Chat Log for Meeting 12/20/2015
Bach Zhaa: we have some good news and we have some bad news.. lol
MaXPoly: bad first
Bach Zhaa: the good news is they fixed it.. sorta
MeL: blinks
Kenneth: sorta? lol
Karten: not quite fully
Bach Zhaa: Im on a browser now that doesnt require me to turn back the clock to log on..
Bach Zhaa: Im vista
MeL: nice
MaXPoly: ¿
Kenneth: ok
MeL: but
Bach Zhaa: the bad news is I seem to be the only one at this point
Karten: dat's cause you da guinea pig
Bach Zhaa: the new version was glitchy, he says
Bach Zhaa: so they are still working thru some issues
Bach Zhaa: he said soon lol
Kenneth: Will it still fix XP users?
MeL: >_>
Bach Zhaa: which is the way this started 2 months ago..
TenYearsGone: A glitchy AW browser? is that a new thing?
Bach Zhaa: so soon, he says
MaXPoly: prob bugging wine
Bach Zhaa: that and the full install failed to initiate
Karten: *quotes Dark Helmet* "When is Soon??"
Bach Zhaa: for some
Bach Zhaa: so yes, some issues with wine (according to GSK) and I had a devil of a time getting it to load
Bach Zhaa: but once it did, it works
Bach Zhaa: yay
MaXPoly: k
SlowChems: >_>
Bach Zhaa: yah.. doesnt help
CoLor: and XP?
SlowChems: im vista too btw
Bach Zhaa: but still its better than no forward mothion and no word
SlowChems: yeah
Bach Zhaa: its for the users athat are experiencing issues related to the license error so XP, vista and some versons of wine and mac
Ko Toff: DO the powers that be keep a running list of how many users are using which OS?
Kenneth: ok thanks
Gremot: so what build does your browser say Bach
Bach Zhaa: no.. not really
Bach Zhaa: still reads 1432
TenYearsGone: They have trouble maintaining a grocery list
Gremot: un huh
Kenneth: Use the Schwartz Rick!
Bach Zhaa: they dont keep many records until they ask for them and I cant tell you how many times he wanted me to send in my specs o_o
MaXPoly: yep
Bach Zhaa: so they dont keep records well, anyways
MaXPoly: send a new log
MaXPoly: i do that daily testing your bugs too
Ko Toff: Is anyone here using Linux or a Mac?
Bach Zhaa: GSK uses it sometimes to test with
Bach Zhaa: not many tho Ko Toff
Ko Toff: Does it work well?
Bach Zhaa: he likes it
MaXPoly: in gl mode so needs good gl cards
Bach Zhaa: hope he shows up today
Kenneth: Rick posted a pic of him using AW on Android on FB... I think? lol weird.
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: i saw that
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: very low render but to get the chat that way be good to use
Keshi: grettings
TenYearsGone: He told me "no droids" or I would have AW on my tablet
Kenneth: true
Bach Zhaa: he says thats the goal.. AW window on android
Karten: Hiya Keshi
MeL: Howdy Keshi
Keshi: breetings too
Kenneth: cool
Keshi: greetings hmm
MeL: haha
Toxor: hi Keshi
Keshi: typing problems
Bach Zhaa: I asked him what the vis setting would be.. he didnt answer lol
TenYearsGone: breetings, and welcome to the Community Beating
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: looked like it mip the render 1000%
Keshi: :)
Gremot: . . when mobile devices get a 30" screen
MaXPoly: lol
Keshi: i am probably just about the only one in aw that does not own a smart phone
MaXPoly: i dont
TenYearsGone: Or I screen share with mt TV
Karten: i didng for a long time Keshi
Bach Zhaa: interested, for sure.. but there are many issues on the table that I think need attention and the android connecting seems like putting the cart before the horse...
Keshi: i am not tied to or ruled by a phone
Bach Zhaa: he's trying to stay competative tho
SlowChems: in dont neither
Kenneth: I just got a cheap one from Tracfone, still uses the Apple App store. lol
MaXPoly: i miss my touchtone
SlowChems: i*
Kenneth: $30 lol
Karten: what Max? not your rotary dial?
MaXPoly: the old slimline
Gremot: . . turned off texting and data on his phone ... sings, this phone was made for talking
Bach Zhaa: cool tho forward motion is still a wonderful thing
Kenneth: woops no, the Google App store lol
MaXPoly: still need that when the powers out and lines good
Keshi: i have an old pay as you go at&t go phone that is nearly 15 yrs old and still doing the job i bought it for
MeL: can you get google play store on it?
SaintlyMic: I carry around a corded rotary dial hooked up to an old 80's car phone.
Kenneth: on mine I can
MeL: mine too. got alot of apps
Kenneth: awesome
Bach Zhaa: any questions so far? not much I can answer besides "soon"
MaXPoly: i got old clip in service phone, just hook up the red and black and try
MaXPoly: soon
MaXPoly: thanky
MaXPoly: rotts of ruck
SaintlyMic: A 2 button phone is all you really need.
Bach Zhaa: that was the reason for the Cpt Zhaa comment, if anyone saw that.. he kept relating my getting back in to the apollo 13 mission.. when I made it back, he was excited.. hence the Cpt Zhaa thing..
MaXPoly: even with the cert its still far to go to return the plugin use
Kenneth: 128 KB of RAM is all you really need too.. well Bill Gates thought so anyway lol
Bach Zhaa: I call that a field promotion tho lol ^_^ I'll take it
MaXPoly: lol
MeL: haha
TenYearsGone: "ashes to ashes, funk to funky... we know Captian Zhaa's a monkey....."
Bach Zhaa: haha
SaintlyMic: 16kb is enough.
CoLor builds a snowman
Kenneth: :)
MeL: i have 5 G on my andriod, wonder how much it would take to run aw on it
Bach Zhaa: so onward then :) Lots of excitement brewing over here in winter for the upcoming Holiday festivities..
Bach Zhaa: There is a contest in full swing :D
Gremot: . . no reason AW can't create it's own CA ... well excpt that it takes motivation and some work, heh
MaXPoly: hes as bad as me sending out dead bone to the cat affter eat all the good parts
Bach Zhaa: parties coming, parades, story night.. all sorts of goodies
MaXPoly: presents
MeL: nice
MaXPoly: penguine cookies
Kenneth: cool a parade :)
Bach Zhaa: you want to elaborate on whats happening Max
MaXPoly: yes from real penguins if u must ask
Toxor: lol
MaXPoly: OK
MaXPoly: Welcome to the Holiday Village
MaXPoly: the Elf master cant type well
MaXPoly: but will try to get all the nails in your toys
MaXPoly: no loose screws
MaXPoly: the Village is doing well
MaXPoly: got many residents expanding the town and making lovely additions
MaXPoly: still polenty of contest lots and fun lots to grab and 20 days left to play for the contest
MaXPoly: the rest u never have to stop building
Bach Zhaa: a reminder, there is a map of the area and everyone who has property just past the archway behind me
Kenneth: until the Building Inspector forces you to stop ;-)
Bach Zhaa: all the name signs are teleports
MaXPoly: fun Partys, ok lets do this since its a hard week with travel and family
SaintlyMic: Is Winter a public build world?
Bach Zhaa: yep
MaXPoly: the park opens at 6pm vrt Satureday the 16th day after christmas
MaXPoly: u dont have to wake and rush in cause were gona play games, tell holiday storys
MaXPoly: got tons of super holiday tunes all for your ears
Keshi: 26th?
MaXPoly: even jeffro tull telling his holiday storys
MaXPoly: yes 26th day after
MaXPoly: we have mind games, if mel can her games, bach will tell his storys of life
MaXPoly: by the fireside
MaXPoly: obstical fun on ice, kick the penguine
Karten: *hands Maxie a new cellphone calendar since his seems messed up*
MaXPoly: lol wot
Bach Zhaa: TGIF is canceled, I believe for friday however those in the party spirit that evening might get to hear me read How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Genevieve: I hope Bach has an exciting life
TenYearsGone: Cel phone calenders don't work on rotary phones
SlowChems: lol
Karten: ot touchtones
Karten: or
MaXPoly: umm
MaXPoly: o ya winter
MeL: Yes. I wont be online the 25th, TGIF will resume again on Jan 8th
MaXPoly: hay notice anything
Bach Zhaa: That will be later Friday evening.. then again on saturday depending on how it went lol
Genevieve: And can we play Candyland?
MaXPoly: no 1 inthe name this week again
SaintlyMic: No, you just clip a gas station calendar to the rotary phone cord.
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: candyland is that evening well sunday morning 1.30am
Genevieve: :-D
MaXPoly: so sleep in, eat a good brunch and hang with us all in Da Village hes weekend
Kenneth: Max, what day does the building contest end?
Bach Zhaa: sure.. we should be able to get a lot of things in since its all here in this world. Its just means shuffling us around. maybe we'll provide bus service even lol
Toxor: lol
MaXPoly: ya some will go to combat at 9pm
MaXPoly: and come back then
Iao Moonshadow: 10pm
MaXPoly: 10 ok
MaXPoly: better
Iao Moonshadow: cause of daylight savings time for most
SaintlyMic: i think i hear camels in the background, or shrek sleeping.
Bach Zhaa: thats right.. I may go there myself that night.. Is Iao here? does combat have a santa vatar? hehe
MaXPoly: i cant save
MaXPoly: it just happens
Iao Moonshadow: lol
Bach Zhaa: shooting at santa all night sounds kinda fun :D
MeL: santa kisses for 5 cents?
MaXPoly: k so plenty of lots left please join us and finish up the big village this seasion
MeL: nickel
Iao Moonshadow: I'll come around on Saturday if folks want a contest. Combat still is open 24/7 for general combat play
Toxor: thanks Iao
Kenneth: Iao I'll probably be gone Saturday
Iao Moonshadow: santa avatar, not sure
Iao Moonshadow: :-)
MaXPoly: kewl, i cant shoot a tin can at my feet, prob hit my own foot and paint it red
Kenneth: Right now my arm is really sore, which is why I wasn't there last night.
Iao Moonshadow: its alright, got plenty building on my list if not enough players
Kenneth: ok
Iao Moonshadow: take care you Kenneth,hope your arm heals well
Bach Zhaa: its a good thing you and Ozy are doing over there.. there will be ups and downs but its enjoyable and fun to have available Thank you for keeping it exciting :)
Kenneth: thanks
Iao Moonshadow: thank you very much Bach :-)
Bach Zhaa: heard from Ozy lately? he doing ok?
Iao Moonshadow: we catch up with each other. He's doing alright
Bach Zhaa: maybe a blizzard over there for some excitement lol
Iao Moonshadow: hahahaha yes!
Bach Zhaa: cool Tell him hi for us. :)
Iao Moonshadow: with pop up surprises
Bach Zhaa: hehe
Iao Moonshadow: will do!
Bach Zhaa: So lets go over the plans then once more.. umm
Iao Moonshadow: he tries to get in time to time
Bach Zhaa: friday is christmas
Bach Zhaa: the 25th..
MaXPoly: yaaa
MaXPoly: is there tgif mel
MeL: not till jan 8th
MaXPoly: k
Bach Zhaa: TGIF is postponed till January 8th but there will be a storytelling event that night
MaXPoly: can add here sat if u want the games
MeL: I'll have fmaily down for the holidays. so probably cant make it online during christmas holidays
Kenneth: What is the last day for the building contest?
MaXPoly: k
MaXPoly: 10th jan kenneth
MeL: i will try thou, haha
Bach Zhaa: Ill get to that kenneth cuz we have a parade too
Kenneth: thanks
Ko Toff: Yule is Tuesday you could have a TGIT
Wolvie: any new years plans? Ball drop or anything?
MeL: No Ten. dont even think about it
MaXPoly: next thought
Bach Zhaa: so then on the 26th we have a party in Winter all day.. Combat! in Combat world at 10pm VRT, continue partying in Winter, Candyland at 1:30 am vrt
MaXPoly: u doing story friday and sat
TenYearsGone: What am I not supposed to think about?
Bach Zhaa: well, Friday evening for sure.. then Saturday either early of late.. not sure
MaXPoly: ok
TenYearsGone: derp
MeL: lol
Bach Zhaa: then the following week is New years.. and to answer your question wolvie, nothings planned as of yet :\
MaXPoly: ill make more fillers and binders to add to the day too
MaXPoly: parade?
Iao Moonshadow: oooh new years, explosions...yum...
Bach Zhaa: getting to that
TenYearsGone: I get up for one eensy little beer, and this happens
Wolvie: okay, thanks.. is it even possible to do a ball drop anymore?
MaXPoly: my balls drop daily its no big deal any more
Kenneth: sure if you know the timings
Bach Zhaa: so if someone still had a location and plans they wanted to hatch concerning new years, the calenders still open :)
Wolvie: someone had to say it, huh Max
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: mine are firmly stowed, thank you
Bach Zhaa: lol
MeL: I thought Ten would be the first to comment but, noooooo had to be max. lol
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly ----->points at the bot
Bach Zhaa: ok then a parade..
Bach Zhaa: umm..
MaXPoly: ya floats baloons
TenYearsGone: I distinctly said to give the Elmo dolls two test- tickles
MeL: brb
AFK: MeL is now afk for a bit.
Bach Zhaa: the contest ends on Jan 10th
MaXPoly: correct
MaXPoly: the awards party the weekend after
Bach Zhaa: I really would like to save the parade till when the contest entrants are close to being finished
MaXPoly: sure
Kenneth: good idea
MaXPoly: we did that last year that last week too
Bach Zhaa: so that means the Holiday parade wont be until like the end of the first week in Jan
MaXPoly: perfict
Iao Moonshadow: set up a snowball pelter at passerbyers last time. *coughs* that was fun...
Kenneth: saying goodbye to Christmas for the year :)
MaXPoly: 2nd or 3rd
Bach Zhaa: So Im tentatively planning 2 parades again.. one before the TGIF on Jan 8th
Bach Zhaa: and the following Saturday on the 9th
Bach Zhaa: no?
Bach Zhaa: thoughts?
Kenneth: Can movers teleport to different worlds?
MaXPoly: ya
Bach Zhaa: no kenneth
Kenneth: ok
Genevieve: That sounds good, then the builds will be almost finished to see them
Kenneth: so we need to build them here
MaXPoly: excelent
Wolvie: just noticed all the chat is repeated on the big sign
MaXPoly: time to make floats
MaXPoly: lol
Genevieve: Yeah!
Kenneth: Max do you have an area for that?
Bach Zhaa: so that means anyone interested in being in the parade and making a float will need to see Max or me for a site to build one here. we have plenty of sites made already nearby
MaXPoly: where u been for 42 min wolvie
Wolvie: that's kinda neat
Wolvie: I was afk actually
Kenneth: ok thanks
Genevieve: Memyself can make Christmas dinner
Iao Moonshadow: lol
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly: ya we got mover lots past the bell tower in village 1
Genevieve: Or a champagne bottle with a cork that blows out
MaXPoly: thats where we start at
Kenneth: ok
Bach Zhaa: any questions? anyone have plans they want to announce for new years yet?
Bach Zhaa: :o :D
MaXPoly: get ripped with friends
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: I do that anyways *wink*
MaXPoly: shhh dont let them know we live in oz
Bach Zhaa: so this means the holiday stuff is pretty spread out.. so you;ll need to just stay looged on so you dont miss anything :P
Bach Zhaa: :D
TenYearsGone: please don't hork loogies in the Village, Bach
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly: bach lovs to send spam so u wont miss a thing
Toxor: lol
Wolvie: this Santa is sleeping. Not hearing about all the presents I want.
Keshi: *sings * he hears you when he is sleeping herre knows that you are there ....*
MaXPoly: i got 1 more lil thing to hurra over
Kenneth: I put everything on my own calendar that I want to do
Bach Zhaa: Part of the Christmas festivities includes a night of terror in the Hollywood Tower Hotel ..I havent heard whats on the events list there but if GSK is here, I hope he'll want to elaborate
TenYearsGone: He knows if you've been bad or good, so get out and get your own stuff
Keshi: and get out of his hair
Wolvie: :/
GSK: yep I'm here
Bach Zhaa: and thats on the 31st so maybe he has a rousing night in store :o
Wolvie: you're Santa?
Tiffany Lace: nice santa
GSK: Well I'm hoping it'll be awesome ^_^ Tower of Terror is finally reopening after two years of rebuilding, and 2016 marks the 10th Anniversary for Tower in AW, so the grand opening on the 31st is just the beginning.
Tabitha: hi
Tiffany Lace: hi sis
Tabitha: wow the gangs all here
Tabitha: what do we have a party
Keshi: community meeting
Bach Zhaa: hey Tabitha
Tiffany Lace: a meeting
Tabitha: ohhhh cool
GSK: That grand opening will be on December 31 at 11:30pm VRT (5:30p PT / 8:30p ET) in Aurora
Tabitha: hi Bach
Kenneth: :)
Tiffany Lace: of things people want to do
Tabitha: I see
GSK: and for anyone who misses it, there will be an encore sometime in January at a more normal time
Bach Zhaa: so new years at your place then?
GSK: yep
Bach Zhaa: you gonna drop your balls?
GSK: *wink*
Bach Zhaa: lol
perra: lol
TenYearsGone: dunno, last time I did that, the cable broke on the elevator, and I never got to the party
Tiffany Lace: maybe most will be out in real life
GSK: I assure you, no elevators will be dropping this time. Hopefully. ;)
Bach Zhaa: and the crowd gets smashed... literally lol
SlowChems: meeting over?
Iao Moonshadow: most are partyied out by the time hawaii's balls drop...
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: neva
Bach Zhaa: meeting lasts till 8pm VRT slowChems
SlowChems: ah ok thx
Genevieve: Hi SC, I see you!
TenYearsGone: Especially if they started partying on New Zealand time
Iao Moonshadow: yep lol
GSK: So yeah, Aurora, December 31, 11:30p VRT, which is 5:30pm PT and 8:30pm ET.
MaXPoly: when u went to time square it took till next night to get out, all the bals fell and we cheered together on big screen
Bach Zhaa: for those that do facebook
GSK: I think it'll be awesome so I hope to see a lot of you there ^_^
SlowChems: wow i see you too hehe
Bach Zhaa: The MyAw event posting
Bach Zhaa: looks awesome
Bach Zhaa: so.. is it a ride or a longer event? what are we to expect?
Bach Zhaa: free food? open bar?
Kenneth: or all of it?
TenYearsGone: and legal marijuana
GSK: Well, there's a ride, but there is a larger event before the ride opens up.
Kenneth: except that lol
Bach Zhaa: music? dancing?
MaXPoly: room service, but be careful what you order
GSK: Definitely music. Up to you if you want to dance :P
Kenneth: :D
SaintlyMic: I can't wait till the Hollywood Tower Hotel opens!
TenYearsGone: gluttony, gambling and debauchery?
Kenneth: lol
Bach Zhaa: haha
Bach Zhaa: yes! *fistpump*
Kenneth: typical Hollywood :)
Bach Zhaa: havent had a good debauch in a while
TenYearsGone: New Years would be the time for it, then.
Bach Zhaa: ok then any questions so far? Christmas, New years, and into the first week of January has some things to pay attention to
Toxor: There's legos to play with too
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: lots of legos
Bach Zhaa: we have a couple of other things to be aware of.. OMG nominations end on dec 31st as well.. so get your nominations in
TenYearsGone: Then vote for the Bouncy Thing
Bach Zhaa: lol
GSK: Here's the link for that:
Bach Zhaa: and candyland lol
Catwoman: guten abend
MaXPoly: gut abend cat
TenYearsGone: Guten abend chat frau
Bach Zhaa: is there a page with the nominations so far GSK?
Toxor: Hi Cat
perra: guten cat
GSK: yeah:
Bach Zhaa: thanks :)
MaXPoly: i winds ripping here, if we die we die , thats roswell,
Bach Zhaa: ok umm..
Keshi: me
MaXPoly: motherships back
TenYearsGone: What? you ripped wind so bad that we are going to die?
MaXPoly: depends if any of them lil dart fighters rip dow a line
Bach Zhaa: I have something of a touchy subject.. the EBTS for this time, I wanted to touch on..
Bach Zhaa: umm first, do we want one?
TenYearsGone: Of course we want one
Bach Zhaa: that usually would start sometime aroind the middle of Jan
GSK: yes
MaXPoly: where
Bach Zhaa: thats the touchy part of this...
Bach Zhaa: I wanted Yellow
perra: everyting is positivt for aw..
Bach Zhaa: needed some attention and there are some new features to look forward too.. a new texture yard etc
MaXPoly: yellow has plenty of shapes
marcopolo41200: hello
Bach Zhaa: I wanted to get thoughts on that.. and wanted to touch on the idea that Apooka would be handling some of it. The problem is, I havent heard back from her in the multitude of times Ive tried.. so Im kinda tripping over that part
Genevieve: Hi marco
MeL: how and what would apooka be handling ?
AFK: Kewl, MeL is back ;-)
Bach Zhaa: do I start without her? Do I wait till she's on board.. etc.
SaintlyMic: Having it in Yellow sounds great!
marcopolo41200: hi genevieve
Genevieve: Is she the CT there?
MaXPoly: yellow dont have ct now
Bach Zhaa: she wants everything and me to let her. I said ok if she was ready to handle it. I havent heard anything
Karten: right, i'd say find an area and go without her
MeL: yup
Bach Zhaa: and yeah Im getting responses that I concur with but I didnt want to go without at least touching on it.
Keshi: i would say don't make the layout overly built to intimidate builders either
TenYearsGone: And if she has a meltdown, have Rick muzzle her
Bach Zhaa: yes.. I think thats an issue as well keshi
Bach Zhaa: I will try lol
MeL: why let her handle anything? thought this was your cup of tea, Bach
Genevieve: Who else hangs out in Yellow? Maybe they could be your contact person.
Bach Zhaa: it is. I wanted to carry the olive branch. I still do. just its frustrating
Keshi: It is always nice to involve the avtive builders in events
MeL: then, do it your way
TenYearsGone: Yeah right... extend your hand and draw back a stump
Iao Moonshadow: Yellow is a great place to hold an EBTS. Certainly appreciate Apooka's work on the texture yard and her own builds. Whatever formalities are needed, but it is a public world
Karten: just do it,
Bach Zhaa: few ppl do.. Ozman wanted to help and be supportive so there's one
Bach Zhaa: :)
Bach Zhaa: and Ive been stumped a few times Ten, but still
Genevieve: Send a bear in first ...
MeL: you want it in yellow. then have it in yellow. you dont need nobody permission or approval. its a public world
Bach Zhaa: anyways, at least I know its being expected
Keshi: Bach you offer the oportunity and say find a meeting time if they show they are in and if not they have to contact you to be in
MaXPoly: america as option and i do have ct there to help
Toxor: hehe Gen
TenYearsGone: I could still do that scale model of Chernobyl
Bach Zhaa: Ive tried Keshi many times. is what it is then.
Iao Moonshadow: albiet would be nice for ebts to have its own world...
Keshi: yes so say we are meeting i Yellow at this location those who wish to help with set up join me at this time and day period
Bach Zhaa: yeah there are all sorts of options. At this point, its own world is down pretty far on the list. It would have to be big enough and that means AWI's input which is unlikely
Keshi: if you can't make it i will talk to you one one one
Bach Zhaa: America is an option but we were there 2 years ago
MaXPoly: k
Keshi: AWI is not going to give away abig world
Karten: not give away, sponsor
MaXPoly: u know u can do here inthe ultra zone
Karten: but unlikely i agree
Bach Zhaa: so then Yellow, Teen, Winter ...winter just is finishing a contest so lets hold that one..
Keshi: same thing to them financially
TenYearsGone: winter is not a bad option, though
MeL: ever had one on Mars?
MaXPoly: ya i got legos contest in the spring too here
Karten: nto with a sponsored world, not quite the same
MeL: that would be a challange
Bach Zhaa: Teen isnt very popular however that wouldnt matter to the planning.. I think it has an awesome path and could use the business
Karten: had one for Mars, that was then transplanted into Mars after the fact
Keshi: just staying in Mars any length of time is a challenge
Iao Moonshadow: yes, and even then awi sponsored worlds that would have been left alone for historical purposes seems out the door lately...
Bach Zhaa: yeah, ebts2 was in mars
MeL: nods'
Bach Zhaa: it went for 8 months lol
MeL: haha
Iao Moonshadow: that was long one...
Bach Zhaa: thought it never end lol
Karten: and that was all sorts of fun moving it into Mars afterward
Keshi: You know Bach if it could be pulled offf the contest in the world Awesome would be neat
Bach Zhaa: lol
MeL: cofmeta - another challange
Bach Zhaa: would
Iao Moonshadow: and they moved stuff around too so teleports in contest builds were messed up. can't fix cause they dropped it from ultra.
Bach Zhaa: Ill check to see who's the CT but Id also want a listing of the path I have no idea whats there..
Karten: which? Meta?
Bach Zhaa: and not sure it even has the prims.. Gen, do you know?
Bach Zhaa: awesome
Karten: ah
Bach Zhaa: Awesome World, that is
Genevieve: I don't think so. I doubt there is an updated copy of the path, unless we could get one from Chris.
Bach Zhaa: yah.. that may be a stretch, but I could ask
Genevieve: I used to have ED rights there but can not access the path.
Karten: and its not idrectly viewable either
MaXPoly: wiill it index
MeL: afk
AFK: MeL is now afk for a bit.
Bach Zhaa: I think Im still ED there as well.. unless thats changed
perra: hb
Karten: no Max it wont
Genevieve: So if that would help you.... can give you those
MaXPoly: k
Genevieve: kk
Bach Zhaa: anyways, Im not sure whats there.. so Yellow is still on the table.
Bach Zhaa: or AWTeen o_o
Genevieve: That world has a good path
Genevieve: Who is CT there?
TenYearsGone: That would be mean, Bach ;)
Bach Zhaa: yes it does its really amazing actually
Bach Zhaa: and no one/AWI
Karten: AWteen presently no CT as i recall
Bach Zhaa: just like yellow tho
MaXPoly: i had access , ill have to test again if still works
Genevieve: Is there a copy of the path?
MaXPoly: before the big move
Bach Zhaa: and we did the EBTS in alpha.. so its not absolutely necessary
Genevieve: A listing...
Karten: i can make an old copylist, dunno if any changes since them, presently AWTeen OP is not listablwe
MaXPoly: reunion
Genevieve: Did Striker have a list?
MaXPoly: full access and support systems
Bach Zhaa: so lets look into Awesome then.. ..come to think of it, we moved so many builds there in the day that its got to have the prims..
Genevieve: Awesome is huge
TenYearsGone: Another "big build" with lots of elbow room? I feel landscapes coming on
Bach Zhaa: we moved a buttload of SW builds, contest builds, advanced alpha builds..
Genevieve: Everyone can have a small world within
Bach Zhaa: erp
Bach Zhaa: kk whats big enough? 200x200 again?
TenYearsGone: that or bigger... I think I kind of filled all the cells last year
Bach Zhaa: like the last EBTS or bigger?
Bach Zhaa: dont need to build that big tho lol
MaXPoly: dont need more than 9
Genevieve: A basic size with room for expansion if some want it
Bach Zhaa: I mean, unless its part of it. size scares some folks
Genevieve: If it gets too big it is intimidating
Steve for Faith: hello everyone
TenYearsGone: but I get claustrophobic on little lots
CoLor: hi
Genevieve: ok, you can have mine
Genevieve: :-p
CoLor: me too Ten
Genevieve: Hi Steve
perra: hi steve
Bach Zhaa: I liked the last.. 200x200 with 200 seperating each site. it felt like your own little world. that be ok for most?
CoLor: I have a question for everyone
Bach Zhaa: sure Color
Wolvie: about Apooka.. whatever world she was wanting to do it in, save it for next time if you don't hear from her. That way she can still follow up on her plans.
CoLor: Has anyone noticed a problem when building with rotating an object
CoLor: you know how when you rotate you do 6 clicks for half rotation
CoLor: and 12 for full rotation
CoLor: the last few days I find it not doing it right
CoLor: and just found it really messes up when I tried a few mins ago
CoLor: click 6 and you go over
Bach Zhaa: she wants it in yellow, wolvie ..thats why this is was touchy.. I wanted yellow too and would be building something myself then
CoLor: try to get it back and it messes up
Wolvie: so leave Yellow for next time
CoLor: anyone else find this?
Wolvie: or whenever she is ready, can always have another contest
Bach Zhaa: Ive been building steady on some things lately color and not noticed a specific issue. Ill keep an eye open for it tho..
TenYearsGone: I was building today, and nothing out of the ordinary happened
CoLor: its happend a couple of times to me this weekend
Wolvie: I can barely build on the computer I'm on Color. I haven't tried.
CoLor: at first I thought I miss counted
TenYearsGone: lag sometimes does it....
CoLor: but just before returning here I definitely saw it happen
Bach Zhaa: kk.. Ill look into awesome world and AWTeen world then. Thats what I wanted to know. It'll be a problem down the road. I feel it.
CoLor: lag?
Kenneth: True Ten
TenYearsGone: Yes, if your machine is lagging it sometimes misses or duplicates keystrokes
Bach Zhaa: not seen the counts mees up.. I know when I have more than a few objects selected, there is a chance they will fly apart and thats kinda odd
Bach Zhaa: when rotated
MaXPoly: cause u didnt reselect aprim on normal axis last
TenYearsGone: Oh, I never rotate multiple objects
Bach Zhaa: usually if I center myself up facing a cardinal direction, that tends to happen less
MaXPoly: always on multi selects unck 1 normal then reck to get new center
CoLor: well it was a single object
MaXPoly: if it dont have 1 make 1
Kenneth: server lag could also jump the gun I think or not do anything
Bach Zhaa: yeah I try that but if some of the selected objects are rotated slightly, they have a tendency to fly apart if Im not centered
CoLor: thanks
CoLor: it just keeps rotating
CoLor: it does 7
CoLor: then when you want to move it back one. it goes two
Kenneth: might be the computer
TenYearsGone: Oh, jeez yes, Bach... remember when Sid had that tiny .01 rotation and NOTHING would line up?
Bach Zhaa: and maybe how far out in alpha you're building
Bach Zhaa: yeah
TenYearsGone: the "reset rotation" button is your friend
Kenneth: yes :)
Bach Zhaa: but at that scale, its hard to get the browser to cooperate.. especially past 10000
Tiffany Lace: HI Tabitha
Bach Zhaa: (coords)
Bach Zhaa: so if you're building at like 18000 or something in alpha.. rotations have bugs :\
Kenneth: wow
CoLor: never had it before
Bach Zhaa: anything past 10000 is a problem
Kenneth: ok
EphemeralKenshin: Hello everyone This is my first time in this game.
Bach Zhaa: been talked about a few times.. Kuma mentioned it quite a few times
Kenneth: Hi EphemeralKenshin
Toxor: Welcome Ephemeral
perra: Hi EphemeralKenshin
Genevieve: Welcome Ephemeral
Keshi: hi
Bach Zhaa: Im not sure this is what your newest issue is tho Color.. just I know there are other things as well
Bach Zhaa: *if you're out that far*
Genevieve: Good time to visit Ephemeral, we are having a community meeting.
MaXPoly: its not a game
Iao Moonshadow: oh snap....
Bach Zhaa: so umm...
Keshi: Iy is a VR experience
Bach Zhaa: hey Ephe :) welcome to AW
Keshi: Iy=IT
Gremot: . Color , look at the objects Rotation settings (numbers) in the editor when you're rotating, . 6 clicks should change 90 for that Axis (x or y or z), see if that shows correctly when you test
Bach Zhaa: I did want to quickly mention that the Candyland game recently had its Big Winner in the Candy Contest :D
Genevieve: Yes, last night!
Bach Zhaa: Congratulations to Maxpoly for the big win!!!
Bach Zhaa: YAY!!!
Kenneth: awesome
perra: yayyy
Genevieve: wtg Max :-)
Keshi: WTG
TenYearsGone: MaX won a year's worth of free dentistry
Iao Moonshadow: congrats Maxpoly! so where'd you hide the candy
Bach Zhaa: you are the proud owner of a $25 dollar gift certificate to See's Candies
Kenneth: wow coooool
Toxor: wtg Max
MaXPoly: i ate 1 lb already
Tiffany Lace: you like it tabitha?
MaXPoly: 1 day
Genevieve: And we started a new contest for VAalentine's candy.
Bach Zhaa: ..and thanks to Genevieve for the wonderful donation :D
Keshi: sweet
MaXPoly: very
Bach Zhaa: We have started round 2 :o
MaXPoly: have 1
Tiffany Lace: Guess we get drunk here huh tabitha lol
perra: lol
Bach Zhaa: ..a Valentines day Candy contest :D woot
Keshi: ok we are down to the last 20 minute of the meeting and I have a couple things to say . May I ?
MaXPoly passes box from sees out
Bach Zhaa: sure Keshi, go ahead
Keshi: First I apologize for the Explorers CLub not meeting. I havea builder that i wish to focus on and we have just started talking about when it can be hels .. The club may meet at a special time not our usual but will keep all informed.
Keshi: I hope to do this early January
Keshi: Next Wings3d classes
Keshi: I am going to approach this class differently thatn previous ones
Keshi: So this has me making new classes to add in and hopefully make the experience more meaning ful
Keshi: I will post in my world A!!Vines Teleport center a listing of all who have so far told me they want to take the class
Keshi: If you are not sure if you have let me know please gram me
Chalcedony Mao: Sign me up, Keshi!
Toxor: Looking forward to it Keshi
Keshi: It looks like the days of the classes will be Sunday , Tuesday or THursday
Keshi: This will be determined by who can attend
Bach Zhaa: very cool :D
Iao Moonshadow: what would students need to be prepared?
Keshi: and i am considering two separate classes that willnot necessarily be taught at the same speed as some of those wanting to take class have experience others do not
Bach Zhaa: yah.. I train well, but never done it
Keshi: There will be a letter going out to those who sign up
Kenneth: It's a good program to use, I've used it in the past.
Keshi: then dates set and classes filled
Iao Moonshadow: yea, fun program
Bach Zhaa: so how should ppl get in touch with you? Find out whats planned?
Keshi: but important to let me know
Keshi: i am thinking to be sure we are all able to atten the date willb egin in February I will not put off beyond that first week to star
Keshi: tt
Keshi: grams in here
Bach Zhaa: kk
Bach Zhaa: Telegram Keshi, if the least bit interested :)
Keshi: annoucements will be made with help on myaw and in facebook
Keshi: The program down load of wings will be the version at the school in the self help here in winter
Bach Zhaa: Thanks Keshi I know they went over well in the past. I know your a good teacher and its definately something to look forward to cool
Keshi: the class will be done differntly than most of thiose in the school so far
Keshi: program and classes are free so let me know
perra: *******
MaXPoly: lol
SlowChems: >_>
Bach Zhaa: Hey Kenneth.. I heard you been working on your AW Museum anything you want to tell us?
Bach Zhaa: ;D
Kenneth: Yes, thank you Bach....
Kenneth: The AW Museum started around 6 months ago when AW turned 20 years old. It has now grown to around 6 domes with 100's of teleports to great builds from the years 1995 to nowadays. I want to thank everyone who has contributed and to those that have
Kenneth: gone there... It is now winding down but there's still tons of space left for the 2001 and On dome so if anyone has a great build teleport they wish to be in it, from 2001 to today, please telegram me the coords and I will put it in there along w
Kenneth: with your name.
Kenneth: Thanks
Iao Moonshadow: wow nice, fun to go through a place of historical teleports. thanks Kenneth
perra: yu buddy
perra: ty
Bach Zhaa: Thank you Kenneth some great works there. Its quite an asset
Kenneth: :) It has been my pleasure.
Kenneth: Thanks Bach :)
Bach Zhaa: There is a teleport to it right at the LZ folks be sure to check it out
Kenneth: :)
Bach Zhaa: umm also something very cool that rose to the top lately..
Bach Zhaa:
Bach Zhaa: Its facebook.. Hold ctrl and click but what an awesome map of Stanly's area in America world
Bach Zhaa: wow
Kenneth: awesome :)
Toxor: oh yeah Intramuros
Iao Moonshadow: very cool
Bach Zhaa: he says 60 pics or something stiched together..
Bach Zhaa: wow
Karten: very cool map of his build
TenYearsGone: nice
Toxor: cool
Bach Zhaa: I love maps. I wish they were built in but they arent. when I see one, I get all goose-pimply lol
Kenneth: wow
Chalcedony Mao: Oh man, I miss the AW mapper even more now :D
Bach Zhaa: yes I do 2
Bach Zhaa: This is in america world. just count his ships even lol
Iao Moonshadow: doing what he loves and he does it very well
Karten: he does
Bach Zhaa: next, I hear Happy Valley got some recent updates? new trolleys, lots of new homes.. I flew through and looks like quite a bit of development happening
Bach Zhaa: so go check that out.. umm.. anyone else have something, someone to add?
TenYearsGone: Well, the Minnie Loop trolley line now makes a complete loop, so no matter where you start, you will always get back there if you keep riding the trolleys
TenYearsGone: no more fear of getting lost
Bach Zhaa: lol
perra: goodnight everyone bedtime.. hugs bye
Kenneth: bye Perra
MaXPoly: nn perra'
perra: waves bye
Genevieve: Sleep well perra
Keshi: If you want to go to wings3d school you can just type wiings3d in chat here
Bach Zhaa: very cool should have a ride in spend all day on the rails getting drunk or something
Iao Moonshadow: night perra
Bach Zhaa: ..and lastly, anyone heard of the cit Dornford ..he showed yup to say Hi today.. :)
Bach Zhaa: just good gossip, that lol
Kenneth: the animated JPG signs lol
Bach Zhaa: uh huh
Bach Zhaa: he updated his pic btw.. how nice of him lol
Kenneth: I tried adding it to the FB group but my antivirus program said it's bad lol
Iao Moonshadow: oooh, i remember dorford. lol
Bach Zhaa: all christmassy now
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: bad first
Bach Zhaa: the good news is they fixed it.. sorta
MeL: blinks
Kenneth: sorta? lol
Karten: not quite fully
Bach Zhaa: Im on a browser now that doesnt require me to turn back the clock to log on..
Bach Zhaa: Im vista
MeL: nice
MaXPoly: ¿
Kenneth: ok
MeL: but
Bach Zhaa: the bad news is I seem to be the only one at this point
Karten: dat's cause you da guinea pig
Bach Zhaa: the new version was glitchy, he says
Bach Zhaa: so they are still working thru some issues
Bach Zhaa: he said soon lol
Kenneth: Will it still fix XP users?
MeL: >_>
Bach Zhaa: which is the way this started 2 months ago..
TenYearsGone: A glitchy AW browser? is that a new thing?
Bach Zhaa: so soon, he says
MaXPoly: prob bugging wine
Bach Zhaa: that and the full install failed to initiate
Karten: *quotes Dark Helmet* "When is Soon??"
Bach Zhaa: for some
Bach Zhaa: so yes, some issues with wine (according to GSK) and I had a devil of a time getting it to load
Bach Zhaa: but once it did, it works
Bach Zhaa: yay
MaXPoly: k
SlowChems: >_>
Bach Zhaa: yah.. doesnt help
CoLor: and XP?
SlowChems: im vista too btw
Bach Zhaa: but still its better than no forward mothion and no word
SlowChems: yeah
Bach Zhaa: its for the users athat are experiencing issues related to the license error so XP, vista and some versons of wine and mac
Ko Toff: DO the powers that be keep a running list of how many users are using which OS?
Kenneth: ok thanks
Gremot: so what build does your browser say Bach
Bach Zhaa: no.. not really
Bach Zhaa: still reads 1432
TenYearsGone: They have trouble maintaining a grocery list
Gremot: un huh
Kenneth: Use the Schwartz Rick!
Bach Zhaa: they dont keep many records until they ask for them and I cant tell you how many times he wanted me to send in my specs o_o
MaXPoly: yep
Bach Zhaa: so they dont keep records well, anyways
MaXPoly: send a new log
MaXPoly: i do that daily testing your bugs too
Ko Toff: Is anyone here using Linux or a Mac?
Bach Zhaa: GSK uses it sometimes to test with
Bach Zhaa: not many tho Ko Toff
Ko Toff: Does it work well?
Bach Zhaa: he likes it
MaXPoly: in gl mode so needs good gl cards
Bach Zhaa: hope he shows up today
Kenneth: Rick posted a pic of him using AW on Android on FB... I think? lol weird.
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: i saw that
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: very low render but to get the chat that way be good to use
Keshi: grettings
TenYearsGone: He told me "no droids" or I would have AW on my tablet
Kenneth: true
Bach Zhaa: he says thats the goal.. AW window on android
Karten: Hiya Keshi
MeL: Howdy Keshi
Keshi: breetings too
Kenneth: cool
Keshi: greetings hmm
MeL: haha
Toxor: hi Keshi
Keshi: typing problems
Bach Zhaa: I asked him what the vis setting would be.. he didnt answer lol
TenYearsGone: breetings, and welcome to the Community Beating
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: looked like it mip the render 1000%
Keshi: :)
Gremot: . . when mobile devices get a 30" screen
MaXPoly: lol
Keshi: i am probably just about the only one in aw that does not own a smart phone
MaXPoly: i dont
TenYearsGone: Or I screen share with mt TV
Karten: i didng for a long time Keshi
Bach Zhaa: interested, for sure.. but there are many issues on the table that I think need attention and the android connecting seems like putting the cart before the horse...
Keshi: i am not tied to or ruled by a phone
Bach Zhaa: he's trying to stay competative tho
SlowChems: in dont neither
Kenneth: I just got a cheap one from Tracfone, still uses the Apple App store. lol
MaXPoly: i miss my touchtone
SlowChems: i*
Kenneth: $30 lol
Karten: what Max? not your rotary dial?
MaXPoly: the old slimline
Gremot: . . turned off texting and data on his phone ... sings, this phone was made for talking
Bach Zhaa: cool tho forward motion is still a wonderful thing
Kenneth: woops no, the Google App store lol
MaXPoly: still need that when the powers out and lines good
Keshi: i have an old pay as you go at&t go phone that is nearly 15 yrs old and still doing the job i bought it for
MeL: can you get google play store on it?
SaintlyMic: I carry around a corded rotary dial hooked up to an old 80's car phone.
Kenneth: on mine I can
MeL: mine too. got alot of apps
Kenneth: awesome
Bach Zhaa: any questions so far? not much I can answer besides "soon"
MaXPoly: i got old clip in service phone, just hook up the red and black and try
MaXPoly: soon
MaXPoly: thanky
MaXPoly: rotts of ruck
SaintlyMic: A 2 button phone is all you really need.
Bach Zhaa: that was the reason for the Cpt Zhaa comment, if anyone saw that.. he kept relating my getting back in to the apollo 13 mission.. when I made it back, he was excited.. hence the Cpt Zhaa thing..
MaXPoly: even with the cert its still far to go to return the plugin use
Kenneth: 128 KB of RAM is all you really need too.. well Bill Gates thought so anyway lol
Bach Zhaa: I call that a field promotion tho lol ^_^ I'll take it
MaXPoly: lol
MeL: haha
TenYearsGone: "ashes to ashes, funk to funky... we know Captian Zhaa's a monkey....."
Bach Zhaa: haha
SaintlyMic: 16kb is enough.
CoLor builds a snowman
Kenneth: :)
MeL: i have 5 G on my andriod, wonder how much it would take to run aw on it
Bach Zhaa: so onward then :) Lots of excitement brewing over here in winter for the upcoming Holiday festivities..
Bach Zhaa: There is a contest in full swing :D
Gremot: . . no reason AW can't create it's own CA ... well excpt that it takes motivation and some work, heh
MaXPoly: hes as bad as me sending out dead bone to the cat affter eat all the good parts
Bach Zhaa: parties coming, parades, story night.. all sorts of goodies
MaXPoly: presents
MeL: nice
MaXPoly: penguine cookies
Kenneth: cool a parade :)
Bach Zhaa: you want to elaborate on whats happening Max
MaXPoly: yes from real penguins if u must ask
Toxor: lol
MaXPoly: OK
MaXPoly: Welcome to the Holiday Village
MaXPoly: the Elf master cant type well
MaXPoly: but will try to get all the nails in your toys
MaXPoly: no loose screws
MaXPoly: the Village is doing well
MaXPoly: got many residents expanding the town and making lovely additions
MaXPoly: still polenty of contest lots and fun lots to grab and 20 days left to play for the contest
MaXPoly: the rest u never have to stop building
Bach Zhaa: a reminder, there is a map of the area and everyone who has property just past the archway behind me
Kenneth: until the Building Inspector forces you to stop ;-)
Bach Zhaa: all the name signs are teleports
MaXPoly: fun Partys, ok lets do this since its a hard week with travel and family
SaintlyMic: Is Winter a public build world?
Bach Zhaa: yep
MaXPoly: the park opens at 6pm vrt Satureday the 16th day after christmas
MaXPoly: u dont have to wake and rush in cause were gona play games, tell holiday storys
MaXPoly: got tons of super holiday tunes all for your ears
Keshi: 26th?
MaXPoly: even jeffro tull telling his holiday storys
MaXPoly: yes 26th day after
MaXPoly: we have mind games, if mel can her games, bach will tell his storys of life
MaXPoly: by the fireside
MaXPoly: obstical fun on ice, kick the penguine
Karten: *hands Maxie a new cellphone calendar since his seems messed up*
MaXPoly: lol wot
Bach Zhaa: TGIF is canceled, I believe for friday however those in the party spirit that evening might get to hear me read How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
Genevieve: I hope Bach has an exciting life
TenYearsGone: Cel phone calenders don't work on rotary phones
SlowChems: lol
Karten: ot touchtones
Karten: or
MaXPoly: umm
MaXPoly: o ya winter
MeL: Yes. I wont be online the 25th, TGIF will resume again on Jan 8th
MaXPoly: hay notice anything
Bach Zhaa: That will be later Friday evening.. then again on saturday depending on how it went lol
Genevieve: And can we play Candyland?
MaXPoly: no 1 inthe name this week again
SaintlyMic: No, you just clip a gas station calendar to the rotary phone cord.
Kenneth: lol
MaXPoly: candyland is that evening well sunday morning 1.30am
Genevieve: :-D
MaXPoly: so sleep in, eat a good brunch and hang with us all in Da Village hes weekend
Kenneth: Max, what day does the building contest end?
Bach Zhaa: sure.. we should be able to get a lot of things in since its all here in this world. Its just means shuffling us around. maybe we'll provide bus service even lol
Toxor: lol
MaXPoly: ya some will go to combat at 9pm
MaXPoly: and come back then
Iao Moonshadow: 10pm
MaXPoly: 10 ok
MaXPoly: better
Iao Moonshadow: cause of daylight savings time for most
SaintlyMic: i think i hear camels in the background, or shrek sleeping.
Bach Zhaa: thats right.. I may go there myself that night.. Is Iao here? does combat have a santa vatar? hehe
MaXPoly: i cant save
MaXPoly: it just happens
Iao Moonshadow: lol
Bach Zhaa: shooting at santa all night sounds kinda fun :D
MeL: santa kisses for 5 cents?
MaXPoly: k so plenty of lots left please join us and finish up the big village this seasion
MeL: nickel
Iao Moonshadow: I'll come around on Saturday if folks want a contest. Combat still is open 24/7 for general combat play
Toxor: thanks Iao
Kenneth: Iao I'll probably be gone Saturday
Iao Moonshadow: santa avatar, not sure
Iao Moonshadow: :-)
MaXPoly: kewl, i cant shoot a tin can at my feet, prob hit my own foot and paint it red
Kenneth: Right now my arm is really sore, which is why I wasn't there last night.
Iao Moonshadow: its alright, got plenty building on my list if not enough players
Kenneth: ok
Iao Moonshadow: take care you Kenneth,hope your arm heals well
Bach Zhaa: its a good thing you and Ozy are doing over there.. there will be ups and downs but its enjoyable and fun to have available Thank you for keeping it exciting :)
Kenneth: thanks
Iao Moonshadow: thank you very much Bach :-)
Bach Zhaa: heard from Ozy lately? he doing ok?
Iao Moonshadow: we catch up with each other. He's doing alright
Bach Zhaa: maybe a blizzard over there for some excitement lol
Iao Moonshadow: hahahaha yes!
Bach Zhaa: cool Tell him hi for us. :)
Iao Moonshadow: with pop up surprises
Bach Zhaa: hehe
Iao Moonshadow: will do!
Bach Zhaa: So lets go over the plans then once more.. umm
Iao Moonshadow: he tries to get in time to time
Bach Zhaa: friday is christmas
Bach Zhaa: the 25th..
MaXPoly: yaaa
MaXPoly: is there tgif mel
MeL: not till jan 8th
MaXPoly: k
Bach Zhaa: TGIF is postponed till January 8th but there will be a storytelling event that night
MaXPoly: can add here sat if u want the games
MeL: I'll have fmaily down for the holidays. so probably cant make it online during christmas holidays
Kenneth: What is the last day for the building contest?
MaXPoly: k
MaXPoly: 10th jan kenneth
MeL: i will try thou, haha
Bach Zhaa: Ill get to that kenneth cuz we have a parade too
Kenneth: thanks
Ko Toff: Yule is Tuesday you could have a TGIT
Wolvie: any new years plans? Ball drop or anything?
MeL: No Ten. dont even think about it
MaXPoly: next thought
Bach Zhaa: so then on the 26th we have a party in Winter all day.. Combat! in Combat world at 10pm VRT, continue partying in Winter, Candyland at 1:30 am vrt
MaXPoly: u doing story friday and sat
TenYearsGone: What am I not supposed to think about?
Bach Zhaa: well, Friday evening for sure.. then Saturday either early of late.. not sure
MaXPoly: ok
TenYearsGone: derp
MeL: lol
Bach Zhaa: then the following week is New years.. and to answer your question wolvie, nothings planned as of yet :\
MaXPoly: ill make more fillers and binders to add to the day too
MaXPoly: parade?
Iao Moonshadow: oooh new years, explosions...yum...
Bach Zhaa: getting to that
TenYearsGone: I get up for one eensy little beer, and this happens
Wolvie: okay, thanks.. is it even possible to do a ball drop anymore?
MaXPoly: my balls drop daily its no big deal any more
Kenneth: sure if you know the timings
Bach Zhaa: so if someone still had a location and plans they wanted to hatch concerning new years, the calenders still open :)
Wolvie: someone had to say it, huh Max
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: mine are firmly stowed, thank you
Bach Zhaa: lol
MeL: I thought Ten would be the first to comment but, noooooo had to be max. lol
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly ----->points at the bot
Bach Zhaa: ok then a parade..
Bach Zhaa: umm..
MaXPoly: ya floats baloons
TenYearsGone: I distinctly said to give the Elmo dolls two test- tickles
MeL: brb
AFK: MeL is now afk for a bit.
Bach Zhaa: the contest ends on Jan 10th
MaXPoly: correct
MaXPoly: the awards party the weekend after
Bach Zhaa: I really would like to save the parade till when the contest entrants are close to being finished
MaXPoly: sure
Kenneth: good idea
MaXPoly: we did that last year that last week too
Bach Zhaa: so that means the Holiday parade wont be until like the end of the first week in Jan
MaXPoly: perfict
Iao Moonshadow: set up a snowball pelter at passerbyers last time. *coughs* that was fun...
Kenneth: saying goodbye to Christmas for the year :)
MaXPoly: 2nd or 3rd
Bach Zhaa: So Im tentatively planning 2 parades again.. one before the TGIF on Jan 8th
Bach Zhaa: and the following Saturday on the 9th
Bach Zhaa: no?
Bach Zhaa: thoughts?
Kenneth: Can movers teleport to different worlds?
MaXPoly: ya
Bach Zhaa: no kenneth
Kenneth: ok
Genevieve: That sounds good, then the builds will be almost finished to see them
Kenneth: so we need to build them here
MaXPoly: excelent
Wolvie: just noticed all the chat is repeated on the big sign
MaXPoly: time to make floats
MaXPoly: lol
Genevieve: Yeah!
Kenneth: Max do you have an area for that?
Bach Zhaa: so that means anyone interested in being in the parade and making a float will need to see Max or me for a site to build one here. we have plenty of sites made already nearby
MaXPoly: where u been for 42 min wolvie
Wolvie: that's kinda neat
Wolvie: I was afk actually
Kenneth: ok thanks
Genevieve: Memyself can make Christmas dinner
Iao Moonshadow: lol
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly: ya we got mover lots past the bell tower in village 1
Genevieve: Or a champagne bottle with a cork that blows out
MaXPoly: thats where we start at
Kenneth: ok
Bach Zhaa: any questions? anyone have plans they want to announce for new years yet?
Bach Zhaa: :o :D
MaXPoly: get ripped with friends
Bach Zhaa: lol
Bach Zhaa: I do that anyways *wink*
MaXPoly: shhh dont let them know we live in oz
Bach Zhaa: so this means the holiday stuff is pretty spread out.. so you;ll need to just stay looged on so you dont miss anything :P
Bach Zhaa: :D
TenYearsGone: please don't hork loogies in the Village, Bach
Bach Zhaa: lol
MaXPoly: bach lovs to send spam so u wont miss a thing
Toxor: lol
Wolvie: this Santa is sleeping. Not hearing about all the presents I want.
Keshi: *sings * he hears you when he is sleeping herre knows that you are there ....*
MaXPoly: i got 1 more lil thing to hurra over
Kenneth: I put everything on my own calendar that I want to do
Bach Zhaa: Part of the Christmas festivities includes a night of terror in the Hollywood Tower Hotel ..I havent heard whats on the events list there but if GSK is here, I hope he'll want to elaborate
TenYearsGone: He knows if you've been bad or good, so get out and get your own stuff
Keshi: and get out of his hair
Wolvie: :/
GSK: yep I'm here
Bach Zhaa: and thats on the 31st so maybe he has a rousing night in store :o
Wolvie: you're Santa?
Tiffany Lace: nice santa
GSK: Well I'm hoping it'll be awesome ^_^ Tower of Terror is finally reopening after two years of rebuilding, and 2016 marks the 10th Anniversary for Tower in AW, so the grand opening on the 31st is just the beginning.
Tabitha: hi
Tiffany Lace: hi sis
Tabitha: wow the gangs all here
Tabitha: what do we have a party
Keshi: community meeting
Bach Zhaa: hey Tabitha
Tiffany Lace: a meeting
Tabitha: ohhhh cool
GSK: That grand opening will be on December 31 at 11:30pm VRT (5:30p PT / 8:30p ET) in Aurora
Tabitha: hi Bach
Kenneth: :)
Tiffany Lace: of things people want to do
Tabitha: I see
GSK: and for anyone who misses it, there will be an encore sometime in January at a more normal time
Bach Zhaa: so new years at your place then?
GSK: yep
Bach Zhaa: you gonna drop your balls?
GSK: *wink*
Bach Zhaa: lol
perra: lol
TenYearsGone: dunno, last time I did that, the cable broke on the elevator, and I never got to the party
Tiffany Lace: maybe most will be out in real life
GSK: I assure you, no elevators will be dropping this time. Hopefully. ;)
Bach Zhaa: and the crowd gets smashed... literally lol
SlowChems: meeting over?
Iao Moonshadow: most are partyied out by the time hawaii's balls drop...
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: neva
Bach Zhaa: meeting lasts till 8pm VRT slowChems
SlowChems: ah ok thx
Genevieve: Hi SC, I see you!
TenYearsGone: Especially if they started partying on New Zealand time
Iao Moonshadow: yep lol
GSK: So yeah, Aurora, December 31, 11:30p VRT, which is 5:30pm PT and 8:30pm ET.
MaXPoly: when u went to time square it took till next night to get out, all the bals fell and we cheered together on big screen
Bach Zhaa: for those that do facebook
GSK: I think it'll be awesome so I hope to see a lot of you there ^_^
SlowChems: wow i see you too hehe
Bach Zhaa: The MyAw event posting
Bach Zhaa: looks awesome
Bach Zhaa: so.. is it a ride or a longer event? what are we to expect?
Bach Zhaa: free food? open bar?
Kenneth: or all of it?
TenYearsGone: and legal marijuana
GSK: Well, there's a ride, but there is a larger event before the ride opens up.
Kenneth: except that lol
Bach Zhaa: music? dancing?
MaXPoly: room service, but be careful what you order
GSK: Definitely music. Up to you if you want to dance :P
Kenneth: :D
SaintlyMic: I can't wait till the Hollywood Tower Hotel opens!
TenYearsGone: gluttony, gambling and debauchery?
Kenneth: lol
Bach Zhaa: haha
Bach Zhaa: yes! *fistpump*
Kenneth: typical Hollywood :)
Bach Zhaa: havent had a good debauch in a while
TenYearsGone: New Years would be the time for it, then.
Bach Zhaa: ok then any questions so far? Christmas, New years, and into the first week of January has some things to pay attention to
Toxor: There's legos to play with too
MaXPoly: lol
MaXPoly: lots of legos
Bach Zhaa: we have a couple of other things to be aware of.. OMG nominations end on dec 31st as well.. so get your nominations in
TenYearsGone: Then vote for the Bouncy Thing
Bach Zhaa: lol
GSK: Here's the link for that:
Bach Zhaa: and candyland lol
Catwoman: guten abend
MaXPoly: gut abend cat
TenYearsGone: Guten abend chat frau
Bach Zhaa: is there a page with the nominations so far GSK?
Toxor: Hi Cat
perra: guten cat
GSK: yeah:
Bach Zhaa: thanks :)
MaXPoly: i winds ripping here, if we die we die , thats roswell,
Bach Zhaa: ok umm..
Keshi: me
MaXPoly: motherships back
TenYearsGone: What? you ripped wind so bad that we are going to die?
MaXPoly: depends if any of them lil dart fighters rip dow a line
Bach Zhaa: I have something of a touchy subject.. the EBTS for this time, I wanted to touch on..
Bach Zhaa: umm first, do we want one?
TenYearsGone: Of course we want one
Bach Zhaa: that usually would start sometime aroind the middle of Jan
GSK: yes
MaXPoly: where
Bach Zhaa: thats the touchy part of this...
Bach Zhaa: I wanted Yellow
perra: everyting is positivt for aw..
Bach Zhaa: needed some attention and there are some new features to look forward too.. a new texture yard etc
MaXPoly: yellow has plenty of shapes
marcopolo41200: hello
Bach Zhaa: I wanted to get thoughts on that.. and wanted to touch on the idea that Apooka would be handling some of it. The problem is, I havent heard back from her in the multitude of times Ive tried.. so Im kinda tripping over that part
Genevieve: Hi marco
MeL: how and what would apooka be handling ?
AFK: Kewl, MeL is back ;-)
Bach Zhaa: do I start without her? Do I wait till she's on board.. etc.
SaintlyMic: Having it in Yellow sounds great!
marcopolo41200: hi genevieve
Genevieve: Is she the CT there?
MaXPoly: yellow dont have ct now
Bach Zhaa: she wants everything and me to let her. I said ok if she was ready to handle it. I havent heard anything
Karten: right, i'd say find an area and go without her
MeL: yup
Bach Zhaa: and yeah Im getting responses that I concur with but I didnt want to go without at least touching on it.
Keshi: i would say don't make the layout overly built to intimidate builders either
TenYearsGone: And if she has a meltdown, have Rick muzzle her
Bach Zhaa: yes.. I think thats an issue as well keshi
Bach Zhaa: I will try lol
MeL: why let her handle anything? thought this was your cup of tea, Bach
Genevieve: Who else hangs out in Yellow? Maybe they could be your contact person.
Bach Zhaa: it is. I wanted to carry the olive branch. I still do. just its frustrating
Keshi: It is always nice to involve the avtive builders in events
MeL: then, do it your way
TenYearsGone: Yeah right... extend your hand and draw back a stump
Iao Moonshadow: Yellow is a great place to hold an EBTS. Certainly appreciate Apooka's work on the texture yard and her own builds. Whatever formalities are needed, but it is a public world
Karten: just do it,
Bach Zhaa: few ppl do.. Ozman wanted to help and be supportive so there's one
Bach Zhaa: :)
Bach Zhaa: and Ive been stumped a few times Ten, but still
Genevieve: Send a bear in first ...
MeL: you want it in yellow. then have it in yellow. you dont need nobody permission or approval. its a public world
Bach Zhaa: anyways, at least I know its being expected
Keshi: Bach you offer the oportunity and say find a meeting time if they show they are in and if not they have to contact you to be in
MaXPoly: america as option and i do have ct there to help
Toxor: hehe Gen
TenYearsGone: I could still do that scale model of Chernobyl
Bach Zhaa: Ive tried Keshi many times. is what it is then.
Iao Moonshadow: albiet would be nice for ebts to have its own world...
Keshi: yes so say we are meeting i Yellow at this location those who wish to help with set up join me at this time and day period
Bach Zhaa: yeah there are all sorts of options. At this point, its own world is down pretty far on the list. It would have to be big enough and that means AWI's input which is unlikely
Keshi: if you can't make it i will talk to you one one one
Bach Zhaa: America is an option but we were there 2 years ago
MaXPoly: k
Keshi: AWI is not going to give away abig world
Karten: not give away, sponsor
MaXPoly: u know u can do here inthe ultra zone
Karten: but unlikely i agree
Bach Zhaa: so then Yellow, Teen, Winter ...winter just is finishing a contest so lets hold that one..
Keshi: same thing to them financially
TenYearsGone: winter is not a bad option, though
MeL: ever had one on Mars?
MaXPoly: ya i got legos contest in the spring too here
Karten: nto with a sponsored world, not quite the same
MeL: that would be a challange
Bach Zhaa: Teen isnt very popular however that wouldnt matter to the planning.. I think it has an awesome path and could use the business
Karten: had one for Mars, that was then transplanted into Mars after the fact
Keshi: just staying in Mars any length of time is a challenge
Iao Moonshadow: yes, and even then awi sponsored worlds that would have been left alone for historical purposes seems out the door lately...
Bach Zhaa: yeah, ebts2 was in mars
MeL: nods'
Bach Zhaa: it went for 8 months lol
MeL: haha
Iao Moonshadow: that was long one...
Bach Zhaa: thought it never end lol
Karten: and that was all sorts of fun moving it into Mars afterward
Keshi: You know Bach if it could be pulled offf the contest in the world Awesome would be neat
Bach Zhaa: lol
MeL: cofmeta - another challange
Bach Zhaa: would
Iao Moonshadow: and they moved stuff around too so teleports in contest builds were messed up. can't fix cause they dropped it from ultra.
Bach Zhaa: Ill check to see who's the CT but Id also want a listing of the path I have no idea whats there..
Karten: which? Meta?
Bach Zhaa: and not sure it even has the prims.. Gen, do you know?
Bach Zhaa: awesome
Karten: ah
Bach Zhaa: Awesome World, that is
Genevieve: I don't think so. I doubt there is an updated copy of the path, unless we could get one from Chris.
Bach Zhaa: yah.. that may be a stretch, but I could ask
Genevieve: I used to have ED rights there but can not access the path.
Karten: and its not idrectly viewable either
MaXPoly: wiill it index
MeL: afk
AFK: MeL is now afk for a bit.
Bach Zhaa: I think Im still ED there as well.. unless thats changed
perra: hb
Karten: no Max it wont
Genevieve: So if that would help you.... can give you those
MaXPoly: k
Genevieve: kk
Bach Zhaa: anyways, Im not sure whats there.. so Yellow is still on the table.
Bach Zhaa: or AWTeen o_o
Genevieve: That world has a good path
Genevieve: Who is CT there?
TenYearsGone: That would be mean, Bach ;)
Bach Zhaa: yes it does its really amazing actually
Bach Zhaa: and no one/AWI
Karten: AWteen presently no CT as i recall
Bach Zhaa: just like yellow tho
MaXPoly: i had access , ill have to test again if still works
Genevieve: Is there a copy of the path?
MaXPoly: before the big move
Bach Zhaa: and we did the EBTS in alpha.. so its not absolutely necessary
Genevieve: A listing...
Karten: i can make an old copylist, dunno if any changes since them, presently AWTeen OP is not listablwe
MaXPoly: reunion
Genevieve: Did Striker have a list?
MaXPoly: full access and support systems
Bach Zhaa: so lets look into Awesome then.. ..come to think of it, we moved so many builds there in the day that its got to have the prims..
Genevieve: Awesome is huge
TenYearsGone: Another "big build" with lots of elbow room? I feel landscapes coming on
Bach Zhaa: we moved a buttload of SW builds, contest builds, advanced alpha builds..
Genevieve: Everyone can have a small world within
Bach Zhaa: erp
Bach Zhaa: kk whats big enough? 200x200 again?
TenYearsGone: that or bigger... I think I kind of filled all the cells last year
Bach Zhaa: like the last EBTS or bigger?
Bach Zhaa: dont need to build that big tho lol
MaXPoly: dont need more than 9
Genevieve: A basic size with room for expansion if some want it
Bach Zhaa: I mean, unless its part of it. size scares some folks
Genevieve: If it gets too big it is intimidating
Steve for Faith: hello everyone
TenYearsGone: but I get claustrophobic on little lots
CoLor: hi
Genevieve: ok, you can have mine
Genevieve: :-p
CoLor: me too Ten
Genevieve: Hi Steve
perra: hi steve
Bach Zhaa: I liked the last.. 200x200 with 200 seperating each site. it felt like your own little world. that be ok for most?
CoLor: I have a question for everyone
Bach Zhaa: sure Color
Wolvie: about Apooka.. whatever world she was wanting to do it in, save it for next time if you don't hear from her. That way she can still follow up on her plans.
CoLor: Has anyone noticed a problem when building with rotating an object
CoLor: you know how when you rotate you do 6 clicks for half rotation
CoLor: and 12 for full rotation
CoLor: the last few days I find it not doing it right
CoLor: and just found it really messes up when I tried a few mins ago
CoLor: click 6 and you go over
Bach Zhaa: she wants it in yellow, wolvie ..thats why this is was touchy.. I wanted yellow too and would be building something myself then
CoLor: try to get it back and it messes up
Wolvie: so leave Yellow for next time
CoLor: anyone else find this?
Wolvie: or whenever she is ready, can always have another contest
Bach Zhaa: Ive been building steady on some things lately color and not noticed a specific issue. Ill keep an eye open for it tho..
TenYearsGone: I was building today, and nothing out of the ordinary happened
CoLor: its happend a couple of times to me this weekend
Wolvie: I can barely build on the computer I'm on Color. I haven't tried.
CoLor: at first I thought I miss counted
TenYearsGone: lag sometimes does it....
CoLor: but just before returning here I definitely saw it happen
Bach Zhaa: kk.. Ill look into awesome world and AWTeen world then. Thats what I wanted to know. It'll be a problem down the road. I feel it.
CoLor: lag?
Kenneth: True Ten
TenYearsGone: Yes, if your machine is lagging it sometimes misses or duplicates keystrokes
Bach Zhaa: not seen the counts mees up.. I know when I have more than a few objects selected, there is a chance they will fly apart and thats kinda odd
Bach Zhaa: when rotated
MaXPoly: cause u didnt reselect aprim on normal axis last
TenYearsGone: Oh, I never rotate multiple objects
Bach Zhaa: usually if I center myself up facing a cardinal direction, that tends to happen less
MaXPoly: always on multi selects unck 1 normal then reck to get new center
CoLor: well it was a single object
MaXPoly: if it dont have 1 make 1
Kenneth: server lag could also jump the gun I think or not do anything
Bach Zhaa: yeah I try that but if some of the selected objects are rotated slightly, they have a tendency to fly apart if Im not centered
CoLor: thanks
CoLor: it just keeps rotating
CoLor: it does 7
CoLor: then when you want to move it back one. it goes two
Kenneth: might be the computer
TenYearsGone: Oh, jeez yes, Bach... remember when Sid had that tiny .01 rotation and NOTHING would line up?
Bach Zhaa: and maybe how far out in alpha you're building
Bach Zhaa: yeah
TenYearsGone: the "reset rotation" button is your friend
Kenneth: yes :)
Bach Zhaa: but at that scale, its hard to get the browser to cooperate.. especially past 10000
Tiffany Lace: HI Tabitha
Bach Zhaa: (coords)
Bach Zhaa: so if you're building at like 18000 or something in alpha.. rotations have bugs :\
Kenneth: wow
CoLor: never had it before
Bach Zhaa: anything past 10000 is a problem
Kenneth: ok
EphemeralKenshin: Hello everyone This is my first time in this game.
Bach Zhaa: been talked about a few times.. Kuma mentioned it quite a few times
Kenneth: Hi EphemeralKenshin
Toxor: Welcome Ephemeral
perra: Hi EphemeralKenshin
Genevieve: Welcome Ephemeral
Keshi: hi
Bach Zhaa: Im not sure this is what your newest issue is tho Color.. just I know there are other things as well
Bach Zhaa: *if you're out that far*
Genevieve: Good time to visit Ephemeral, we are having a community meeting.
MaXPoly: its not a game
Iao Moonshadow: oh snap....
Bach Zhaa: so umm...
Keshi: Iy is a VR experience
Bach Zhaa: hey Ephe :) welcome to AW
Keshi: Iy=IT
Gremot: . Color , look at the objects Rotation settings (numbers) in the editor when you're rotating, . 6 clicks should change 90 for that Axis (x or y or z), see if that shows correctly when you test
Bach Zhaa: I did want to quickly mention that the Candyland game recently had its Big Winner in the Candy Contest :D
Genevieve: Yes, last night!
Bach Zhaa: Congratulations to Maxpoly for the big win!!!
Bach Zhaa: YAY!!!
Kenneth: awesome
perra: yayyy
Genevieve: wtg Max :-)
Keshi: WTG
TenYearsGone: MaX won a year's worth of free dentistry
Iao Moonshadow: congrats Maxpoly! so where'd you hide the candy
Bach Zhaa: you are the proud owner of a $25 dollar gift certificate to See's Candies
Kenneth: wow coooool
Toxor: wtg Max
MaXPoly: i ate 1 lb already
Tiffany Lace: you like it tabitha?
MaXPoly: 1 day
Genevieve: And we started a new contest for VAalentine's candy.
Bach Zhaa: ..and thanks to Genevieve for the wonderful donation :D
Keshi: sweet
MaXPoly: very
Bach Zhaa: We have started round 2 :o
MaXPoly: have 1
Tiffany Lace: Guess we get drunk here huh tabitha lol
perra: lol
Bach Zhaa: ..a Valentines day Candy contest :D woot
Keshi: ok we are down to the last 20 minute of the meeting and I have a couple things to say . May I ?
MaXPoly passes box from sees out
Bach Zhaa: sure Keshi, go ahead
Keshi: First I apologize for the Explorers CLub not meeting. I havea builder that i wish to focus on and we have just started talking about when it can be hels .. The club may meet at a special time not our usual but will keep all informed.
Keshi: I hope to do this early January
Keshi: Next Wings3d classes
Keshi: I am going to approach this class differently thatn previous ones
Keshi: So this has me making new classes to add in and hopefully make the experience more meaning ful
Keshi: I will post in my world A!!Vines Teleport center a listing of all who have so far told me they want to take the class
Keshi: If you are not sure if you have let me know please gram me
Chalcedony Mao: Sign me up, Keshi!
Toxor: Looking forward to it Keshi
Keshi: It looks like the days of the classes will be Sunday , Tuesday or THursday
Keshi: This will be determined by who can attend
Bach Zhaa: very cool :D
Iao Moonshadow: what would students need to be prepared?
Keshi: and i am considering two separate classes that willnot necessarily be taught at the same speed as some of those wanting to take class have experience others do not
Bach Zhaa: yah.. I train well, but never done it
Keshi: There will be a letter going out to those who sign up
Kenneth: It's a good program to use, I've used it in the past.
Keshi: then dates set and classes filled
Iao Moonshadow: yea, fun program
Bach Zhaa: so how should ppl get in touch with you? Find out whats planned?
Keshi: but important to let me know
Keshi: i am thinking to be sure we are all able to atten the date willb egin in February I will not put off beyond that first week to star
Keshi: tt
Keshi: grams in here
Bach Zhaa: kk
Bach Zhaa: Telegram Keshi, if the least bit interested :)
Keshi: annoucements will be made with help on myaw and in facebook
Keshi: The program down load of wings will be the version at the school in the self help here in winter
Bach Zhaa: Thanks Keshi I know they went over well in the past. I know your a good teacher and its definately something to look forward to cool
Keshi: the class will be done differntly than most of thiose in the school so far
Keshi: program and classes are free so let me know
perra: *******
MaXPoly: lol
SlowChems: >_>
Bach Zhaa: Hey Kenneth.. I heard you been working on your AW Museum anything you want to tell us?
Bach Zhaa: ;D
Kenneth: Yes, thank you Bach....
Kenneth: The AW Museum started around 6 months ago when AW turned 20 years old. It has now grown to around 6 domes with 100's of teleports to great builds from the years 1995 to nowadays. I want to thank everyone who has contributed and to those that have
Kenneth: gone there... It is now winding down but there's still tons of space left for the 2001 and On dome so if anyone has a great build teleport they wish to be in it, from 2001 to today, please telegram me the coords and I will put it in there along w
Kenneth: with your name.
Kenneth: Thanks
Iao Moonshadow: wow nice, fun to go through a place of historical teleports. thanks Kenneth
perra: yu buddy
perra: ty
Bach Zhaa: Thank you Kenneth some great works there. Its quite an asset
Kenneth: :) It has been my pleasure.
Kenneth: Thanks Bach :)
Bach Zhaa: There is a teleport to it right at the LZ folks be sure to check it out
Kenneth: :)
Bach Zhaa: umm also something very cool that rose to the top lately..
Bach Zhaa:
Bach Zhaa: Its facebook.. Hold ctrl and click but what an awesome map of Stanly's area in America world
Bach Zhaa: wow
Kenneth: awesome :)
Toxor: oh yeah Intramuros
Iao Moonshadow: very cool
Bach Zhaa: he says 60 pics or something stiched together..
Bach Zhaa: wow
Karten: very cool map of his build
TenYearsGone: nice
Toxor: cool
Bach Zhaa: I love maps. I wish they were built in but they arent. when I see one, I get all goose-pimply lol
Kenneth: wow
Chalcedony Mao: Oh man, I miss the AW mapper even more now :D
Bach Zhaa: yes I do 2
Bach Zhaa: This is in america world. just count his ships even lol
Iao Moonshadow: doing what he loves and he does it very well
Karten: he does
Bach Zhaa: next, I hear Happy Valley got some recent updates? new trolleys, lots of new homes.. I flew through and looks like quite a bit of development happening
Bach Zhaa: so go check that out.. umm.. anyone else have something, someone to add?
TenYearsGone: Well, the Minnie Loop trolley line now makes a complete loop, so no matter where you start, you will always get back there if you keep riding the trolleys
TenYearsGone: no more fear of getting lost
Bach Zhaa: lol
perra: goodnight everyone bedtime.. hugs bye
Kenneth: bye Perra
MaXPoly: nn perra'
perra: waves bye
Genevieve: Sleep well perra
Keshi: If you want to go to wings3d school you can just type wiings3d in chat here
Bach Zhaa: very cool should have a ride in spend all day on the rails getting drunk or something
Iao Moonshadow: night perra
Bach Zhaa: ..and lastly, anyone heard of the cit Dornford ..he showed yup to say Hi today.. :)
Bach Zhaa: just good gossip, that lol
Kenneth: the animated JPG signs lol
Bach Zhaa: uh huh
Bach Zhaa: he updated his pic btw.. how nice of him lol
Kenneth: I tried adding it to the FB group but my antivirus program said it's bad lol
Iao Moonshadow: oooh, i remember dorford. lol
Bach Zhaa: all christmassy now
Kenneth: lol
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