: exactly.. but we need to get thru this.. there is a way
7:32:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, wednesday evening here, we will start at least talking building
7:32:46 PM VRT panne: at what time and where ?
7:32:48 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: actually in awschool.. but we can go anywhere after that
7:33:12 PM VRT Kenneth: Will an AWSchool Teacher be there?
7:34:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: umm.. I usually have to go do something at 8pm my time.. so 6:30 pm my time which is like 9:30 VRT.. but I would be happy and willing to have 2 meetings on this every wed
7:34:47 PM VRT Kenneth: And don't forget, clocks change Nov. 2 so that means 1 hour change in VRT difference.
7:35:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk then say we do a late one? that way stanly could make it
7:36:15 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: donno.. but I want to try this
7:40:08 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach, so when is the time on Wednesdays again?
7:41:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 9:30 VRT
7:41:30 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: that should be 6:30 central time
7:41:23 PM VRT Kenneth: ok thanks, will write it down
7:41:30 PM VRT CoLor: Is there outside advertising for thta game?
7:41:31 PM VRT Kenneth: post in the FB group too
7:41:33 PM VRT Kenneth: you can I mean
7:41:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yep
7:43:55 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: which is the 21st so maybe we'll do something back to the future related
7:44:48 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah.. I wanted to run the idea by you guys first
7:45:02 PM VRT Kenneth: sounds like a great idea
7:45:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so Ill post something today there
7:45:09 PM VRT Kenneth: my as well try at least
7:45:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: well, its all easy lol
7:39:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, to keep the convo going, Regular events are still going strong.. Combat! saturdays was mentioned before.. very cool.. also, TGIF this weekend will be at Darkmatters Club called The Dark Night
7:39:59 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: yea, next week combat contest is at 9pm....oct 31 is at 8pm
7:46:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways, what am I missing?
7:47:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ..but seriously, DM made an awesome new club. Im looking forward to breaking it in on friday :)
7:48:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyone want a halloween site still.. talk to me or mel or ot and we can set you up
7:49:12 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and umm mover builders out there, Im counting on you for floats for the parade
7:50:59 PM VRT NurseMom: Bach is there a place you have set up to build the movers?
7:51:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: this is true.. in a float and it would be too horrible probably donno :o
7:51:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: not yet.. Im thinking just over here on the edge of the lz area
7:51:38 PM VRT NurseMom: k just let me know where and i will start working on one
7:51:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: or your sites or teleport in..
7:51:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
7:51:51 PM VRT NurseMom: no space on my site to build one
7:51:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: cant yet wrong privs lol
7:52:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk
7:52:03 PM VRT NurseMom: no worries
7:52:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: but yeah, we'll start right up front here
7:52:31 PM VRT NurseMom: okies
7:52:54 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Does anyone know if there are visible images to an "asset list"?
7:53:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: any questions about anything at all?
7:53:11 PM VRT Gremot: is way over due for cig break ... bbs
7:53:19 PM VRT NurseMom: hb Gremot
7:53:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: asset list? as in a PE?
7:53:37 PM VRT SaintlyMic: yes. for pe's.
7:53:53 PM VRT SaintlyMic: I remember seeing one, but I lost it.
7:54:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: objects or textures on an OP are assets
7:54:14 PM VRT SaintlyMic: Thanks Bach.
7:54:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: there is a button here at the halloween LZ that when you click it, loads those resources in chat
7:55:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so they wont get lost
7:55:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: what else hmm
7:56:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I hear your still adding to your gallery Kenneth
7:56:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: hows that going?
7:57:22 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach yes....
7:57:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: historical teleports
7:57:39 PM VRT Kenneth: I just started the 1999 teleports, got 1995, 1996, and 1997 finished
7:57:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: sweet..
7:58:03 PM VRT Kenneth: After 1999 and got 2000 to do, although I may go onto 2001, we'll see.
7:58:16 PM VRT Kenneth: I don't want to get too new of builds though since people could be still building, etc.
7:58:48 PM VRT Kenneth: There's around 80 or 90 teleports in each dome
7:59:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: quite a collection
7:59:05 PM VRT Keshi: well folks i am being called to help someone enjoy and see you about
7:59:13 PM VRT Kenneth: Yeah, SG found almost all of them
7:59:19 PM VRT Kenneth: some by Mouxi and some by me
7:59:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: neat... :) best in the business ;D
8:00:23 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I think thats all I had folks. Thanks for coming.. we had over 50 ppl at one point :)
8:00:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: making it official, meeting adjourned
8:01:10 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: much appreciated
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