Monday, October 5, 2015

Condensed Chat Log for Meeting 10/4/2015

For the full (not condensed) chat log:


Attendance (ordered by chat appearance beginning after bold text):

 Bach Zhaa (Ruling Chair)

 Good Person
 Perra o
 The Courier
 Lazysuzy o
 Iao Moonshadow
 Peacekeeper 47
 3rd Rock

(...And not to forget the undetected, other parked, non chatty, lurking, or stealthy citizens like Kare Bearz)

Highlighting and Editing by the always absent:

Zephyr Fox

Highlight Color Key:

Start of agenda topic
Chair Recognition/Point of Order and Speaker
Floor commentary/Debate and Speaker
Event Announcement
Recognized Announcement (presentation)
Spot lighted on subject/topic of discussion or yelding to a speaker
Web links

NOTE: Meeting minute highlighting is very loosely based on Robert's Rules of Order )

This meeting's ad hoc agenda:

  • 6:00:04 Call to order/Winter reopening overview (Speaker: MaXPoly)
  • 6:10:02 Halloween happenings (Speaker: Open Floor)
  • 6:19:05 AWteen and SG's Phoenix City parties (Speaker: SirGreendown)
  • 6:24:21 TGIF (Speaker: MeL)
  • 6:32:29 Halloween Parade (Speaker: Bach Zhaa)
  • 6:37:45 GSK Presentation (Speaker: GSK)
  • 6:55:26 Dovestar Active Worlds advertising (Speaker: Dovestar)
  • 7:05:12 AWG build sets for Newbies (Speaker: TenYearsGone)
  • 7:08:38 A short discussion on stanly's photo posts (Speaker: Open Floor)
  • 7:16:31 Combat World (Speaker: Iao Moonshadow)
  • 7:23:27 News Tabloid and TGIF Fantasia Plug (Speaker: The Courier)
  • 7:28:15 Candyland Game contest (Speaker: Genevieve)
  • 7:32:11 Interest in returning to Birthday Builds (Speaker: Open Floor)
  • 7:43:58 Open discussion about Seiya's return (Speaker: Open Floor)
  • 7:59:08 SirGreendown announces new Winter object yard
  • 8:02:31 Meeting is Adjourned

The Condensed Highlighted log:

6:00:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I suppose we can begin  :)  Welcome to Winter world.
6:01:36 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: We are having the meeting in here because a few weeks ago, we were unsure what was happening in here.  chat was off and max was booted to the curb.  I wanted to come back in to welcome Max back as CT  and to report that things are more or less back to
6:01:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: normal..  Welcome back Max   :)
6:02:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: are things back to normal Max?
6:02:23 PM VRT MaXPoly: :) tks bro, nothing short of a global falure will stop our fun long
6:03:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: all winter services are up and running?   anything you want to add?
6:04:28 PM VRT MaXPoly: worlds  in normal condition and all progress on the holiday fiesta ready
6:04:51 PM VRT MaXPoly: are you all ready to help santa build more village
6:05:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Id like to ask while everyone is here..   how many ppl DO NOT see the pictures loading here?  anyone?
6:05:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just wanted to ask while we had a crowd
6:05:48 PM VRT MaXPoly: web pages is browser reeor and reloads when u restart aw grr
6:06:20 PM VRT MaXPoly: been having that  for long time error but o well thats aw
6:06:34 PM VRT MaXPoly: anyways
6:06:46 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: cool..  :)   then looks like we're good to go.   Kudos Max  and welcome back   L)
6:06:50 PM VRT MaXPoly: a fast breef for the village plug

6:10:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: moving on then..   Halloween is a comin   :O
6:10:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we have a few events underway   one is the Halloween area opened in alpha world..
6:11:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Alpha Halloween 2015 -      DONT CLICK THAT   hehe
6:13:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we are doing halloween area a little differently than previous times..   this time there are assigned plots and you names on a teleport board.  seems we're getting into that system lately and works   ...for anyone interested in building there,  contact Me
6:12:21 PM VRT Kenneth: Bach, I sent the coords  of that to Apooka the other day for her Yellow Gazette

6:12:27 PM VRT Kenneth: She asked for them

6:13:10 PM VRT Kenneth: She is making a Halloween article

6:13:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I sent the whole notice to Ozman since apooka blocks my grams.. but thanks :)

6:14:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and thats also a halloween event..  anyone know details of that?   Ive only seen the calender entry..
6:15:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: What is Apooka planning in Yellow aside from the Halloween Ball
6:15:09 PM VRT MeL: seen what ozman posted in the official is all
6:15:29 PM VRT Kenneth: She just asked for any Halloween builds so I told her the AW one

6:15:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: they call it "31 days of halloween"   ...but it isnt specific what that entails

6:16:02 PM VRT MeL: Halloween Ball. Oct 31 @ 9pmvrt, - yellow

6:16:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Halloween Ball. Oct 31 @ 9pmvrt, - yellow    Thanks Mel   :)

6:17:01 PM VRT MeL: explore the haunted house and spooky woods,.. The Carnival is Frightfull fun

6:19:05 PM VRT SirGreendown: any notice's about the October 11th party?
6:19:12 PM VRT SirGreendown: in AWTeen
6:19:16 PM VRT SirGreendown: 11pm VRT
6:19:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Tell us about that SG    I hear you're having a party on the 11th
6:20:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: name, reason, date & time and place?
6:20:25 PM VRT SirGreendown: It will be for the 1st Anniversary of Phoenix City and the 17th Anniversary of AWTeen
6:21:21 PM VRT SirGreendown: and October 11th, 11 VRT AWTeen 2181.89S 3598.90W 1.20a 91
6:21:38 PM VRT SirGreendown: 11PM
6:22:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 1st Anniversary of Phoenix City and the 17th Anniversary of AWTeen     October 11th, 11 VRT AWTeen 2181.89S 3598.90W 1.20a 91    at 11pm VRT        Thanks SG   :)
6:23:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: details yet to be finalized..  stay tuned for more details as they happen
6:23:29 PM VRT SirGreendown: 6pm vrt noone would show up if it were that early
6:23:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: ok, back to Halloween   :D   (my fav holiday)
6:23:46 PM VRT SirGreendown: so it's at 11pm vrt

6:24:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: moar parties?      TGIF is that weekend..    where are we meeting that week,  you thunked about it yet Mel?
6:25:02 PM VRT MeL: Oct 30th.. TGIF will be at the Halloween Site in Alpha..
6:25:48 PM VRT MeL: 9th  the TGIF will be at Fantasia in alpha...   16th is in AWReunionn,....23rd will be at Dark matter and gene Place
6:26:32 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: very cool..   :)   how is moving them around?  working out so far?
6:26:43 PM VRT MeL: prudy good so far =)
6:26:47 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: any advice for perpective sites?
6:27:27 PM VRT MeL: make sure you have the dance movers and dance board up and ready.. before the party date. if you dont.. let me know and I will help you
6:28:03 PM VRT MeL: remmber how many ppl might be there plus the gamebot and have plenty of room for the dance area
6:28:57 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and as a builders side note..  a dance mover board doesnt have one mover per dance..  there needs to be a dance mover for each person..  so if you want 50 ppl  then that board has *stacked*  50 movers.  make sure you figure the cell space for this
6:29:08 PM VRT MeL: if you wait till the last minute. well,. you might have to reschdule the date for your place
6:29:32 PM VRT MeL: yes, we dont want no lagg
6:29:38 PM VRT MaXPoly: see me when u need to install dance systems i have all the presets
6:31:46 PM VRT MeL: you can have a dance board on the east side of the dance floor and put another dance board on the west side... each with multi movers on the dances.

6:32:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I did want to mention the parade again.   I like parades.   Halloween is on a saturday but a lot of folks are busy that weekend so I was wanting to do it the week after.  should I wait till the following weekend or have them during the week?
6:32:50 PM VRT MaXPoly: weekend before
6:33:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: builds arent done
6:33:17 PM VRT MeL: Iweekend after
6:33:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: it will be thru the halloween build area
6:34:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so good question, I suppose
6:34:03 PM VRT MeL: have it on the 30 during the TGIF ?
6:34:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: could do it that day..
6:34:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: or that sunday even
6:34:34 PM VRT MeL: nods'  yup
6:35:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: true..  that has worked out better   to have more than one
6:35:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so maybe friday and sunday?
6:35:30 PM VRT MeL: sounds good Bach
6:35:33 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: 30th and the 1st
6:36:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: cool
6:37:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: kk..  I think that friday and sunday sounds good

6:37:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: moving on then,  I think GSK has some announcements he wants to make.   GSK..  take it away   :)
6:37:53 PM VRT GSK: Thanks Bach
6:37:59 PM VRT GSK: Hey everyone. I've got a lot of things to share today, so sit back, keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the ride.
6:38:23 PM VRT GSK: First, I want to thank everyone who continues to come to our Deal or No Deal games. We have some incredible new events coming next year that I think you're all going to love.
6:38:54 PM VRT GSK: We broadcast all of our games live on the Internet, through our channel BuzzTV.
6:39:29 PM VRT GSK: Starting today, however, BuzzTV is being merged with Big Bucks Entertainment to form Big Bucks TV.
6:39:41 PM VRT GSK: If you're not familiar with Big Bucks Entertainment, they make appearances at various conventions across the country and perform live action game shows for some really awesome prizes.
6:40:11 PM VRT GSK: Merging our games with Big Bucks Entertainment is an amazing opportunity for both of our groups, and we couldn't be happier about it. I'd like to invite you all to learn more about Big Bucks Entertainment at
6:40:55 PM VRT GSK: Next, things are progressing nicely with the MyAW social network. We've just hit 85 registered members which is nothing short of awesome. This time last year, MyAW was first starting development, and it's amazing to see how far we've come in just a year.
6:41:17 PM VRT GSK: But we're not resting anytime soon.
6:41:29 PM VRT GSK: Today I'm very excited to re-introduce the OMG! Awards.
6:42:06 PM VRT GSK: For those who aren't familiar, we tried the OMG! Awards earlier this year, but things just didn't pan out. Now that we have MyAW, I'm a lot more hopeful this time around, and it seems like you guys deserve an excellent awards show.
6:42:40 PM VRT GSK: The OMG! Awards features 11 diverse categories for every type of citizen, ranging from Realism to Technical Achievement, Historical Awareness to Creative Design, Community Leader to the highly-coveted Hall of Fame.
6:43:10 PM VRT GSK: However, when voting comes around in January 2016, you'll need a free MyAW account. This ensures that people don't vote multiple times under multiple accounts for the same person, and guarantees fair results.
6:43:18 PM VRT GSK: oh whoops I think i missed a thing xD
6:43:33 PM VRT GSK: Lesson learned: don't multitask when you're trying to multitask :|
6:43:41 PM VRT GSK: Lemme back up a little bit then
6:43:47 PM VRT GSK: Nominations for the OMG! Awards are OPEN STARTING TODAY through December 31, so that's plenty of time to nominate anything and everything you can think of. Anyone can nominate, even if you don't have a MyAW membership.
6:44:14 PM VRT GSK: However, when voting comes around in January 2016, you'll need a free MyAW account. This ensures that people don't vote multiple times under multiple accounts for the same person, and guarantees fair results. (Deja Vu, anyone?)
6:44:46 PM VRT GSK: You can find additional details, including a list of all of the categories, at You can also vote from that same website, and from anywhere on MyAW by clicking the "NOMINATE" banner at the top.
6:45:16 PM VRT GSK: Third, MyAW TV has been receiving steady updates lately, and I wanted to tell you about a couple of them.
6:45:43 PM VRT GSK: You can now nominate for the 2016 OMG! Awards directly from any MyAW TV, even if it's not in your name. MyAW TV has also received an exciting new feature called Cinemagraphs.
6:46:11 PM VRT GSK: Think of these as animated works of art. You can now display your MyAW TV on a wall in your house, navigate to the Cinemagraphs feature, and display anything from animated waterfalls, to active nighttime cities, and even visit locales around the world.
6:46:53 PM VRT GSK: You can also set up your own MyAW TV even easier now, from any other TV. Navigate to the "Install MyAW TV" feature and copy the code to set up your own copy of the MyAW TV and start taking advantage of everything it has to offer.
6:47:19 PM VRT GSK: These features are available on all MyAW TVs, and all of them are available right now.
6:47:41 PM VRT GSK: Last, but certainly not least, Deal or No Deal is getting into the Halloween spirit with a very special game on Friday, October 23 at 7:00pm VRT. You're not going to want to miss this one!
6:48:00 PM VRT GSK: Located exclusively in Aurora.
6:48:16 PM VRT GSK: If you missed our last game on September 26, be sure to check it out here: (mature content; viewer discretion advised)
6:48:19 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: how long does Deal or No Deal last?
6:48:39 PM VRT GSK: Usually about 2-3 hours
6:48:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: any word on family feud?   lol
6:49:01 PM VRT GSK: Family Feud will be arriving next year, along with three or four other games.
6:49:20 PM VRT GSK: Well, that's all I have for today, so now that everything is out of the way, does anyone have any questions about what I covered?
6:49:53 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: myAW link for the log
6:49:54 PM VRT MeL: link for nominations
6:50:05 PM VRT GSK: Lemme fetch it
6:51:11 PM VRT GSK: Think of MyAW as a spiritual successor to Support AW.
6:51:45 PM VRT GSK: Support AW won't be returning unless maki returns, but MyAW has the same goals in mind.
6:53:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: cool  Thanks GSK   awesome work  :D
6:53:47 PM VRT GSK: Well, that's that for me, if no one else has any questions?
6:54:29 PM VRT GSK: Well guys, I gotta jet. It's been fun. Don't forget to nominate! Catch you all later.

6:55:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: next on the agenda then..   Everyone see that Dovestar has started advertising for Activeworlds?   Recently we voted on ads to go in an online magazine.   You want to tell us what you've been up to?
6:55:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: some nice ads btw   :D
6:56:23 PM VRT Dovestar: Not much to ad to that lol. Mainly a thank you for all the hard work of those whomade the ads, they deserver all the fanfare. I just hope it helps increase membership
6:56:34 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: You have those ads on a non facebook server Dove?
6:56:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: post the links
6:57:37 PM VRT Dovestar:
6:57:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and tell us what kind of magazine is this?
6:58:18 PM VRT Dovestar: Its a Magazine from a Poly Tech Collage in The philipines
6:58:52 PM VRT Dovestar: Opens up the asian market, being Philipinos also speak and read english its a plus
6:59:23 PM VRT Dovestar: the audience level is a estimated 700 students or more
6:59:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nice work Dove  and thanks for this
7:00:18 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: and you're offering the radio ads too..  lol  for those that dont know,  Iao Moonshadow and TenYearsGone created a couple of radio ads advertising AW.   should check them out and consider using them in your stations.
7:00:25 PM VRT Dovestar: But i can not express how thankful i am for the ad work submitted. and that they deserve the glory :)
7:01:20 PM VRT Dovestar: yes, and if anyone has any ad be it audio, video or graphical i will gladly add it to the packs for download and use.
7:01:32 PM VRT Dovestar: for graphical
7:01:56 PM VRT Dovestar:
7:02:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: thanks again for all your hard work Dove   we need this, it looks good down the road and is a nice resource for others.   Thanks
7:03:34 PM VRT Dovestar: also anyone who is good at banner ads, thats the next progject
7:03:46 PM VRT Dovestar: so there is banner ads available for web advertisement
7:03:46 PM VRT Dovestar: thats all
7:03:58 PM VRT Dovestar crawls back under his rock and hides
7:03:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: any questions anyone?
7:04:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yes,  thanks Dove   :)

7:05:12 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: moving on then..  one resource that really not used enough in AW  is the AWG group feature
7:06:26 PM VRT Dovestar: oooh Ten made a nice AWG set
7:06:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Speaking of which, TenYearsGone has been offering house sets for prospective cities and towns..   Ten, you want to give us some details
7:07:11 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Bold please, Max
7:07:48 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Ok, Phase One of Sekrit Projekt: Supercharger is available on Facebook, and My AW
7:08:19 PM VRT TenYearsGone: This is only one set of many AWG collections aimed at making townbuilding easy
7:09:03 PM VRT TenYearsGone: This set is 18 Victorian style homes in 4 orientations, ready for customizing to make them unique
7:09:59 PM VRT TenYearsGone: The next set planned is a set of "downtown" style retail stores and restaurants , and in the future, condos and hotels
7:10:11 PM VRT TenYearsGone: And of course, more houses in different styles
7:10:30 PM VRT Good Person: are they free Ten ?
7:11:13 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Yes they are, GP, either from MYAW store, or from the files section of the AW Offical Facebook page
7:11:49 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: awesome Ten   man after my own builders heart   :)
7:11:49 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Since they are customizable, you may stock the kitchen shelves with spam if you like
7:13:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: take that as the start of something everyone.   you have houses your willing to offer or a town that needs some readymade filler..   know there are these features here
7:13:27 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Of course you will have to consult you own windows guru to place the files in your presets dieectory
7:13:28 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks Ten   :)
7:14:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Stanly,  what have you been up to lately?   Im glad you could make it
7:14:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I see you posted a picture..  but not eveyone has facebook..
7:15:05 PM VRT stanly: let me repost it in my own facebook than the groups
7:21:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa:    have you seen this stanly?   there are some folks on AW that have an aversion to facebook for various reasons however myAW has been really catching on.  start posting here too   :)

7:16:31 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: there are some folks that have some announcements so lets keep this moving..   Iao, did you want to say a few words about Combat World?
7:17:08 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: yea, OzySEO is hoping to be on more as his power resources to get online have been a problem
7:17:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I have seen him back a couple times..  even if he says he's not back   lol
7:17:58 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: winners of this weekends contest were 1st Mouxi, 2nd Kenneth, 3rd Grell Sutcliffe, and we'll now give a prize for 4th place, Chumana took that spot this weekend. Congrats to our Game On Battle winners.
7:18:23 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: and, when have a first place winner that can't  use MYAW, we have GSK's permission to offer the 500 MYAW pts to the 2nd place winner. So this weekend congrats to Kenneth for winning the prize.
7:18:41 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: woohoo  Congrats to the winners..
7:19:36 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: thanks to everyone who comes to participate and enjoy the game. we'll be adding some holiday prizes and more battling surprises along the way
7:20:43 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: Mouxi's a game on beast...which is why we added a 4rth place prize winner lol
7:21:07 PM VRT Chumana: we may need teams  heehee
7:21:44 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: we have some teams formulated but that would be great to get em together for strategies and see who can beat the best in combat
7:22:14 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: I'm done, thanks for the time Bach and the bold Max
7:22:39 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks Iao   great job you guys are doing   :D

7:23:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I know The Courier has a couple of announcements,  Courier, whats happening?
7:24:10 PM VRT The Courier: Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but several things leak haha. That's besides the point.
7:24:41 PM VRT The Courier: Well, I have several things going on at the moment. Fantasia is hosting the next TGIF like MeL said earlier, but that's not the main thing I'd like to talk about right now.
7:25:17 PM VRT The Courier: I'm here to formally announce AW's newest news site (newest news is newest), the Alpha Journal (
7:26:12 PM VRT The Courier: The point of the Journal is to really give the spotlight to one unique area or citizen with a good story to tell. Pheonix City and a citizen called Lakemeadows were our first features. Shout out to them.
7:26:43 PM VRT The Courier: Expect to see it near a LZ near you (hopefully). That's all I have right now to say. Back to you Bach.
7:27:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks so much Courier..   looks great and we can use more writers.  :)     sweet

7:28:15 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I did want to plug the Candyland Game contest going on now..
7:28:52 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: as a prize, a gift certificate for See's Candies is available
7:29:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Genevieve you have any details you want to add
7:29:24 PM VRT Genevieve: So you guys need to come play and knock Max out of the winning
7:29:30 PM VRT Genevieve: That was a joke Max
7:29:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: him and choco are cheating,  I just know   lol
7:29:49 PM VRT Genevieve: 1st to win 5 games wins the gift certificate
7:30:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: sweet..  literally   lol
7:30:07 PM VRT Genevieve: No, I think they have been practicing their colors
7:30:26 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Saturdays at midnight still?
7:30:26 PM VRT MaXPoly: notice  i didnt get 1 face card both games last night
7:30:45 PM VRT Genevieve: Yes, we are every other Sat.
7:30:51 PM VRT Genevieve: But maybe every now to push this along
7:30:57 PM VRT Genevieve: Sat. now even
7:31:09 PM VRT Genevieve: If nothing else conflicts like Halloween party
7:32:05 PM VRT Genevieve: ok, next prize will be a case of Spam, GP
7:32:11 PM VRT Genevieve: Midnight VRT, Iao
7:32:36 PM VRT MaXPoly: sunday  12 am
7:32:48 PM VRT Genevieve: Or Sat. midnight
7:33:24 PM VRT panne: so the candyland game is finished already ?
7:33:30 PM VRT Genevieve: oh no
7:33:49 PM VRT Genevieve: Max and Choco have two wins panne, they need three more

7:32:11 PM VRT stanly: quick question, are the birthday builds still being done
7:33:00 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: couldnt get hardly anyone to help build them stanly so some were and some were not.... hopefully more folks would like to assist in helping by building sites...
7:33:30 PM VRT Good Person: i will still do them OK
7:33:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah..  bday ground to a halt a couple months ago.
7:33:43 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: bday builds
7:34:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: no one built..  we have dozens of empty sites
7:34:02 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: have to have folks to help us fill the sites..  cant b done by one or 2 folks
7:34:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: full empties
7:34:14 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: needsa  team
7:34:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah
7:34:32 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: if its not working, its not working   :(
7:34:39 PM VRT Genevieve: Or we can remain young forever!
7:34:45 PM VRT Good Person: it will
7:34:51 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: what about one big build for the month with their names
7:35:03 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: maybe we can start again soon..depends if folks want to help out
7:35:03 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I welcome suggestions..   I loved building in them but it too much for just me and a few others
7:35:10 PM VRT CoLor: good idea Lao
7:35:10 PM VRT Karten: ouchies 3rd
7:35:10 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: or something special added that represents them
7:35:16 PM VRT Good Person: good idea Moon
7:35:22 PM VRT Genevieve: That is a great idea Iao
7:35:34 PM VRT SirGreendown: I would like to get back into it
7:35:40 PM VRT CoLor: Hat to set off many features
7:36:22 PM VRT SirGreendown: I had just started doing B-day builds when everyone, including myself, stopped
7:37:05 PM VRT Good Person: well i think Moon has a great idea
7:37:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways,  dont know what else to add with that.   someone want to officiate something  :)
7:37:36 PM VRT Alphaworldian: I can add something briefly
7:38:13 PM VRT The Courier: dbzfan345 for pres make it happen bach
7:38:19 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:38:25 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: i couldnt have done it as long as i did without the help of the community and bach setting them up for the past year... thanks to all who always helped out
7:38:44 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: years
7:38:50 PM VRT SirGreendown: you had the longest lasting birthday site
7:39:02 PM VRT SirGreendown: it lasted longer than any others
7:39:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah..  I think you were doing longer than anyone NM
7:39:14 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: 2008 to 2015 so far....
7:39:20 PM VRT Alphaworldian: isn't the birthday complex like the size of scarabian republic or something
7:39:20 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: wanted to keep something going
7:39:26 PM VRT Alphaworldian: wow bold
7:39:39 PM VRT SirGreendown: yeah and there are 2 huge complexes
7:39:51 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Thanks sooo much for all your patience and hard work.  we have a lot to be proud of   :)
7:39:51 PM VRT Genevieve: I guess that is what you get when you get angry, Alpha
7:40:09 PM VRT SirGreendown: D2 and Tunablues/ Barnerbee's and NurseMom's
7:40:15 PM VRT MaXPoly: lol
7:40:22 PM VRT The Courier: Birthday Complex is near my builds.
7:40:28 PM VRT Perra o: lol
7:40:40 PM VRT The Courier: it's a little annoying, because it's an anicent section of it.
7:40:47 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: lotta cool talented builds to be found in the bd builds
7:40:53 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: the bday area  is divided but  cumulitively is bigger than anything in AW.   Had the longest running community of builders too
7:40:53 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: back in 2000 to 2005 we did individual sites for our friends..... so many out there  with tons of pic errs :(
7:41:05 PM VRT SirGreendown: I ought to document most of the Birthday builds
7:41:05 PM VRT The Courier: bday area doesn't really count as a community of builders.
7:41:17 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: in a way it does tho courier
7:41:17 PM VRT The Courier: if it's just a area where you have birthday builds
7:41:23 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: actually it has for some
7:41:23 PM VRT SirGreendown: yes before D2 and Tunablues it was all over in individual sites
7:41:30 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: there were a bunch of us that built for everyone..
7:41:36 PM VRT CoLor: If anyone wants to see creativity and innovative ideas and special effects the birthday builds are a rich resource
7:41:36 PM VRT Chumana: sign me up for help with the bday builds
7:41:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so we were there all the time
7:41:55 PM VRT Alphaworldian: well there were groups of people that would build birthday builds courier
7:41:55 PM VRT Chumana: i agree with CoLor
7:42:01 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: exactly Color
7:42:01 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so it was a community of the rag tag bunch of us..
7:42:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:42:07 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yep
7:42:19 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: many creative builds there from many talented builders over the years
7:42:26 PM VRT Genevieve: I think Iao's idea should be considered Bach
7:42:32 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: remember we'd all gather and enjoy chat, music while building together
7:42:32 PM VRT The Courier: I know a lot of people like to think of it as a city though.
7:42:38 PM VRT Chumana: i agree, Gene
7:42:44 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: a city hmmm i dont think so
7:42:56 PM VRT The Courier: which doesn't really make sense. A lot of people build on it, but beyond that, that's just it.
7:43:02 PM VRT Genevieve: No, one feature build with all the names
7:43:09 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nah..  its just builders having fun
7:43:21 PM VRT Chumana: ya, that would be cool, Gene
7:43:27 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: individualing each  site for each person makes it more special
7:43:27 PM VRT Genevieve: Like... ex. A Jack-in-the-box with all the birthday names coming out
7:43:27 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: we never thought of it as a city, but moresoe a community effort to celebrate others special occassion and have fun
7:44:04 PM VRT Karten: more like an expanding memorial park
7:44:48 PM VRT CoLor: The problem with a mass build for all would be for your own personal birthday month. Not wanting to see your own site before the day of yet wanting to build for others
7:45:00 PM VRT Peacekeeper 47: yep
7:45:12 PM VRT CoLor raises her eyebrow
7:45:12 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: well as part of it can add elements special for each bd person
7:45:43 PM VRT Chumana: like a pic of spam, for example
7:51:07 PM VRT stanly: i asked the question as i did not know that they came to a halt

7:43:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: moving on...   ok then..   umm   I didnt really think it needed to be a topic but I couldnt think of a different way to tell everyone.   Its not important really..  just a thing.
7:44:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: Seiya returned.
7:44:35 PM VRT TenYearsGone has no opinion regarding Seiya
7:44:35 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: pass that around.    quite a miracle actually since she was dead before
7:45:31 PM VRT Genevieve: Well, miracles seem to happen, Bach
7:45:49 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: yea...and that one was a doozy
7:46:07 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: meant that about miracles...not spam :P
7:46:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just a lot of this affected me personally  and I wanted to not have to tell folks all the time.
7:46:57 PM VRT panne: well about Seiya, my article of the second explorers club events was in Seiya's place, so i need to fix that
7:47:34 PM VRT Genevieve: So it took years but it also took guts returning and clarifying things
7:48:28 PM VRT Alphaworldian: I straight up told people that seiya wasn't dead, when I heard the news I knew it was bs. anybody that knew seiya for long would understand. oh well
7:48:47 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: i'm just not sure why it occurred if the person wasn't really coming back to aw...but kudos she's well
7:48:53 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yeah..   we were played Alpha..
7:48:53 PM VRT Karten: aye Alpha, was said by several at the time
7:48:59 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: we were the band
7:49:05 PM VRT CoLor: no not all were played
7:49:11 PM VRT Genevieve: No, I don't think so Bach
7:49:24 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I was   v_v
7:49:30 PM VRT CoLor: oh?
7:50:00 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: anyways..  I dont think shes returning.
7:50:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: just there's that
7:50:13 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: umm..
7:50:25 PM VRT Good Person: i never knew the lady its the first time i seen her
7:50:31 PM VRT Genevieve: I think at the time a confused individual whom now sees the light a little more clearly
7:51:07 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: she's a legendary builder GP   I think thats why ppl knew her mostly
7:51:07 PM VRT stanly: i asked the question as i did not know that they came to a halt
7:51:14 PM VRT The Courier: Honestly.
7:51:20 PM VRT Good Person: oh ok thanks
7:51:20 PM VRT The Courier: I think she just came back to visit.
7:51:26 PM VRT The Courier: She isn't really back.
7:51:26 PM VRT Alphaworldian: the only thing that upsets me is that her freeform builds weren't legit. I praised her builds from the mountain top and it turns out it was plagarized. I am ass pained about that
7:51:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nope..  but back  as from the dead back   lol
7:51:57 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: she has some items in her home base builds that indicated how painful things were for her, i think was even in her aw wiki blog
7:51:57 PM VRT stanly: i was wondering what happned to the one that would have been set for my birthday back in september but now i know, thanks, i was not aware that the tradition went out months ago
7:51:57 PM VRT Genevieve: But she did build them Alpha, she just had input of ideas
7:52:15 PM VRT panne: well maybe she just returned telling she is still alive, and that it was wrong by reporting that she was dead
7:52:21 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: plagerized?  wth   she couldnt do that here if she didnt have the ability to translate it to AW
7:52:34 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: a sense of closure for her perhaps, panne
7:52:40 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: I plagerized the bouncy thing..  that make it less?
7:52:46 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Well, the scenario I would like to see is that she gets another cit, and has the god sense to STFU about Seiya
7:52:52 PM VRT Genevieve: No, you built on an idea Bach
7:53:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: so did she
7:53:10 PM VRT Alphaworldian: I thought she said she stole the designs of the freeform builds
7:53:23 PM VRT Alphaworldian: from students or something, I dunno
7:53:23 PM VRT Genevieve: No, she collaborated with others in her classes
7:53:29 PM VRT Alphaworldian: oh okay
7:53:29 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: how do you steal something and put in in AW exactly?
7:53:29 PM VRT Genevieve: they gave her ideas
7:53:41 PM VRT Alphaworldian: I misread then
7:54:02 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: takes talent to do what she did..  no matter where the ideas came from.
7:54:02 PM VRT CoLor: An artist recognises similiarities in work. And style. AT Least I have
7:54:08 PM VRT Karten: doesnt matter, she left AW again anyway *shrugs*
7:54:14 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: still a dang great builder no matters.
7:54:20 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: yah..  sorry
7:54:44 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: umm
7:54:44 PM VRT Genevieve: She is getting her act together in RL... and we should be happy for her if she is finally happy
7:55:03 PM VRT TenYearsGone: Or she could have been feeding us yet more bullshit
7:55:21 PM VRT Karten: doesnt matter now
7:55:21 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: regardless, i wish her well
7:55:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :)   I wish her the best..  and glad she aint dead
7:55:33 PM VRT illumex: who wasn't dead panne
7:55:33 PM VRT Genevieve: I second that one
7:55:46 PM VRT stanly: In concern on Seiya, I was extremely surprised to find that telegram last week from her, it seems=d imposible, at first did not open it,
7:55:58 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: it was true   lol
7:56:04 PM VRT stanly: find it humble to think that she was asking around about me in here?
7:56:22 PM VRT panne: so and what about Ferruccio and Syntax, will they return or didn't they mean what they said at the meeting either ?
7:56:22 PM VRT SirGreendown: she mentioned you specifically'
7:56:22 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: she admired you greatly.
7:56:59 PM VRT stanly: if it is true that she is stil around and not someone playing a sick joke on me., seems surprising
7:57:11 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: she wanted to stay around long enough that night to say hi  but it was difficult for her after a while
7:57:36 PM VRT The Courier: Most of the old guard has moved on.
7:57:36 PM VRT CoLor blinks
7:57:42 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: no one was pranking you stanly   she pranked us all   lol
7:57:48 PM VRT The Courier: Syntax didn't mean anything he said.
7:57:54 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: nope
7:58:06 PM VRT Alphaworldian: what's this about syntax?
7:58:25 PM VRT Karten: and she is again  gone from AW - prank or no prank,  VR or RL,  valid or false,  its done - lets move on
7:58:25 PM VRT panne: so why did he need to speak at the meetign then
7:58:25 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: that whole speel by the sw guys was lifted from steve jobs rollout of the iphone
7:58:37 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: almost word for word
7:58:50 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: more pranks
7:58:56 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: :\
7:59:08 PM VRT Alphaworldian: can I be the next prankster??
7:59:08 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: lol
7:59:08 PM VRT panne: yes but they had bold text
7:59:14 PM VRT TenYearsGone: you already are
7:59:14 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: no they didnt
7:59:27 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: they never got bold
7:59:33 PM VRT panne: ok lol
7:59:45 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: he pleaded..  lol
7:59:45 PM VRT stanly: if she does come around, I too then would like to talk to her sometie
7:59:45 PM VRT panne: maybe i was too concentrated on what they told
8:00:04 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: wasnt mine to give
8:00:16 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: so was i panne, until 3 minutes in...
8:00:22 PM VRT Chumana: do you use facebook, stanly?
8:00:41 PM VRT stanly: the telegram was- "Hello old friend,just wanted to say that I am proud of you"-
8:01:54 PM VRT stanly: makes me wonder how could she be that proud of me if she had not known i was still in aw and if she had not seen anyhting of mine since 2011?, that is still a confusion but one I would wish to have a discussion if she did get to return and reply back
8:02:00 PM VRT stanly: at least be able to talk about
8:02:18 PM VRT Wolvie: I got nearly the same message, no follow-up though.
8:02:25 PM VRT stanly: as well as other thoughts that had been nin my mind back then

7:59:08 PM VRT SirGreendown: I have something to say
7:59:27 PM VRT SirGreendown: there will be a new Texture Yard in Winter for 12 Object Paths
8:00:16 PM VRT SirGreendown: newwinter, pollen, awesome, megapath, superpath, uberpath, aw, cofyellow, cofmeta, colony, atlantis, and mars
8:00:59 PM VRT SirGreendown: I guess noone heard what I just said
8:01:05 PM VRT Iao Moonshadow: Max is making a new texture yard?
8:01:11 PM VRT SirGreendown: no, I am
8:01:29 PM VRT MaXPoly: tex yard for where
8:01:29 PM VRT Karten: that will be a huge number of textures, just from Uberpath alone
8:01:30 PM VRT SirGreendown: I'm putting it in Winter because it has a higher cell limit
8:01:42 PM VRT SirGreendown: for 12 Object Paths

8:02:31 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: We had a lot to cover today..  Thanks for being patient everyone and thank you for coming   :)
8:02:43 PM VRT Sgeo: I just missed it :(
8:02:43 PM VRT Chumana: thanks, Bach
8:02:49 PM VRT Good Person: yw Bach
8:02:49 PM VRT MaXPoly: yes welcome back to winter
8:02:55 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: any questions over anything?
8:02:55 PM VRT Genevieve: Thanks Bach
8:03:01 PM VRT Bukka: Thanks Bach
8:03:01 PM VRT Alphaworldian: Thanks Bach
8:03:38 PM VRT Bach Zhaa: scared of the drama topic   lol
Bach Zhaa: anyways..  this is what makes AW awesome..  just this.  talking and sharing stuff.   :D
Bach Zhaa: making it official,   meeting adjourned.   :)

EOC (End Of Chat text)

ZF's post 2cent take it or leave it: To understand the importance of keeping meeting minutes, and the tradition way it is done, please check out the following:

Remember that we are all here to have fun, so why not keep it loose when it comes to the meeting minutes, and let me avoid being too orthodox?

Seiya sends a gram to Zephyr Fox: 

"Hey there Foxy, I saw you building the other day building.  Sorry I haven't worked with you before, but perhaps we can do something special togather sometime."  

Shortly after reading this Zephyr vanishes.....Months later SirGreendown reports that he has found ZF in an impenetrable zone under his maze at the ZeFoxVille build site.
An open floor discussion commences at Bach's next meeting, but no one suspect that this was fowl play. Speculation persist until Bach says, "Ah He's just messing with us.  Let's move on now. What the next topic?" "We need to find a new person for the minutes," points out The Courier... Alphaworldian immediately volunteers.... Citizens are perplexed... The Drama continues for the next 30 minutes until the meeting is adjourned.... No minutes are posted again, only a very brief bullet in a summary at The Couriers: "A brief discussion took place to restart the minutes, Alphaworldian has volunteered. And, I believe he is the best man for the job"... A quality effort is never seen in AW again for this meeting because of the drama that it causes.


Sorry, but I have this insatiable urge now to fire off a few at the end here, but that's all I've got in the old powder keg today.  Thanks....ZF

ZF's Related Snapshot Photos:

A Birthday Build at AlphaWorld 9119N 18889E

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