Sunday, December 6, 2015

Chat Log for AW Meeting 12-06-2015

Chat Log for AW Meeting 12-06-2015

Bach Zhaa: Again Welcome everyone :) I suppose we can begin
 MaXPoly: Seasons Greetings to all, Welcome to Winter Wonderland for the Holidays!:)
 perra: yea supose
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Dec 6, 2015 03:01 PM *
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Dec 6, 2015 03:02 PM *
 Bach Zhaa: I had on the agenda for the first topic is the license bug. The only news I have about that is no news. makes it easy..
 MaXPoly: i dont think its a bug as bugs are
 Bach Zhaa: I heard they are still working on it and intend to fix it, but we still dont know ehen
 Bach Zhaa: when
 Karten: turned out to be more complex then they anticipaged
 MaXPoly: xp and vista dont meet the requirements of aw plugin structure to keep up to date on function
 Bach Zhaa: must have been
 The Courier: w e w
 Bach Zhaa: and what about wine and macs?
 TenYearsGone: "soon" in the AW context means "50/50 chance of seeing it before you die
 Karten: -g +t *darn keyboard*
 The Courier: I
 Bach Zhaa: they out of date too??
 MaXPoly: to do this we need to have a revirted browser thats still the os level old
 The Courier: I've heard Wine was fine
 Bach Zhaa: so thats working now?
 Karten: some versions of Wint and/or bunta
 MaXPoly: or an extension pack to this 1 running the other way
 Gremot: just have to pay and get a new copy of the browser digitally signed ,,, and also pay to get a time stamping cert also that is winXP compatable
 Karten: wine not wint
 Chumana: hi Dodgy
 The Courier: hi
 perra: hi
 MaXPoly: signed wont change the level of what its doing and wont qualify at xp levels as is
 Bach Zhaa: I dont really care one way or the other.. but the saying, "s**t or get off the pot" they need to make a decision whether to keep support or not. Its this holding pattern that sux
 MaXPoly: right desicion of eather way be nice to know
 Bach Zhaa: so make the dang decision already
 MaXPoly: game over or just make due
 The Courier: XP needs to die.
 Gremot: just a new digiral signature would fix it .. time stamping just adds ability to run the software after the signature date period expires
 The Courier: same goes with Vista. You should be using 7 at a minimum.
 Bach Zhaa: thats fine.. then let him tell us that
 Bach Zhaa: and stop knocking poor folks
 Bach Zhaa: *who cannot afford better systems*
 Bukka: He really doesn't care.
 SaintlyMic: me
 CoLor: its not fine. We who are still here are a lot of us not in new computer or able to get new computers
 CoLor: Yet we are still here with our history of 15+ yrs in this program
 Bach Zhaa: about 25-30% of us still Color
 MaXPoly: ya i only know by what i talked over years back when xp stoped doing sound proper and what it take to make it again was the old media ways retuned and was so much code it take a dual browser or quad to cover all the old os
 Bach Zhaa: anyways, the only news is there isnt any news :\
 Gremot: signed would fix it .. thats why changing the date works ... & as for time stamping .. the time stamping used up till build 1348 works STILL (i can build 1348) with winXP
 MaXPoly: thats still news
 Karten: the basic point, it's 100% in Rick's hands, it's not done/fixed yet, and no recent news on it
 MeL: Nothing stays the same forever.. the world / tech world is constintly updating.. we have to keep up with the times
 CoLor: if I can enter this program using a simple change in the DATE then its fixable
 The Courier: what MeL says.
 MaXPoly: go big or go home
 SaintlyMic: pretty soon, os updates, etc. will be monthly. lol
 Bach Zhaa: then why AW at all then.. lol
 CoLor: keeping up with certificate deadlines is a standard n business
 MaXPoly: thats another subject for another time
 Bach Zhaa: thats not a good attitude lol If I was going big, Id do occulus
 CoLor: How nice for those of you that have new computer and the money to buy them to fix it. Wouldn it be as nice for those of us that cant
 The Courier: Windows 7 has been around since 2009.
 The Courier: a good chunk still use 7.
 Bach Zhaa: Moving on to the some good news.. Winter is back, I think.. The Holiday Village is started and the festivites have begun :D
 SaintlyMic: i have an old win7 pc upgraded to win10.
 MeL: I know some cant affoard new systems.. etc.. but,.. thats noone fault.. its just the way the Tech world works
 perra: same here
 Bach Zhaa: So whats happened to old Winter Max? Why Winter1? and is the Village ready?
 CoLor: The program is a certifcate problem from what I was told
 Gremot: most any xp system can be upgraded to win7 :)
 MaXPoly: who u calling outdated, i think its antque
 MaXPoly: winter
 MaXPoly: thank you all for your patiance and confussion
 Karten: *smirks*
 MaXPoly: the penguins happy more fish in dual oceans but the raindeer dont know what northpole to use
 perra: lol
 MaXPoly: thru the past month we tried to hash out some issues and conditions and keep winter runing and active for all
 MaXPoly: and has been and will be for ever or till the food supply runs out
 Bach Zhaa: what went wrong, exactly? was anything affected?
 MaXPoly: no more tourist to feed nessy
 SaintlyMic: tomorrow?
 SaintlyMic: jk
 MaXPoly: exactly what not sure but the registry wasent setting after many attempts and methods so we made up a working mirror from day 1 till firday morning and reloaded the mirror
 MaXPoly: this is the mirror and working perfictly and will revirt back to the origional name shortly then so all links and teles work again
 NurseMom: ;)
 MaXPoly: enjoy the partys on and with that behind us the Holiday Village IV starts
 MaXPoly: thank you hugs to ENZO send him cards
 Bach Zhaa: Hear that everyone.. even tho this is a new world, the name will be changed to winter. So dont change teleports just yet, after the change, all the teleports should work the same, just you'll arrive here instead.
 MaXPoly: be like nothing happend but trying on new boots
 Bach Zhaa: and everything that was there is here
 MaXPoly: ur all good to go here and build as was before
 Bach Zhaa: so you would never know if we werent being told lol
 perra: lol
 MaXPoly: u know the penguins haveing fun
 MeL: does the regestery work here? if so . why here and not in the other /
 MeL: ?
 MaXPoly: your all invited to the village
 The Courier: olny one way to find out
 MaXPoly: we made many attempts in the host there mel many ways
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Karten: long story on that mel, and still not sure why
 perra: make it short lol
 MeL: so you dont know why it works here and not there... ok
 MaXPoly: eather way it most likely will get looked at as that world parks and then when sorted out a propdump and reload and there we go
 MaXPoly: never know the snow stoped
 Karten: not fully, no
 MaXPoly: why it works now is its in a differant network
 MaXPoly: any more confussion just blame steamducky
 MeL: least they gave you a world where you can do it on a diff network and everything is here
 Karten: or his cousin foggyquacker
 MaXPoly: lots of village venues and lots ready for your fun
 Bach Zhaa: You're hosting Winter at this point, right?
 MaXPoly: ricks just as much in tune with keepping winter always going for the community with me as i am
 MeL: just in a diff word
 MaXPoly: we wont stop till the last flake falls and the dancing penguins go home
 MaXPoly: aw always been a good wife usualy almost
 NurseMom: lol
 perra: lol
 Bach Zhaa: cool.. :) How's the Village coming? :D I got my site last night. Sites available everyone, I believe. :) lets focus ahead on the holidays then :)
 MaXPoly: let me grab some village info for the contest and my java
 MaXPoly: have some cookies
 Bach Zhaa: cool again, there are 2 parts to the holiday village. he will explain in a minute but there is both a contest and a general build area. enter the contest if you want, but do come build with us anyways :)
 MaXPoly: use all 4 venues if you want too
 MaXPoly: any of or all
 Bach Zhaa: lots of new objects, I heard.. a whole set of legos even, I think
 MaXPoly: This years fun contest theme is created for the Crafters and Tradesman in all of us. Designing, producing craft studios and manufacturing or service shops to make products for the village residents in The Village Commons area just past main stree
 MaXPoly: Themes may be of any type. You may chose from a few suggested themes or suggest your own.
 MaXPoly: A few example theme types - Book Printer, Candle Maker, Candy Maker, Furniture Maker, Quilt Maker, Toy Maker, Jewelry Studio, Doors & Frame, Window Maker, Lamp Restoration, Tailor & Finery s, Paint & Polish.
 MaXPoly: 16 contest lots of 21 to 24 cells make up the Village Commons Park, with 3 other venues of fun to join through the holidays in areas all over the village.
 MaXPoly: The Holiday Village is divided into 4 separately themed areas:
 MaXPoly: -Holiday Village: The Commons (contest area)
 MaXPoly: think of the commons as an industrial park
 MaXPoly: places we make stuff
 MaXPoly: not just retail
 MaXPoly: your all crafters and have personial intrest that you can be and do
 MaXPoly: -Santa s Workshops: Businesses
 MaXPoly: same thing but not in the contest
 MaXPoly: Snuggly Buddies Shop went in at the end of Santa Way
 MaXPoly: -Elves Way Homes
 MaXPoly: thers still lots of open lots and we can merge some small pairs to enlarge if desired
 Bach Zhaa: right.. Max created a sample factory to take a look at for ideas. make sure to take a look.
 Dodgy: quality
 MaXPoly: ur home can be a blast with all the holiday decorations we have in winter
 MaXPoly: and our 4th venue is tons of fun -Physics Playground
» Warning: unable to download (file not found)
 MaXPoly: see how creative u can be with all the building blocks and shapes to animate and launch
 Bach Zhaa: some of the best christmas trees and decorations are here. take advantage of it :D new toys.. er, that are toys lol
 Kenneth: Hi all
 perra: nice tree
 perra: hi kenneth
 MaXPoly: big physics example in the new yard at steamducky display
 Peacekeeper 47: hi Kenneth
 CoLor: Hi Kenneth :)
 MaXPoly: lots of fun and we will run thru the new year
 MaXPoly: i extended till jan10th now floating
 MaXPoly: Contest sites will be judged on simplicity with detail, functionality with class, A artistically dynamic place to create products for the village residents.
 MaXPoly: and the fun part its free
 MaXPoly: Awards of achievement to 1st place- P20 world and 100 AW credits, 2nd place- P10 world and 100 AW credits, 3rd place- 200 AW credits.
 Bach Zhaa: cool :) and for those that like privacy or to get away or need more room.. Winter is a public build world. So any grinches on the far hills? we're not sure ;D
 MaXPoly: Winter Snowglobe set to all place winners and a holiday village seal of fun to all builders
 MaXPoly: winter is not small
 MaXPoly: i did the math last week
 MaXPoly: its a p2250 world 4500 cells across
 Dodgy: wow
 MaXPoly: 20 billion meters and 750 real sq miles
 Chumana: wow
 MaXPoly: most real citys about 150 to 300 sq miles size
 MaXPoly: to see it all just say world map
 MaXPoly: find your slope or flat anywhere any time
 Dodgy: cell limit = Ultra, and we don't need rwx... cool
 MaXPoly: The Holiday Village Awards Ceremony will be the weekend after on Saturday, January 16th, 2016 at 6PM VRT at the Village Bell Tower Square.
 MaXPoly: im trying to keep ultra for ya
 Dodgy: ;)
 MaXPoly: just be kind to your neighbors
 MaXPoly: as a support host all the village pictures used
 Bach Zhaa: and Ive fought to keep these mountains. For folks that get into mountains like me, these are friggen awesome. more than awesome, they're epic. Tuck yourself in somewhere. I have several spots now. :)
» Warning: unable to download (file not found)
 MaXPoly: to help me just use the uploader in the world toolbar prefix your names and set what you find and i will week after start to collect and support al your used pictures so never village errors....
 MaXPoly: all will go to folder then
 MaXPoly: Throughout the Holidays , Games, Party s, Concerts, and Fun Village Events are scheduled to attend as we all relax and dig the snow from our toes and paws once again.
 Dodgy: I don't follow that... sorry
 Bach Zhaa: nice resource. a place to upload any pictures we use.
 MaXPoly: most like to use urll links to images all over the net
 MaXPoly: they expire weeks later or hrs
 Dodgy: ok
 MaXPoly: save it if you use it
 Dodgy: to the URL you posted
 Bach Zhaa: if you need someplace to upload pictures/textures...
 MaXPoly: use the uploaded prefic your dgy-image.jpg what ever
 MaXPoly: then use that link supplyed after you loaded it as your picture link
» Warning: unable to download (file not found)
 Dodgy: oh ok - thanks
 MaXPoly: ill go in later and process so nothings to giant then
 Dodgy: 256 x 256 is best yes?
 MaXPoly: free image hosting
 MaXPoly: my rule
 MaXPoly: aw gods rule
 MaXPoly: use the pow method
 Bach Zhaa: yes Dodgy thats a good size.
 MaXPoly: squair images all inthe hex of 16
 Dodgy: ok
 MaXPoly: 48 64 128 256 512
 MaXPoly: even if you sq an image and use a panel 2 times wider it makes it look proper as it was
» Warning: unable to download (file not found)
 Karten: 32 not 48
 MaXPoly: and reducies the image optimized to process with no extra need
 MaXPoly: 32 yes
 MaXPoly: 16s
 Gremot: 1024 & 2048 & 4096, LOL
 MaXPoly: rule 2
 Bach Zhaa: for anyone listening. lag=more processing time that it takes to render and maintain a scene. processing pictures is a huge part of that. Make the pics, 128x128 256x256 512x512 for optimum results.
 MaXPoly: size and distance of perception view
 Dodgy: I was wondering who would spot that first
 Dodgy: hah
 Bach Zhaa: and yes square
 MaXPoly: stacee went over this
 Bach Zhaa: the scale when it gets here
 Karten: beyond 256 generally becomes meaningless for detail except for very very large pict objects
 Dodgy: years ago
 MaXPoly: if your close to the view how big is the obj
 MaXPoly: say its a desk
 MaXPoly: advrage coverage of pixals is about 512 per 10 meters size
 Horsy: hello everybody
 The Courier: hi
 MaXPoly: so u can see a desk thats only 2 meters wide would only need like a 64 wide image to show good and we double that and use 128
 Kenneth: Stacee is still contracted with AW?
 Toxor: Hello Horsy
 Bach Zhaa: not that Ive heard
 Kenneth: ok
 Bach Zhaa: heya Horsy :)
 The Courier: Stacee went away ages ago
 MaXPoly: so rule if you use pickwlk or wll 10 meters keep your image to 512 max
 Bach Zhaa: she needed a real job lol
 MaXPoly: then your optimized for the engine
 perra: lol
 Kenneth: lol
 MaXPoly: most all models here are low poly to use on
 MaXPoly: ok village is on have a blast
 Bach Zhaa: cool.. Thanks Max :D
 Dodgy: low ploy not max poly ?
 MaXPoly: find a lot and give a shout and well lable the teles and signs and set ya up
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 MaXPoly: ys dont tell no 1 lowpoly i have my image to uphold of overkill max
 Bach Zhaa: thats how he got his name, ya know.. get him to show you a cool guitar sometime lol
 Dodgy: :)
 MaXPoly: any questions on the events or world and loading ok
 Dodgy: can I ask a Q ?
 MaXPoly: sure
 Karten: *new slogan for him* MaxPoly is not MinPoly
 Karten: now
 Dodgy: I see you have 'tabs'
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 MaXPoly: winter has lots of suported services
 Dodgy: but the F2 bar is in the way
 MaXPoly: the tabs not contagious
 Dodgy: can it be moved to the side
 Sidris: :)
 Dodgy: I think we used to be able to
 MaXPoly: you can drag your tool bar hud and menu around
 Dodgy: can't remember how
 Sidris: if you have 3 hands ;)
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Karten: right Alt, right click on the AW toolbar to move it
 MaXPoly: hold right alt and right mouse arrow over the bars to drag
 perra: hehe
 Karten: ^5 Max
 MaXPoly: most drag to the side or top
 Sidris: hold down ctrl and all F keys, that should do it
 MaXPoly: i run mine top and half width chat on top
 MaXPoly: floating
 MaXPoly: more view less drama space
 Bach Zhaa: cool :) Happy Holidays everyone. Winter Village has begin. Thanks max. We have candyland here too. Had fun last night
 Dodgy: right ALT puts a frame around it, but it doesn't move
 MaXPoly: ye all urs bro tks
 Sidris: is it me or does AW seem to run better when it's minimized some?
 MaXPoly: thank you all can ask anything anytime too
 Bach Zhaa: now with the right mouse button, drag the menus around
 Sidris: I like to squeeze my chat window small as possible then throw it around the view port
 Dodgy: ah,,, the right mouse... cheers Bach
 Gremot: . . once the "tabs" is closed via clicking the X . . ho to display it again (w/o having to re-enter the world) ?
 Sidris: wow, Max, lookin good
 MaXPoly: mine never opens to full window sid itssized to about full but in the box still
 Bach Zhaa: ..and everyone see it snowed at the Expo? :D I wanted to mention it because its new, could cause more lag that Id want to know about and hope everyone things its ok :)
 Sidris: I keep mine about the same, makes it easier to dig out all the other apps I have running
 Bach Zhaa: so its snowed at the expo :) enjoy
 MaXPoly: shame cant world group it to view
 perra: yea when i get a new comp lol
 MaXPoly: like here
 Sidris: I don't much care for the new way Chrome wants to replace my task bar.
 The Courier: what would really be nice is if we changed the terrain itself to look snowy.
 The Courier: like the old days
 Bach Zhaa: umm.. I know GSK was making something new and had a new event coming.. you want to tell us a little about that GSK?
 Sidris: trust me, Courier, not a good idea
 CoLor: no thanks!
 MaXPoly: more snow
 Gremot: . . once the hud "tabs" is closed via clicking the X . . how to display it again (w/o having to re-enter the world) ?
 perra: awgate22 in wintertime ( lovely )
 Sidris: you see all the faults on a white background
 Bach Zhaa: nah dont change the terrain grass.
 Dodgy: Gremot - F9?
 MaXPoly: the lower hud has 3 states remembered
 CoLor: plus those of us living in winter would like to see some summertime landscapes
 Karten: he meant the HUD tabe Dodgy, not AW tabs
 MaXPoly: open full, tab button only and min tab button
 Dodgy: oh right
 Bach Zhaa: yah.. I like the endless summer of alpha
 MaXPoly: if you hit the x to close it then will reload in the min tab
 Dodgy: the tabs thing is new to me
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Sidris: be kinda cool if snow pe's could 'accumulate' then melt after a min
 MaXPoly: next time so just bounce
 Sidris: Ten's got his crash helmet on
 Bach Zhaa: probably could simulate that
 MaXPoly: you see a left side lower button wood box say world toolbar too
 Dodgy: I thin so
 Sidris: the fade out time would be a killer
 MaXPoly: u all see the left side hud
 Bach Zhaa: particle lifespan.. that should be doable over smaller areas
 Dodgy: er - what?
 MaXPoly: lol
 Gremot: . . left side lower button . . i dont see on my screen
 MaXPoly: no
 MaXPoly: k
 MaXPoly: let me adjust it
 Dodgy: only when I pressed right ALT
 Dodgy: I got a grey box bottom left
 Gremot: left side lower button was there before i X - closed the min Tab button
 Bach Zhaa: I clicked the X to the hud lol mines gone now
 MaXPoly: bounce to return the min tabs
 Bach Zhaa: k
 MaXPoly: remembered that way
 Bach Zhaa: k
 Dodgy: all together? NO the world will wobble
 Gremot: no .. we want an onscreen button to open the other hud buttons, LOL
 MaXPoly: hmm left hand hud dont show to some
 Gremot: :P
 Sidris: WobbleWorlds!
 Bach Zhaa: hmm lets see..
 Gremot: bouncing to get hud back is fine :)
 Dodgy: I have two very small words, bottom left
 MaXPoly: right real small in wood box
 Dodgy: yes
 MaXPoly: world toolbar to click
 Bach Zhaa: I see you've been doing some pretty interesting architectural works Dodgy wow
 Dodgy: yep,, I like to build
 Bach Zhaa: what world you in with those?
 MaXPoly: k ill move it around
 Dodgy: THERE
 MaXPoly: thers the browser reloading animation there tooo im just above on that hud
 Bach Zhaa: ppl go see now? it public?
 Dodgy: BIG cell limit ;)
 Dodgy: sure
 Bach Zhaa: lol nice so is here :D
 Dodgy: very good :)
 Sidris: "shades" is interesting
 The Courier: saw it on the FB group. pretty good build as usual
 Bach Zhaa: got any pics other than facebook? some may not have seen. I love the spiral one and the newer one is amazing architecturally
 Gremot: . . Max, just add a bot command to hide / unhide world hud :)
 Dodgy: I take screenshots all the time while I'm building
 Gremot: then anyone all will be happy
 Dodgy: I'll do a gallery
 Toxor: great job Dodgy
 Dodgy: thank you :)
 Bach Zhaa: cool I mean post a pic of each if you have them available. Some folks dont use facebook
 Dodgy: oh, I have a stargate
 Sidris: Max, is there any real reason fonts can't be set by users? Mostly the font in the obj properties box.
 The Courier: While we're on the subject of architecture, Seiya/Stella recently joined the Fantasia staff and she's got an amazing project happening in the center of the town (after never being used for months).
 Dodgy: I'm looking forward to seeing that complete
 CoLor sighs
 MaXPoly: i have that garnet just say refresh
 MaXPoly: gremot
 Bach Zhaa: refresh
 Gremot: /refresh
 Sidris: refresh
 Bach Zhaa: whats supposed to happen?
 Gremot: refresh
 The Courier: /refresh
 Sidris: /refresh
 MaXPoly: refresh
 Gremot: >refresh
 The Courier: [ATBot] : Command not recognized.
 MaXPoly: hmm well
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Sidris: the ATBot says no
 Gremot: ?refresh
 Gremot: refill
 MaXPoly: refresh
 Sidris: /hopes to talk about fonts
 MaXPoly: now it does
 Dodgy: ha ha
 Gremot: refresh
 Chumana: lol
 Bach Zhaa: cant change the fonts used on the program. its written in
 Dodgy: refresh
 The Courier: ayyy bluelaser
 Gremot: works
 Bluelaser5000: yo
 Dodgy: mmmm spooky
 MaXPoly: winter has all the latest gadgets and toys and tricks still
 Sidris: yeah, a chromium thing, Bach
 Bach Zhaa: doubt any change will occur to that unless the revamp the whole UI
 Dodgy: so, what is this winter webs tool bar?
 Gremot: many people took time to refresh
 Highwayman: welcome bluelaser
 MaXPoly: the tool bar supports the world features and resources
 Gremot: ok, in a sentence doesnt refresh
 Gremot: refresh to the limit
 MaXPoly: texture listing gallery and full path resource listing
 Bach Zhaa: not even chromium thats only for the web based features. The fonts are hardwired
 Sidris: yeah, talked to Chris about it a few times. I'm the only person in AW who doesn't have 20/20 vision
 MaXPoly: uploaders and other resources for the world from popup boxs that dont close
 MaXPoly: they fall to the tray
 MaXPoly: thye way can have all the tools open it offers
 Bach Zhaa: set magnification up in your computer settings.. would be the only way, at this point
 MaXPoly: ther also 1 u can use in the rest of the worlds just saying awtools here
 Sidris: it's a real hassle to use the mag with AW
 Bach Zhaa: thats would cover everything you see tho
 Sidris: exactly
 MaXPoly: sit real close
 Dodgy: hello
 Sidris: any closer and I'll be eating glass
 Dodgy: neat
 Chumana: lol
 Highwayman: so max,will my village update in both winters?
 MaXPoly: everything you do in here is winter
 Bach Zhaa: kk hmm I wanted to cover GSK's event and Kenneths AW Museum but both are away at the moment
 Earendil37: hola
 Bach Zhaa: so Ive been stalling lol
 Bach Zhaa: umm
 The Courier: ripip
 MaXPoly: well switch the names inthe db and servers soon and all be as normal was or could be
 Highwayman: wake up kenneth
 The Courier: So guys, where does the Zhaa in Bach Zhaa comes from? Any guesses?
 Highwayman: a book
 The Courier: hu-zhaa
 Sidris: his mama
 Bach Zhaa: Wanted to mention that Stanly has also been hard at work, creating architectural works.
 MaXPoly: when time finds the fault ill propdump and if rick wants to have a try again ill send back so just a daily dump and done again
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 TenYearsGone: Bach's Pete Zhaa Hut in Happy Valley
 Dodgy: yes, he has
 Sidris: ;)
 Dodgy: ha ha ha
 Bach Zhaa: Ive explained it dozens of times
 MaXPoly: only took me 4 hrs to load the world propertys 2.3 mil obj
 Bach Zhaa: want me to explain it again?
 Dodgy: woah
 Sidris: of course, Bach
 Dodgy: Aye go on then
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Highwayman: lol
 The Courier: Hey, let me try getting GSK online. one min
 MaXPoly: stanley has aw ocd, i know i got it too
 Sidris: I just want bolder obj props font
 Highwayman: tosses nattie a tenderr vittle...
 Gremot: bb - smoke break
 MaXPoly: brh hb
 Highwayman: heya wolvie, neighbor
 Wolvie: hey Highwayman
 Bach Zhaa: bach is a character from a book Ive been trying to write. its a fantasy and where they come from, there are no last names, they have titles. Zhaa is a tile given to Bach by the queen. meaning leader or accepted head of a group. :)
 Chumana: :)
 MaXPoly: ur the first prime
 Sidris: that's cool, Bach
 Bach Zhaa: bachyss is a small woodland creature
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 The Courier: GSK has "Do Not Disturb" on skype.
 Sidris: is there an assassin title?
 MaXPoly: k tks courier
 perra: disturb anyway
 Highwayman: this isnt WOW
 Mouxi: Hi
 The Courier: will distrub indeed
 Sidris: lol, Hwm
 Bach Zhaa: all bad leader are simply refered to as Mar SidrisMar you would fight to hold that title amoung all the other Mars
 Sidris: Hmm. I like that
 Sidris: Mar is very apt for villains
 Bach Zhaa: heya Kenneth. :) I heard you added a new gallery to AW Museum. :)
 Mouxi: Kenneth!
 Sidris: Disco SuperflyMar
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome SaintlyMic to Winter Wonderland's 2015 Holiday Village.
 [Winter Helper]: Please enjoy your visit. To find out what's going on around the Village, just say <village help in chat. :)
 Bukka: lol
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 The Courier: AlphaWorld 5819N 5528E here you go
 Sidris: I want to see
 Kenneth: Hi Bach. Well I just completed the year 2000 dome for the AW Museum. It has more teleports than any other dome so far. So MeL gave me the idea to make a place for years after 2001. So I decided to make the 2001 dome also a 2001 and On dome meanin
 Mouxi: me I go to build in my castle/hotel
 Highwayman: winter land isnt ready yet?
 Highwayman: 4 that is
 Kenneth: that chat didn't come out lol
» Immigration Officer: Welcome to Alphaworld, the most AWESOMEST virtual world on the Interweb.
» Immigration Officer: Entering Winter's Wonderland & Educational Series. For world information list, Just say ' World Info ' In Chat. Welcome to the 2015 Holiday Village Event.
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome to ActiveWorlds - Enjoy your Visit and the Fun of Winter Wonderland, and remember Please Don't Feed The Animals!
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome SaintlyMic to Winter Wonderland's 2015 Holiday Village.
 [Winter Helper]: Please enjoy your visit. To find out what's going on around the Village, just say <village help in chat. :)
 Highwayman: no i mean village #4
 MaXPoly: ya
 Kenneth: If anyone has any builds that are really good and wish to be in the Museum, please telegram me with the coordinates and I will add it.
 CoLor: great Ken
 Mouxi: CoLor :)
 CoLor: Hi Mouxi :)
 MaXPoly: Kenneth: If anyone has any builds that are really good and wish to be in the Museum, please telegram me with the coordinates and I will add it.
 perra: :D
 Kenneth: Thanks Max
 Bach Zhaa: awesome
 Kenneth: :)
 Mouxi: :)))
 Highwayman: do clubs count as a build?.hehe
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Dec 6, 2015 04:19 PM *
» Immigration Officer: It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer: Entering Winter's Wonderland & Educational Series. For world information list, Just say ' World Info ' In Chat. Welcome to the 2015 Holiday Village Event.
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome to ActiveWorlds - Enjoy your Visit and the Fun of Winter Wonderland, and remember Please Don't Feed The Animals!
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome SaintlyMic to Winter Wonderland's 2015 Holiday Village.
 [Winter Helper]: Please enjoy your visit. To find out what's going on around the Village, just say <village help in chat. :)
 Kenneth: You can get to the Museum from the sign at the AW world LZ.
 Highwayman: panne!
 Mouxi: Salut Panne :) ça va?
 panne: oui yes
 Kenneth: Bach, I am probably going to give you a different picture for that sign if you don't mind. Since that sign just says 1995 and 1996 builds.
 Mouxi: Bien, je suis entrain de faire un château hotel
 Bach Zhaa: wonderful.. get it to me when you can :)
 Mouxi: Vraiment beau, ça sera pour la concour de construction
 Kenneth: thanks Bach, I still have to make it :)
 Kenneth: ok back to you Bach :)
 Highwayman: no ruush kenn, next year.hehe
 Kenneth: lol
 Kenneth: thanks
 Bach Zhaa: Thanks :) and thanks for all the work :D
 Kenneth: Welcome :)
» Warning: unable to download (file not found)
 Bach Zhaa: ok everyone OMG awards are coming and there is still time to get nominations in. Know of some good new work?? nominatie it.
 Bach Zhaa:
 Dodgy: test
 Kenneth: Hi Dodgy
 Bach Zhaa: wb Dody
 Bach Zhaa: dodgy
 Dodgy: hello?
 Bach Zhaa: hi
 The Courier: hey
 Dodgy: am I here now?
 The Courier: yes
 MaXPoly: just dont pick /color white
 SaintlyMic: i don't know if my last question was seen. my chat disappeared as soon as i posted it. is the meeting still going?
 Bach Zhaa: yes you are
 Kenneth: no, you are sleeping..... this is a dream.. hehehe
 Dodgy: phew
 Dodgy: good
 Bach Zhaa: till 8 Mic
 Dodgy: sorry CoLor
 perra: yes Mic
 Keshi: hello all
 Dodgy: Hiya
 Karten: HIya Keshi
 perra: keshi hugs
 Mouxi: Hi Keshi :)
 Highwayman: adds pluug,im making a new club,it's called "the south pole club" will be done soon
 MaXPoly: wb keshi
 Toxor: hi Keshi
 Dodgy: hi Mouixi
 Bach Zhaa: and I dont see a question, Mic repeat it
 Highwayman: hi keshi
 Keshi: ty
 MaXPoly: where at hwm
 Peacekeeper 47: Hi Keshi ;)
 Highwayman: 5 miles from my other cluub
 Keshi: :)
 Highwayman: hehe
 MaXPoly: add it to the cit jump system when ready
 Highwayman: oh it's not in herre
 MaXPoly: o
 Bach Zhaa: where you sneaking hints about classes Keshi, or not really lol
 Highwayman: sorry
 Bach Zhaa: hehe
 Bach Zhaa: *last night, during candyland mostly lol*
 SaintlyMic: that was my question. i was just wondering if the meeting was still going. someone said till 8vrt.
 perra: bach did
 Bach Zhaa: goes till 8 even if we run out of stuff to say lol
 SaintlyMic: ok
 MaXPoly Defending Candyland Champion
 MaXPoly: 4 wins of 5 needed for the candy
 Keshi: oh sorry
 Keshi: I have done a major change over to new server for my web hostinÿþ
* ActiveWorlds chat session: Sun Dec 6, 2015 04:47 PM *
» Immigration Officer: It was twenty years ago today...
"It was Wednesday June 28th, 1995. I don't recall the exact time. I think it was in the evening though... after a long day of work getting the identity server to work. My best guess would be around 8:00 pm PDT. On "day one", people could reserve an identity for the first time. This was the day that several people beat me establishing their identity. By the time I immigrated, I was citizen #4! I asked them if I could reset the citizen database to get citizen #1. They gladly agreed. Within the next few hours we had our first citizens of AlphaWorld."
» Immigration Officer: Entering Winter's Wonderland & Educational Series. For world information list, Just say ' World Info ' In Chat. Welcome to the 2015 Holiday Village Event.
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome to ActiveWorlds - Enjoy your Visit and the Fun of Winter Wonderland, and remember Please Don't Feed The Animals!
 [Winter Helper]: Welcome SaintlyMic to Winter Wonderland's 2015 Holiday Village.
 [Winter Helper]: Please enjoy your visit. To find out what's going on around the Village, just say <village help in chat. :)
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Chumana: lol
 MaXPoly looks down, gawd no dont say that
 Dodgy: >:(
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Kenneth: Rick should be Santa :)
 Dodgy: ha ha
 Kenneth: lol
 Mouxi: Santa Claus
 Bach Zhaa: you can still be a model, see :D
 Mouxi: I'll cut the beard of the Santa If he come at my house
 Dodgy: I like the AV shadows here
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 Chumana: ouchy
 Grell Sutcliffe: If you're naughty, you won't get any gifts Mouxi.
 Keshi: hmm i thought OT had the Grinch slot taken
 Bach Zhaa: I want to know exactly how he know we've been naughty or nice >_>
 MaXPoly: i just put out happy cookies and hope he stops here
 Mouxi: I don't believe Santa
 Karten: super mental telepathy
 Mouxi: just believe Jesus :)
 Bach Zhaa: lol
» Warning: unable to download (file not found)
 Iao Moonshadow: with special oculus glasses
 Keshi: if you end up with coal you been naughty
 Bach Zhaa: he know when we're sleeping?
 Chumana: lol
 Kenneth: Rick knows all
 Bach Zhaa: lol
 SaintlyMic: Way to go Mouxi.
 Kenneth: hehe
 Chumana: there is a cam on your ceiling, Bach :)
 Bach Zhaa: O_O
 CoLor: ((Mouxi))
 Chumana: lol
 Mouxi: Santa can't enter in the funnel
 Bach Zhaa flexes
 Chumana: lol
 Mouxi: my funnel is small, me I cna't enter on it
 MaXPoly dont care
 Iao Moonshadow: lol
 Mouxi: 15 cm large the funnel
 Keshi: the stars are the eyes of heaven according to some belief systems
 Mouxi: just a mouse can enter on it
 Mouxi: Santa Mouse is new maybe.
 Dodgy: He eats the yellow pill first Mouxi
 Chumana: ewww
 MaXPoly: donate to my chanell
 Chumana: lol
 Kenneth: I think people have had too much spiked Egg Nog.
 Dodgy: :/
 MaXPoly: any questions or remarks
 Karten: that was egg nog?
 MaXPoly: last chance
 Kenneth: lol
 Chumana: lol
 Mouxi: I hate a gift for Santa
 Iao Moonshadow: pass the egg nog
 Mouxi: have*
 MaXPoly: then all get diped in eggnog
 perra: << jumps in bed night everyone hugsssssss bye
 Bach Zhaa: so tips and tricks guys.. just things Ive heard recently. umm best way to organize teleports in the list is to prefix them. Winter - location or number some 1. 2. that way it can put the ones you use on top and keep some order.
 Dodgy: G'night perra
 Kenneth: night Perra
 Toxor: night Perra
 Mouxi: Night Perra :)
 Chumana: nite perra
 Keshi: let m e know when christmas parade will be on so i wont be here
 perra: waves bye :
 Iao Moonshadow: nightnighters perra
 SaintlyMic: Santa ate some cookies in Colorado last year and NASA spotted him flying his sleigh upside down.
 Karten: underscore prefixes work well to push to the top too
 MaXPoly: in the tele file yes and order there dont matter, it wil load by letter sort to the tabs
 Keshi: byee panne
 Keshi: oops peerra
 Mouxi: If the Santa give me a spider... I'll give a spider/head for he
 Blue Green Gem: :O
 Chumana: hmmm
 Mouxi: like in the movie The Thing
 Kenneth: lol
 CoLor: lol
 Bach Zhaa: and if you want one of those clickable teleports.. just make it. its not something more fancy than copy paste. <-- start with that and add the world then a _ and the coords with _
 Bach Zhaa: spaces
 CoLor: I dont know why you dont like Santa
 Iao Moonshadow: santa's busy surfboarding...
 CoLor: I like Santa
 Kenneth: Bach it didn't seem to work with your telegram to here, so I just went to the world today.
 Kenneth: maybe I needed to click more
 MaXPoly: santa has to rescue the doctor again
 Bach Zhaa: who used that to get here?
 Iao Moonshadow: did you click your heels twice first then double click link?
 Iao Moonshadow: i did
 Kenneth: oh ok good
 MaXPoly: i woke here
 Bach Zhaa: should work
 Kenneth: lol
 Keshi: i did ut was slow
 Kenneth: ok thanks
 Karten: Grinch has the doctor again? sheesh
 Bach Zhaa: but its that simple to put together a clickable teleport. nice feature :)
 Dodgy: the link in the gram worked for me
 Mouxi: Grell have a spider on her fort in Combat just for scare me :s
 Mouxi: just kidding
 Kenneth: ok
 MaXPoly: all invited to wander and fly the villages, all of this years and last combined in this park
 Grell Sutcliffe: It is still there *chuckles*
 Kenneth: lol
 Iao Moonshadow: lucky we can't make it bigger...yet
 MaXPoly: no errors on this side of the river
 SaintlyMic: I lowered my vis to 30. Had it set to 200, but AW frps dropped to below 1 and then crashed 3 times. My computer can't handle this world at my regular setting. Too intense.
 Keshi: ocar and all?
 Mouxi: Now I'm scary to go in the forest in a small river (you can see water spider) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Keshi: OSCAR?
 MaXPoly: oscer is inthe yard too
 Iao Moonshadow: reduce your browser window, saintly
 MaXPoly: legos too weeooo
 CoLor: I had to limit downloads too for this world
 Kenneth: maybe I'll make the Abominable Snowman
 Keshi: i remember building of the very first part of the villiage
 Iao Moonshadow: oh those legos objects are cool, Max
 Bach Zhaa: for those interested... its an overhead view of the Holiday Village as well as the previous villages.
 Dodgy: 30M and 8fps here
 MaXPoly: thats prity low
 Keshi: max worked so hard on those snow globes
 Mouxi: I have to go
 Dodgy: it's a poor old machine
 Mouxi: Bye :)
 Kenneth: Bye Mouxi have fun :)
 Mouxi: see you later!
 Dodgy: Bye Mouxi
 Mouxi: Thanks KennethB:)
 MaXPoly: whats the vid mem size
 CoLor: Bye Mouxi
 SaintlyMic: I'm just here to record the meeting for ZephyrFox. I lost about 15 minutes of the meeting.
 Dodgy: oh I dunno,
 MaXPoly: k
 Bach Zhaa: thanks Mic :)
 Dodgy: there is something I can type in the RUN box but I forget what
 MaXPoly: what os
 SaintlyMic: You are welcome.
 Dodgy: XP
 SaintlyMic: May I ask one question?
 Bach Zhaa: Thanks everyone.. :) Thanks all I have. Thanks for coming :D
 MaXPoly: right click my computer
 MaXPoly: propertys
 Bach Zhaa: er thats
 Dodgy: thanks Bach
 Kenneth: Thanks Bach
 Peacekeeper 47: great meeting thanks for hosting it :)
 Toxor: Thanks Bach and Max
 MaXPoly: display adaptor
 SaintlyMic: Bach, did you find out why my mover pick-ups were not rendering for other people?
 Bach Zhaa: making it official, meeting adjourned :)
 Bach Zhaa: no idea
 SaintlyMic: ok
 MaXPoly: :) tox thank all for comming and please stay and have fun this holiday season with us
 Bach Zhaa: we need to test the heck out of that because that makes no sense
 Dodgy: ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 series
 Bach Zhaa: I couldnt kake that happen, if I wanted to.. so why for you?
 MaXPoly: k
 MaXPoly: thats 1 or 2 gig mem card
 MaXPoly: mines the 4600 in xp
 Iao Moonshadow: i noticed depending on the aw graphics setting, some images won't show up...
 SaintlyMic: I don not know, but it is odd.
 Dodgy: ok,,, I need to find something. see you later.
 MaXPoly: depends on how u setup the cache size to accept
 MaXPoly: no lmiit or set limit size
 Iao Moonshadow: even then Max
 Gremot: fwiw: tested on same machine, . . AW runs 30% to 40% faster in XP, than AW running in win7
 Bach Zhaa: max you know of any limitation in the number of movers allowed in a scene or why a mover can be seen static, but once enabled, becomes invisible to everyone but the user?
 MaXPoly: dual boot gremot
 Keshi: images are being more finicky to meet aw standard sizing and also i find we are needing to be sure to add ext to pictures for what ever kind they are
 Gremot: yeah
 MaXPoly: 7 uses more of the ram for process
 MaXPoly: all the enterprise stuff u dont need on
 Gremot: AW runs way better in win7 64bit .... but FPS is higher in XP
 Iao Moonshadow: for me if i use direct3d (top choice) photo images show, if i choose sofware renderer many don't - thats the difference am seeing
 MaXPoly: never use sw mode
 MaXPoly: thats basic default
 MaXPoly: use 3ddirect and trim prefs
 Iao Moonshadow: i don't but i noticed on photos and videos folks take of other builds it seems what is occuring.


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